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League of Legends (LoL) Question: why am i bad

Posted in Champions | Tags: Brand 3,996

  • mojorboske

    why am i bad

    im a dumpster
  • Answers (3)

    orrvaa (41) | July 27, 2017 3:45pm
    You bad because you start from the point you are a dumpster and that mean you will stay a dumpster.

    So lets change it.
    League of legends is hard game especially in the start, there is so much you need to know to be good in the game

    1) first of all know champions, what are they doing, what they can do, what they can't do. All of the champions, yours, your allies and the enemies.
    2) you need to be skilled with the champion you are playing, it mean to learn what to buy, what combos do he have and be able to do the things you want to do in the correct time.
    3) you need to learn the macro playing: laning (CSing),to go for objectives (towers, inhibs, dragon, baron, sometime even red and blue buff) , when to split, when to group, and so on

    This are the main things you need to learn to be a good player,

    You can do it by practice, read guilds, watch other players games, watch so streamers and youtubers and so on.

    If you have any specific question will be easier to answer
    LukiniAlkazeel | August 1, 2017 1:17am
    Either you win or you learn.
    GrovyleGrove (3) | July 28, 2017 9:07pm
    While I cannot give any advice, being a more-so new player myself, I can reassure you with a supportive *pat* *pat*. Hope that helped!:D
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