League of Legends (LoL) Question: Will we see Azir and the new Sion in the next season of LCS?
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Will we see Azir and the new Sion in the next season of LCS?
So far,
Gnar has been neglected of nay LCS play, and I believe that is due to his unreliability, which pretty much everyone predicted would happen. The uncontrollable transform is just really unappealing to LCS players.
But, lets look at our two most recent champs:
Azir and
Sion (yes, Sion isn't new, but he also is......now...in a way).
I feel, come next season, Azir will see a TON of LCS play, and might be one of the most sought after mid lane champs. With the current meta revolving around team coordination and rotation, Azir's zone control could dictate the movement of the other team. He works well with both an engage and disengage team, and can stop a siege all on his own.
Oh yeah, there's one other thing about him that I feel will make him extremely valuable to LCS players: HE CAN REBUILD A DOWNED TURRET!!! Even one that was not originally his own!
As for the new Sion, yes, we have yet to see any gameplay come out of him, but I believe he would work extremely well with those teams that love to be in the face of their opponents constantly. Build a hard engage team around him, and...well...good luck at either keeping your team or turrets alive.
What are you guy's opinion on these 2?

But, lets look at our two most recent champs:

I feel, come next season, Azir will see a TON of LCS play, and might be one of the most sought after mid lane champs. With the current meta revolving around team coordination and rotation, Azir's zone control could dictate the movement of the other team. He works well with both an engage and disengage team, and can stop a siege all on his own.
Oh yeah, there's one other thing about him that I feel will make him extremely valuable to LCS players: HE CAN REBUILD A DOWNED TURRET!!! Even one that was not originally his own!
As for the new Sion, yes, we have yet to see any gameplay come out of him, but I believe he would work extremely well with those teams that love to be in the face of their opponents constantly. Build a hard engage team around him, and...well...good luck at either keeping your team or turrets alive.
What are you guy's opinion on these 2?
I don't like
He may be a good champion, but his buglist is so extensive that I doubt anyone will be good with him till he see's some fixes.
A compiled buglist: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2hh63a/bug_azir_bug_list_as_of_417/