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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why is there no mobafore app already?

Posted in General 1,466

  • Canpse

    Why is there no mobafore app already?

    Why is it 2022 already and there is still no app for the best website for build guides? Or a website that works well on the fone at the very least... This is shamefull
  • Answers (3)

    mikerooney | September 15, 2023 2:16am
    Thanks for sharing informative post. It is one of the best site that I have visited. Hope you will share more quality blog posts thank you. The Warriors Vest
    run3donlineaz | November 22, 2022 1:31am
    Just pure brilliance from you here. I have never expected something less than this from you and you have not disappointed me at all. I suppose you will keep the quality work going on. run 3
    Tauricus2017 (120) | November 16, 2022 4:51am
    Hi there!
    I totally understand your frustrations with this issue. However, keep in mind that not that many players actually need it. LoL assistants (Porofessor, Blitz, Facecheck, etc.) will take a big hit when the new season arrives as Riot plans to restrict their usefulness severely. So PC apps are no longer going to be as impactful. When it comes to mobile apps, I don't think that many people are actually browsing this site on their phones. Usually, people just enter a queue, pick a champion, alt-tab to their browser to find a quick MFN guide, and when the game begins they alt-tab back. People that actively browse through the site on their phones are a really small minority as far as I can tell.

    But that doesn't mean Mobafire isn't making the mobile environment more viewer-friendly. Perhaps it will make you feel better knowing that the Mobafire admin team recently introduced new mobile-friendly coding techniques. A lot of guide authors are actually making great use of it. Take a look at Citric's Shyvanna guide or Blue Imperial's Rell guide. Browsing through guides like these on your mobile will feel like a breeze of fresh air :)
    Have a great day <3
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