League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why Is Annie Weak?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Annie 6,307
Why Is Annie Weak?
I know that the META doesn't really favor annie, but i think she is still pretty good. First of all, she got a really nice last hit help with her Q. It really helps her when ahe is outpushed since she doesn'treally have a nice waveclear. Her, W, well, it has a pretty high damage. Her E helps her a lot against ADC and auto attacker. Her R just makes assassin want to avoid her for some times. Her passive gives a lot of teamfight presence and also enable her to survive from ganks. Her base damage and AP ratio is pretty high. Her auto attack range enable her to poke a bit, especially against Yasuo. Buying Zhonya will help her fighting against her worst enemies, assassin.I think she is a bit underrated for her power.
Really, I can't answer your question exactly because she isn't weak. People still do play her often. Heck, a challenger player called Annie Bot mains Annie and is now one of the highest rated in NA. He's pretty much proved that Annie is in a decent spot and can very much be played.
Enjoyment is a big factor in whether or not people play a champion. Annie is a very simple and honestly, a bit boring of a champion. Remember that people play games to have fun. If someone isn't fun, then they won;t be played as much as the champions that are fun.
The other one is the mobility. She isn't a safe laner, and a ganking jungler makes... I won't go there out of her. Assassins such as Zed and LeBlanc pretty much destroy her, and other longer range mages such as Azir and Xerath also give her trouble. In the bot lane, the disengage supports that are very popular right now ( Nami and Janna) also don't help her cause.
Take this with a grain of salt, but I can see Annie making a resurgence again. With the jungle whooping almost every junglers ***, and all the ones that do survive the jungle not being very adept gankers until 6, I can definitely see her being played. We simply need to meta to shift a bit so Annie can make her appearance.
Check her winrate, she's insanely good unless she's against Syndra
But, imho, she's still really stronk. I spectated two matches in D1 where both of the Annies were fed and carried. So it's up to your skill in the end, and your matchups.