League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why doesn't Dr. Mundo get Warmog's when he jungles?
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Dr. Mundo
Warmog's Armor

Why doesn't Dr. Mundo get Warmog's when he jungles?
None of the top rated Jungle
Dr. Mundo guides have him getting
Warmog's Armor, but all of the
Dr. Mundo lane guides have him getting at least one, sometimes two or three.
How come you don't get
Warmog's Armor when you jungle as
Dr. Mundo?

How come you don't get

You could still get it later in the game or if you have gotten a lot of successful ganks. Still getting easier to build / more cost effective items such as
Consider that two giants belts give you 60 hp less for 1000 less gold.
A jungler that really really really wants hp (like Mundo, although I don't really like a TON of hp items on him) would be better off saving that 1000 gold for wards/oracles/gp10 items etc.
However, with FoN's old passive being added onto Warmog's, maybe we'll see it being a core item on Mundo?
The s3 decreased the cost of warmog by a tiny bit so we might see people changing their mind about the jungle build order. But to be very fair and with all respect to them, the build order of top rated Mundo is not exactly the holy bible.
@friendly pony : I kind of agree with Mr Cuddowls in that way : early game you have 600 health and 30 of each resist, if you get 200hp it's 260 effective, a lot cheaper than 40 armor + 40 mr. Late game this depend of your build but if you go for health first you have 3k hp and 50 in each resist so it's cheaper to buy 50 of each resist for 1.5k effective than 1k base hp. That's why my guide make you 200 armor and mr and 3500 hp when full build but focuses on health early game.
Health scales better early game BECAUSE you get a lot of it by leveling while resistance not so much, BUT you are right too in saying you max effective hp by buying BOTH : in the case you go for resistance first and have resistance late game already, you need health. Health scale better early but isn't just an early stat, it's also good when you have raw resistances and want to capitalize on it.
Pure hp is bad. This is correct.
Pure MR is bad. This is correct.
Pure Armor is bad. This is correct.
If you can't even understand what I'm saying when I give you facts, I don't see why the hell I should waste time telling you what is correct. For all I care you can keep building wrong.
Your post is wrong. Contrary to your belief, building 2 thornmails and 4 Warmogs does not give you that much effective hp. Neither do the rest of your builds. They each give about 22k effective hp and in fact building 4 thornmails gives you the least amount of effective hp out of that group. In fact, building 4 warmogs gives you the most effective hp with mixed giving you the second highest.
And in fact your 'full armor' build gives 10k less effective hp then any of those other options you gave lol. Like, just look at what the builder is saying about the effective hp. It's there for a reason. Read it. It's right. You're not. This is just proving my point. All of your calculations to prove me wrong are just proving my point.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if you're going to argue with me at least get your facts straight so you can argue correctly...
Pony it would probably help things if you didn't come off so smug with your initial replies.
Typically the strongest stats for a late game tank are health+armor combined with item passives that reduce the DPS of the enemy carry (FH and RO, to be precise). I don't think you can simply say "health falls off" or "resistances fall off" late game. I would agree that resists are more potent before the enemy carries complete their major pen item(s), but I still think it's a valuable stat. As a late game tank I'd probably shoot for 4k hp and ~250 armor, but I'm no mathcrafter.
I think you're pretty childish and lack quite a bit of social manners to think so highly of your self
Now in terms of your little theory, ill show you right now.
Full armor
Effective Health: 16000+
DONE, The highest attainable amount of health in the game is 14652
I just busted that, building PURE ARMOR, for 6k less gold then if you were to build health
Oh but you prolly want me to elaborate further because you just cant understand.
2 Thornmail, 4 Wargmog
Effective health: 24755
3 Thornmail, 3 Warmog
Effective health: 26597
Break even point? NO
2 Warmog, 4 Thornmail
Effective Health: 25823
I just built majority armor and beat your theory if you still want to spout **** now it will be ignored
Thank you for reading and i'll see you next time folks
Early game, you get more effective hp by building armor or MR. However once you build 300 armor, you gain a lot less effective hp when you build 50 more armor then say 500 hp. This is why guides usually recommend getting 150-200 armor and MR, because it is at this point that hp starts becoming more effective then building more armor or mr. Someone who has JUST armor or JUST MR or JUST HP does not have an optimized effective hp stat. You always want to have a good mix of each stat, except in some games where you only need MR or Armor.
For example, you have 4 Thornmail's. Your effective hp is around 7k. You add another Thornmail, you gain an effective hp of around 1000. Instead of that Thornmail, you buy a Warmogs. You gain an effective hp of nearly 4k. With about 1000 more gold, you quadrupled your effective hp gain. This is the same situation with MR, and this is what I mean when I say that hp is more effective then armor or mr in increasing your effective hp lategame, after you've reached a certain amount of resistances.
Also, I don't appreciate your attitude and would appreciate if you toned it down a bit. Contrary to your belief I'm not behaving like a child and if anything it would be you who is doing so. Have a nice day. :)
Over 16000 Effective health
Educate your self before you spout useless **** please
Lets see now
If someone has 3000 health and 200 armor it will take 9000 physical damage to kill them
That is all you need to understand, if you're going to go about this like an ignorant child than I dont care anymore
Im telling you right now, its ALOT easier to get 200 armor and 3000 health than to somehow build 9000 health.
Try to have some idea of what your talking about before you say something, armor and magic resist scale best into the late game
Case closed
What I said is true, health does not scale well into the mid - late game