Worst Champion Ever?
Asked by iNibbsy on October 6, 2014
I was always curious who people thought was the worst lol champion. Personally I thought Skarner, but I was curious what everyone else thought. I started to think that Azir was the worst, but Skarner is still the worst in my books.
In my opinion the new Cassiopeia is just terrible, they took away everything that she had going (the constant ability spam, nice scalings, etc.) and turned her into a dumb stacking gimmicky champion.
Urgot is mostly forgotten but is also in rough spot, i wouldn't call him bad, but surely needs some tweaks.
I play Morde top ALOT. I know his weaknesses, his strengths, who he is good against, and who is horrible against. I know what he can bring to a team fight, and what potential he has when hes outnumbered. But I only know this because I have so much experience on him. Ive seen other people try it, and fail miserably, because they dont know what to do.
This also plays into the pro play as well. Look at Hai from Cloud 9. When he is playing a champion he is comfortable on, like Zed, he not only carries his team, he damn right owns! However, if hes forced onto a champ that he doesnt have alot of experience with like Talon, his performance drops considerably, even though he is playing a champ who was very strong with the meta.
Champion kits have alot less to do with how powerful a champ is compared to player experience on that champ. Urgot has the lowest win rate of any champion, but I'll bet you anything that there is someone out there who has mastered every little detail about him, and has a 70% or higher win rate with him.7