Why is Jhin bad?
Asked by Yasutsuna on February 17, 2018
I remembered back when Jhin was first released (I stopped playing at that time and came back wlast month), he was picked in LCS and just went full Lethality. How did he suddenly went from top tier all the way down to the bottom?
Was it because of the lethality nerf?
Lethality items aren't in too bad a spot right now, but there are a lot of slow games at the moment, often involving some beefy frontliners like
I think Jhin is fine in solo queue and/or in games where the enemy team comp isn't super front-line heavy and safe. He did just get a small buff to his ultimate recently which is pretty nice. He's just not a hypercarry, so he can't fulfill the same role as some of these popular scaling ADCs like