Why so much players play Janna as support especialy in high elo?
Asked by orrvaa on July 20, 2017
I am main support, because i saw alot of players play Janna i started too.
played her for something like 10 games. but i don't find anything special about her, why is she so popular, what should i focus when playing her?
Learn how to use her Q to peel off aggressive supports like Thresh. Get good at predicting incoming damage so you can shield your ADC in time to prevent them from taking damage. Or predicting when your ADC is going to go aggressive and trade with their opponent so you can shield them for the bonus AD and shield so they win the trade. When to slow someone and when to ult are also important, but if you get the first two down your ADC is going to love you forever.
You almost never charge up Q, just tap it for the knockup. The only time I'd consider charging it is if there are a lot of people in one choke and they're guaranteed to get hit by it.
Also one of the reasons the shield is strong is the AD it gives. It's not the strongest defensive ability in the game, but it's quite good for trading.
She's not actually popular in high high elo (dia1+) because she doesn't have any lane pressure outside of her E though.