League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why do people build Warmog's Armor on Garen?
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Warmog's Armor

Why do people build Warmog's Armor on Garen?
I have seen a few guides that suggest Warmog's on Garen, but I don't understand why Garen needs Warmog's when he has Perseverance. Isn't Spirit Viasage good enough for HP regen? Seems like a waste to build Warmog's on Garen since Warmog's doesn't come with any armor or magic resist. Any other defensive option just seems better. Can anyone please explain this to me?
To top that off, it's too easy to shut down warmog's passive, whereas garen's perseverance lets you farm, for example, which makes the whole having to wait till you're full hp again actually an option (before that, even with warmog's it's not really better than going back to base). The point is, warmog is optimal late game, when garen already outclasses the passive by a longshot.
I think the point is that garen doesn't need any more out of combat regen, since his passive is already better than warmog's (and after level 16, warmog's passive is unnoticeable).
you restore full hp in like 5-10 seconds when out of combat