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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why is Jhin played with Doran's Ring nowadays?

Tags: Doran's Ring Jhin 7,873

  • polishrandom

    Why is Jhin played with Doran's Ring nowadays?

    When I've come up against Jhins in Gold 5 I've found many playing Doran's ring on him and I'm quite curious why, if someone would consider answering me that would be awesome
  • Answers (2)

    oWMellow (8) | August 5, 2017 2:54pm
    Hey Polishrandom! It's mainly for the first minutes of the game and for the mana sustain. If you get every cs in a wave it gives you 24 Mana what's half of your grenade cost. You can push like crazy with it and spam your abilities, which is important with Jhin because of his passive. Apart from all of this Dancing Grenade scales with the 60% of your ap damage, so, you can spam and do more damage. Jhin isn´t the only champion (ADC) that starts with Doran's Ring in this meta but the most popular. Is viable too with Miss Fortune and Ezreal.
    polishrandom | August 6, 2017 3:27am
    Thanks for the response :)
    oWMellow (8) | August 5, 2017 2:54pm
    Hope it helps you btw^^
    NovaMba (3) | August 6, 2017 12:36pm
    Hi there,

    The dorans ring is mostly used on Lethality jhin, since Lethality is the new way of playing Jhin.
    The reason of picking up dorans ring is as being said before; More spells.
    basically you're playing caster jhin.
    your early is weaker in my opinion. but you can spam your abilities more.
    i personally still prefer the blade. it gives you way better sustain health wise.
    when you get a dorans ring, your weak spot is trading. since you lose your flat damage and lifesteal.

    Goodluck on finding your sweet spot! (TAKE THE BLADE :3)
    NovaMba (3) | August 7, 2017 2:56am
    No problem buddy ^^ (TAKE THE BLADE)
    polishrandom | August 6, 2017 6:12pm
    Thanks for the response :)

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    polishrandom | August 7, 2017 2:53am
    Get off MobaFire....
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