Why isn't Cho'Gath built AP?
Asked by Kablo_Noreyino on February 28, 2013
I mean, his Q has 1.0 AP Ratio, his W and R have 7.0 (plus R with 300-650 True damage) and his autoattacks can hit 3.0 to everyone in the tf... So why is everybody building RoA and letting it there?
People build Rod of Ages because Cho'Gath excels at being an off-tank. In a health stacking meta, why wouldn't you?
Granted, it is all based on play-style. I don't play Cho'Gath as he isn't my style.
Full AP cho'gath is basically just an ap mid burst champ. low mobility but insane burst. Hard to aim though.
full tank cho gath is built without AP because the AP is very counter-intuitive to cho'gath's role as a tank. as a tank cho wants to be a disrupter so he focuses on tankiness + CDR. Effectiveness is greatly decreased when you purchase ap.
This is known as the Rod of Ages