spells flesh + ignite, ghoust, runes - you can take second wind. In this match you need to play agresive with the goal to force him lose stack or xp. Because he is the late game champ, so the longer game goes the stronger he became. His fly great escape so try to atack him while you have second q stack. If lvl 1 he playing agresive, and you have pta you can go e start and punish him, but remember to stack your e 2 times before jumping on him. Nul magic if it's hard for you. If he q's you move around him.
spells flesh + ignite, runes - you can take second wind. Play around her passive stack, when she has 4 stack, the next her ability will stun you. First lvl 1-2 if she is agresive don't be afraid to get the stun, because she has only 1-2 spell so she can stack passive very fast and you can punish her for that. After 6 she became more dangerous because she deal a lot of dmg with full combo. Her passive very good for gunk setup, so you need to know where the enemy jung is after lvl 2-3, or when you going for trade. Nul magic if it's hard for you.
Disgusting mutchup, because good azir will never come close to you and always poke you with his solders. spells flesh + ignite, runes - you can take second wind. With PTA and your passive you should win almost every short trade, so don't be afraid and go for it. After lvl 3, remember, so you need to bait his q(when his solders moving to some location), without it he dead, punish him. If you afraid of baiting his q then you need to freeze close to you tower and then dash to him, not on him because they always save they dash to escape, so you need to use your dash on him after his dash or at the same time. You can windwall his ult but it's not easy. Simply put, you need to put wall between you and him with a bit of some space . Remember after 6: 1)never go on his half of the road when there is no ally minion near the tower, he can just ult you under his tower and chunk you, 2) when he low on hp( you will see that he standing still, a bit far from his tower, and usually leting you hit him with q and ult, but after that ult you under his tower and pick up a kill. You can go for it if - 1.you know how to block his ult, 2. he has high bounty, 3. just quick use flash. if not then not recomended. Nul magic if it's hard for you.
Go Fleet if you not confident. Skill mutchup.spells flesh + ignite. You can try and take exhaust but for me it's hard to time it perferct, so I prefer ignite because she still one shot you with her full combo, with ignite you have kill pressure. Her shroud is a probrem but has big cd. When she use it don't fight, fight after the shroud. She always will try to activate his passive (going back and after start to spin around her head) and deal good dmg to you( don't let her doing this, you will lose the trade). At first 2-3 lvl you beat her if you don't let her chunk you with her passive and will not fight in the shround. Remember her q consume 50-60% of her bar, so after using it 2-3 time she will no longer be able to use them untill full bar, use it to chunk her a lot or even kill her. WIth 1 item and after lvl 6 she will one shot you most of the time, feel free to use your ult just to deal some dmg and retreat. Nul magic if it's hard for you.
Skill mutchup. spells flesh + exhaust. Lvl 1-2 you beat him up. chunk him and don't let last hit for free. use exhaust when he dash at you and kill him.
Skill mutchup. spells flesh + ignite maybe exhaust. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh or revil. Need to bait his spells and then go for good chunk of him, especially lvl 1-3, so you can be very agresive lvl 1-2, just don't get hit by second part of his jump( e out), remember with him it's the same as with lux they sometimes will try to use they spell behind you for hit, so just e forward after lvl 6 became problem if you don't know how to play vs him. Remember all caster deal dmg only through they spell after that they are very weak so you can go for a trade or all in. Nul magic if it's hard for you. Your w block his ult.
.spells flesh + ignite, exhaust, runes - you can take second wind. Not hard to deal as long as you don't take to much dmg lvl 1-2. You can try to go for a trade lvl 2 only if you will be able to dodge his q, if he hoock to a wall you have 2 option;
1- immediately retreat, because while he is spinning he will deal masive dmg to you
2- fast e dash + wall
(your w)behind him so he will get hit by you and stop, then kill him or force flash. After boots or first item run him down, if you are even,
spells flesh + ignite, ghoust, exhaust. runes - you can take second wind. Not hard if you know how to e, and use your shield wall. Yes it's sound easy but no... In the game you need to predict when he is going to use his spell on you and use shield before it. Remember his pasive allows him to stun you if you get hit by his q when your are on fire. so try to block it. After 6 he can chunk very mutch if you allow him to stun you, learn how to dodge or time you w.
Skill mutchup. spells flesh. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. If you want you can go exhaust because after 6 it's huge help with his dmg, especially if he's ahead, so you can save your life or teammatess. He is weak until lvl 6, use it for denying minions and going for trade, just try not to get hit by his q for free,and go for trade every time he going for last hit, because after he use his spells he is useless. Ater 3 became skillreliant. Remember you need be wary of his shadows, it's his main tool to combo you or escape without it, you can hard punish him, go for it. If hard, you always can start the trade with him by e to minion then w in front of him, e to him or on him and go for trade. This can help you to deny a lot of his dmg from shadows and q. If you can predict his spell then just bait his shadow on you e behind him and kill him( if he doesn't respect yasuo). After 6 always hold exhaust for his ult, after ult wait 1-2 sec and then exhaust him to negetive part of his dmg. When he ult you he always apear behind you, with correct timing of your tornado you can ult him too, and deny the rest of his dmg. Learn to timining your fights with you passive, huge help. After bork or kraken if you are even you can beat him 1v1, just use w to deny some of his dmg. Hard ping whenever he is roaming.
Tricky matchup. Skill mutchup. . spells flesh +exhaustor ignite. Runes - go fleet take boneplat, overgrowh
The deal about her it if you will be able to dodge her q, if yes then go on her and beat her up lvl 1-2. After 3 you can try to e on minios so you can bait her shield then e back, after few second go for trade, but remeber it's dengerous to fight in minions wave without w. Learn to timining your fights with you passive, huge help. After 6 became a bit dangerous, but after bork if you are even and you bait her shield you can beat her 1v1. Nul magic if it's hard for you.
Disgusting mutchup, before shieldbow rework you beat him up, but now it's hard to deal with good mal. spells flesh + ignite, runes - pta and fleet both good here + you can take second wind and unflinching. you can have quicksilver in this matchup, because after 6. if you make big mistake he will stun and kill you, especialy if he has 1 item. If you are confident in your yasuo you can not buy it. Learn how to dodge his skill shot and you are good pre 6. After 6, you can all in if you have more than 70-80% of your health just to be sure that he will not kill you. If he starting to go forward to you without any reason back, go back, because usually it's mean that jng is near and he wants to ult, be ready to use your flesh if he use his.
Skill mutchup. spells flesh + ignite Runes pta and fleet both good here - take boneplat, overgrowh. Not hard machup if you know how to play around her passive. Simple saying, never fight her when her passive is active, only if she has 10-30% of her health or you have items and lvl lead. Lvl 1 try to atack minions so they will not die at the same time, this way she won't be able to stack her passive and you can go for a trade. Your w protect you from her e and ult. After she buy bork be careful of her all in
( by quick stack passive), if you let her sit on you she will probably kill you 1v1.
Tricky matchup. Skill mutchup. pta and fleet both good here spells flesh +exhaustor ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh or revil or unflinching. Whole game depend from if you can deal with his POWDER KEG. If yes you easy beat him, if not...well. you will feel a lot of pain. Remember he is a melee champ, so in order do destroy keg he need use his q or walk up with auto. You can try to timing to block his q with windwall and destroy keg by yourself, if done corect you can go for a good trade or even kill him. His w negative your ult so try 1.to ult him fast( then you teleport to him and deal some dmg) or 2. bait with your e and then ult( you e with q stack on him, he start to think that you going for an ult and using his w) after that just throw you tornado at him and ult.
pta and fleet both good here. Skill match up. Yes, almost every one will say that she is no threat to yasuo, but don't get fooled, good Kat will beat you up. The main problem about her is when she have Electrocute, in this case she always go for a short trade, until you low enough for her to kill you
( 40-60%, depends mostly from how much hp does she has ), so you have to respect that.
Dark Harvest - problem only if she get enough stack, until then she is useless. If she has another runes setup it's much easier. Remember good kat never throw her daggers at you first, after lvl 3. because of your wall, insted she e to you(appear behind you), auto w+q and e out( something like that). It's hard to deal with this combo. But I recomend you, the moment she e to you e to enemy minios out of her daggers range(when she pick up the dagger she deal AoE dmg), wait a little and then you can try to go for a trade, but still be ready to block her q, if done properly you can deal a lot of dmg to her or even kill. Hard ping whenever she is roaming. With pta if you manged rich to her she dead.
pta and fleet both good here, spells flesh + ignite or ghoust. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. pre 6 you win the trade as long as you don't get hit for free. Try to punish him lvl 1-2 for every last hit he will try. After 3 be aware of his stack, at full stack he can deal masive dmg chunk to you so be carefull.
(he will start to make noise) After 6 pretty much imposible to kill without bork passive. Hard ping whenever he is roaming.
Prefer fleet. Skill mutchup. spells flesh +exhaust or ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. The problem about him, is his passive, the more passive he has the more likely he will crit( just imagine all his auto crit at lvl 1-3). So when you are facing him you need to play agresive first 1-2 lvl, don't let him get minions for free. because at first lvl he does not have enough of his bar, without it he is not a threat. After 6 never all in if he has ult
( have long cd) as long as you: does not have good hp advantage over him; he is very low;
you know that you will not die to him and can escape from his ult.
pta and fleet both good here. spells flesh +exhaust, ghosut pr ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh.
After lv 2 you beat her as long as you don't get free hits from her or minions. After 6 be aware of her ult(deal AoE dmg) , so try to bait it and kill her after. Late game champ after lvl 11 became a real problem who can carry the game if you don't find a way to gap close to her, your w blocking her range dmg. Bork help against her a lot. Usually can build both ad and ap items.
Better fleet. Skill mutchup.spells flesh + ignite. Runes - take second wind, overgrowh. One of my ban. If she is good, she will make you game hell. If you are even then you have a chance. She usually start with w, and will try to jump on you, if you have you passive up just q on her and deal some dmg to her( your passive will negetave dmg), after lvl 2 you can try e to her after she w on you, after lvl 3 try to dodge her e or block it.
Realy hard matchup. You need to play very good in order to win the lane. spells flesh + ignite or exhaust. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. They usually start with q, in this case try not to let him get minions for free lvl 1, and dodge sweet spot of his q, after lvl 2 if get e, it became realy dangerous to play. Never go for a long trade only short one with your passive up. Against him you want to bait his e, always dodge sweet spot of his q
( you can e on him or e out), and never have more than 3 stack of his passive. After you get 1-2 item became easier but one mistake and you are dead.
Fleet . spells flesh + ignite, runes - you can take second wind and unflinching.First lvl 1-3 if she is agresive don't be afraid to start e and play agresive. Remember her w will stun you; you can use your w to block her e. So you can try to freeze near you tower, e to minions next to her and get hit by her w, e on her and w behind her so she can't use her e and if she will not use flesh she is dead. But good Lis will use e right after w so you need to find a way to e behind and use w before you get stuned( hard but posible) After 6 she became more dangerous because her ult good for gunk setup, escape and killing you( quicksilver can help with her), so you need to know where the enemy jung is after lvl 2-3, or when you going for trade. Nul magic if it's hard for you.
pta and fleet both good here. spells flesh + ignite, runes - you can take second wind and unflinching.First lvl 1-3 play safe. Remember when her passive up, her next ability will fear you, and she full combo you. Nul magic if it's hard for you. So try to bait her passive after lvl 3 or 2. Good Vex will most likely just scale and hold her passive for her w, until you go for a trade, but it's a rare case, so do you best to dodge her spells. and then go for a trade like with any other mage, and repeat, After 6 you can use your ult just to deal dmg, not to kill, and use your w to block her ult.
pta and fleet both good here. spells flesh + ignite, runes - you can take second wind and unflinching. Remember her q can stun you, if you can bait it out, you can go for a good trade. Never all in her when her passive up and she near her tower and the enemy jung is near, you can easy die for it, not worth. After 6 she most likely just use her ult to clear the wave, so you can be the only one who initiate trade. You can e out of her wall. Right click on her and see if her passive on cd or already active before all in.
This matchup either be easy, or hard depends from you. spells flesh + ignite, runes - you can take second wind and unflinching. You can e start vs her. Remember they usually start with e, never run back from it, they always throw it behind you for a guaranteed hit. so instead go on her. At lvl 1 if you start e, go for a trade. Nul magic if it's hard for you. Do you best to dodge her spells. and then go for a trade like with any other mage, and repeat. If you are able to dodge or block her q she is useless. After 6 if you get hit by q she always try to full combo you, or just ult you for dmg, be aware of that. And after 6 it's pretty useless to freeze against her she just ult and clear the wave, but try.
spells flesh +exhaust or ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. When I play vs her. Whole my early game is about to dodge her q( both parts). And then just all in her. If you don't get hit by q, she will never kill, without help or ult. After 6 recomend you not to fight her when she use ult.
Disgusting mutchup, if I have to chose betwin him and renek, I will chose lizard. spells flesh +exhaust or ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. Can try to kill you at first 2 lvl with ignite. Vs good garen you have kill potential before his first back or before his first defence item, after that he control the lane. Go for a trade lvl 1-2, and if he activete his q kite him back in your wave and go for a trade, better at lvl 2. after 3 lvl you have 2 option 1 - play safe, scale and try to protect your teammates from him, with exhaust and randuin. 2 - continue to play agresive, but you need alwasys be sure that there is at least one minions behind you so you can dash out when he use q. After 6, short trades, can all in only with help and when you have more than 70-80% of your health, because his full combo one shot you.
almost same as lux. Remember it doesn't matter on which role she is playing always count minions(3 melee 1 cannon 3 caster), because she can transform into any creature in the game, so be aware of it. Always try to dodge her q, if you would be able to dodge it, go for a trade. After 6 just be sure to alwasys dodge or block her q without it she won't be able to kill you. Tips against clone: they usually run runes wich has cd and can be activated through auto, so you need to right click on her and see if she has rune icon on him, if yes, it's the original, if not probably clone.
pretty much as lux, but a bit easier because she doesn't have good cc. Just don't get poked lvl 1 if you start q, and after 2-3 lvl you can go for a trage just be sure to block her ball. After 6 keep track of where the ball is, because she ult her ball and anyone around him.
Fleet. spells flesh +exhaust. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh or revil. Hard matchup, but winnable. First 2 lvl you win all in with your passive up. Hit him every time he going for last hit, but try to dodge his empowered q, if you would be able to dodge, every fight first 3 lvl in your favor. I ususally try to bait his w lvl 2 and timining it with exhaust or passive and all in, especially if he used his w on my passive, when he use e just dash behind and kill him. Before lvl 6 all my game is around to dodge his q and bait w and all in. You can't play passive or safe with him, because he will just jump on you on cd and kill you, with few kill you won't be able to contest anything. After 6 easier, because his ult pretty useless in 1v1, so you can ult him just to deal dmg, if you know that it's 1v1 for sure(no enemy around), or 2v1 in your favor, ult and go for all, you can kill him, especially if you have bork and exgaust. Hard ping when he reach lvl 6 and whenever he is not on the map, his ult has huge roam potential, and your tornado can interrupt his ult.
Useless until 3lvl. Just don't get poked for free, and harass her first lvl, to get prio on lane. especially lvl 1 when she go for a last hit. Ping when she is roaming. Be sure that if you have less then 400 hp, she can easely one shot you with her combo and ignite.After 6 don't stand near walls or she will just ult and kill you. with good timing you can block her ult. With boots and bork or kraken fight her, just be sure no othere enemy around, you hard win. If you struggle against her, try to go for a short trade, like I described for zed. build some armor and scale until bork or krak. Just don't let her get kills and you beat her 1v1.
spells flesh +exhaust or ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. Pyke mid, is tricky, He is weak, jsut need to sit on top of him, but you need first reach him for that. You need to zone him lvl 1-2 and punish for last hit. They usually start with q to slow you proc his rune Hail of Blades and retreat, dodge it( easy to say I know), after lvl 2-3 try to dodge or block his w by blocking his shadow,wich will folow after him. After 6 don't let him start the trade, because usually they try to set up the gank. Remmember that after 6 with ignite, don't let him full combo you. because he can easily one shot you thanks to his ult, but you can go for all in, just be sure to dodge it, or flesh out of it. Don't let him get kills early, he will start to roam and snowball the game. Hard ping whenever his is missing.
spells flesh +exhaust. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. Hard matchup, but winnable. Good Renekrom is rare, especially on mid. And it's easier for you because lane is shorter then top. Always try to stay in the middle between enemis melee and range minions so if he try to engage on you, you can easy q+e out, and then go for a trade. You want q every time he going for last lvl 1-2, but keep track of his rage bar, more than half and he has enhanced abilities, be aware of that. If you know how to kite on first 1-3 lvl you can try and go for a trade, just remember he's passive heal him, so you need to have constant trades in your favor. After 6 when he ult it's better just wait until it's run out, than fight it, but if you are ahead you can try, but remember his ult gives him good sustain,heal and dmg, so even if he has 20-30% hp he still can one shot you, if his bar is full.
spells flesh +exhaust or ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh or revil. Skill matchup. respect her lvl 1 all in, if use your exhaust right away have chance to win all in. You can e through her on her 3rd q animation, can use it to dodge it and go for a trade in your favor, if you fighting with passive up, you win the trade as long as you don't miss q and auto. After 6 respect her all in even more, because she can one shot you with her full combo + ignite, you can w her ult, sometimes it's good to use it right after she activete her ult, when both of you are low or just to make good chunk of you, she will use second part right after, block it, and can kill her 1v1.
Skill matchup. You need to play like with every mage, dodge his mark, because he can use his w to slow or stun you and escape. Good option is too freeze near your tower, get or dodge stun and go for a trade( with your passive up), with this you make good chunk of him force flesh or even kill. After 6 and during mid game as long as you dodgle his slow, you hard win. But the more items he have the more dmg he will deal too you(late game can one shot you, if you are not carefull), even with magic armor items. Recomend to go pta, this rune allows you to stomp him throughout the game (if you would be ably to rich to him). Your w block his q and probably e.
not a problem if you know how to dodge his spell( not that hard, really), He can kill you only after 6, if he land e on you and use his full combo. Without it you destroy him. If it's hard for you to dodge try not fight him lvl 1, and go for a short trade. The secret to dodge spells, not only his but mostly everyone, is not to be afraid of moving forvard. And learn the distance his q travel, because sometimes it's easier to just stay still or move forvard, then trying to run from it.
PTA. Ignite and only ingnite. Because without it you will never kill the vlad who knows how champ is working and have faze rush. Vs him you need to play agresive if not, few minutes and he will be full again, never walk up close to him when his q charged, because then he will chunk you very hard and will heal himself. your w block his e, so you can use it. Recomend you to go for a trade every time he use his q on minions, mostly for short trade, if he is runing away you can deal a bit more auto and go back. After 6 be ready that good vlad will try to dodge your tornado with w, so try to bait it, and trow tornado at the end of e for ult. If you are bellow 40% and he has ignite, never fight 1v1 after he activete his ult, because he can even dive you under the turret. Go kraken, his passive much better vs vlad, just block his w, with ignite you hard win 1vs1.
Not hard early, became dengerous mid and late game if you let him get his stacks.
Never let him hit you with his q( only spell that can give him stack before 6). Try to freeze and go for a short trade if his cage not on the cd. If you bait it you can go for all in, as long as it's 1v1 and he far from turret. After 6 it's good idea to hold your w for his ult. But if he has a lot of stack, block q too, because with enough stack q can kill you or leave around 20% hp, insta ult and you dead. His cage very good for setup a gunk, so if veigar who played carefull and then he sudenly start to aggressively approach you, good idea to go back a bit. If 1v1 you can continue the trade inside the cage and after 6 if you hit tornado ult him, the cast animation of w is long so with proper reaction you can dodge it.
PTA Skill matchup, you can start e, but if you timing it bad you will get big chunk, so if you are not confident play save until lvl 2-3. Problem with Ahri is her charm(w), so the moment you get hit by it, she will use her full combo and you say goodbye to 50-70% of hp( if she lend all her spell), but if you dodge it you can beat her up. So I recomend you first- try to bait her e by going for quick and short trade, and after she use it e back, and then go on her right after, in best case scenario you want either block her q+w with your w, or or dodge w and block q when it's going back. After 6 it's very hard to kill her with her ult, unless she will play agressive and you outplay her. Good idea to go all in, bait her ult and then go back, freeze on you side, and when she walk up go again, with boots and bork you will kill her as long as you don't get hit by her charm.
Very rare but still can be. If you are bad it will be hard , because of her poke. She can harras you very hard early game and get stack, more stack more harras, and her w stun you and her e speed her up, and make her unselecteble, so you can't e on her. Go fleet , and when she tries to auto you just go all in and block her w, with your passive and fleets you will outsustain her, a little bit of practice and you will destroy her. Ohh, her q by the way deal dmg through you w ( good abilitty, what can I say). So you can use w to block auto, w and ult.
Skill matchup if you know what he is can do. If no, he will destroy you. His q early deal good amout of dmg to you( try to play like with Lux and her e ), you can block it with you w, you can try to harras him lvl 1 but you need to destroy his shield(if he start with w
) dodge his q, and his passive first. After lvl 2-3, if you can't dodge his spells he will stomp you alone or with perma ganking jung, because he has amazing setup for a gunk with his e+w combo. So you need not to let him freeze and keep track of enemy jung, because even if you freeze with his cc he can engage you even close to you tower. Usually galio is confident vs yasuo, so if you e close to him he will insta try to e you, so you can dodge it by e-ing to the side or back( remember range of his e) after that go for a trade when he start use w insta e out and then continue your trade, as long as it's 1v1 you will win. After 6 his ult is pretty much useless in 1v1, but in teamfights it's can be good because of cc and his quck arriving. Hard ping after 6 when he is missing.
Easy. You block all her attacking spells and ult. Freeze and harras her. Before 6 dodge or block her q so she can't stun you, after 6 it's better to hold it untill her ult, especially in teamfights.
If he's a jung/sup/top, never fight untill you see him on the map, escpecially lvl 1-3, because they usually try to cheese you( your opponent starting to fight you lvl 1-3 and he appear out of nowhere and kill you), it's especially working with assasins like katarine, zed, talon, liss, syl, etc. Tips against clone: they usually run runes wich has cd and can be activated through auto, so you need to right click on him and see if he has rune icon on him, if yes, it's the original, if not probably clone.
Problematic matchup because of his passive and w( both grant him shield and armor). Can go tank and ap. If tank - you can try to kill him before 6 and first defensive item. After that you need bork at least. The only dangerous from him in teamfights is his ult, he can easily engage. Just ignore him and focus enemies carry( he doesn't deal much dmg). IF he going for your carry, try to protect him after his ult by using w in front ranged champ and focus him. Ap more dangerous but easier to kill. If he get 2-3 items, very likely he will one shot(if you doesn't have any magic resist items) or your carry with his full combo. So try to time your tornado after he ult so you can ult himright after. Get core item and you destroy him.
skill matchup. Recomend to take ignite.Lvl 1-2 you are stronger, so don't be afraid to go for a trade, but in best case scenario you need to dodge at least his passive. His e and w has long cd, use it for a trade. After 3 be caution, and don't let him use all 3 spells on you, or he will deal massive dmg to you or even kill if you are low enough. Sometimes you can bait second part of his e on minion, after that you can go for a trade, but be sure your passive up or around 95%. After 6 he can steal others ult. So never all in if he has Kayle's ult fx. If he take your ult, don't get hit by his e, and you are good. After bork, dodge 2 of his spells( usuall it's q and e, so it's easy), and you can all in. Don't push too much his cc good for gunks.
skill matchup. Take ignite. The problem about her is her eq or qe combo( when she put ball and insta push and stun you). It's hard for me to deal with it, and I can't even block it with my w, and it doesn't matter if you put it before her casting( honestly it's just my experince, mb with you it's will be different). So, you can start e lvl 1, if she walk up to far, lvl 2 do your best to dodge her combo, if she take w on lvl 2. all in, for safety try to side step her w. After 6 it's beter to hold your w for her ult.
Same as zed. Just don't fight him lvl 2, it's huge spike for his dmg, especially if he has ignite, just play save until lvl 3. After 3 just use w to block all his q or at least second part. Without it, he won't be able to proc his passive, and without it he can't kill you. You don't have to wait until bork, boots is enough as long as you block his q. After 6, if you are even(you should be ahead), his ult not a threat. Hard ping whenever his not on the minimap.
Skill matchup. Same as other mage. Be aware, that if you dash through her e, you will get stuned, so try to walk out of it, or dash out before you get hit by it. You just need to dodge her e or bait it out, and then you go all in. If you get gunked don't try to immediately run away in straight line, it's easier for her to lend her w, better try to dash out to the oposite side and run. Your w can block her ult.
Twisted Fate
Not hard. If his good, he will never walk up, and always hold gold card. Just freeze close to your tower, and if he walkup close, quick dash to him, deal some dmg, and dash away( he need some time to use gold card), or if you have w you can continue your trade. If you block it, kill him. Remember freeze is important because, his stun from his w is good for gunk. After 6 hard ping whenever his is mising, and tell your teammates that his is already 6, so they will know that he can roam fast.
Skill matchup. pre 6 you hard win, as long as you don't get hit for free. Can start e if he walkup close. Lvl 2 go for a trade, if he take w second, you can dash out, or try to dash forvard to him, so he can't run to his tower, or just walk out of it, for winning lane and game, you need to make him fall behind as much as you can, because iafter the mid game he start to deal massive amount of dmg, and it's hard to block it. So freeze and go for a trade if he try to last hit. After 6 you can fight in his ult, if he is low enough, or you can bait his ult on you, walk back and ult him, so his ult will be far away from you, and you can kill him.
Go fleet. Honestly she is not hard, if you know how to block her w, but honestly for me it's hard to block it, same things like with syndra, sometimes her w hit through shield, rare but can be. Lvl 1 can harass her with e. but be sure, she didn't start e, so you don't get chunked, You can use ignite, but before lvl 3, because after she start to collect different spells, so after you use your spell she can instantly grab it and use it against you. Some minions will have mark on them, if she last hit them she will get random spell, can try to punish her for that, but remember that after she use w on you she gain speed boost. After 6 be aware her r e combo, she teleport close to you, throw e, go back, and chunk you. Remember always pay attention to where, she will go back after first teleport, and never throw your tornado to the plays she teleports to. Simply put you want to throw you tornado on the place she will return to, so you can easily ult her and kill. If she throw her e through some walls or rocks, it will travel much further, so she can try to hit you or someone.
Not hard, same as viktor, as long as you get on top of him, you can kill him. He most of the time use w to run from you, but it's have 20 sec cd, use it. After 6 same as lux, you can try to freeze but he can just q from distance and ult. Good ziggs will try to farm and scale, so if you see that he sit next to tower, don't bother and roam.
Hard, Fleet or PTA. Prefere flash + ignite. The thing about her to dodge her q, without it she want be able to chunk you hard with eq or qe combo and you can go for a trade. Just remmember she usually use w close to her, so you can't use your spell and she can deal dmg to you. So try to bait it and then instantly e back, wait until it's end and go for a trade. She can't stun you with her ult if you turn back to it.
Same as Lux.
Better brother win. You can go PTA or Fleet. Earlier it's much easier for you to proc pta then to yone. Learn hot to bait his w,by trying to walk up or e in, in it's range and then insta go back, without it you can go for a trade just don't fight if he use his e, and you are even he will win. After 6 you can easy dodge his ult by just walking. But the more items he have the more stronger than you he will became, because he have 3 spells to use and you 1-2, and for him it's much easier to lend his ult.
PTA, play safe until lvl 3, then block his q and run him down. After 6 it's better to switch to red trinket.
Hard. PTA or Fleet. He is close to pantheon, but easier, you just need to dodge one of his spells, his jump or push, and then just all in him.
It does not matter who you are playing against. If you are bad, even easy match up will be hard for you. Master yourself.
Rare but still can happened. PTA, flash + ignite or ghoust. All game is about if you are able to dodge his swit spots, if yes you will stomp him, if no then play safe until bork, after, you can be more aggresive. After his ult it's good just to retreat and wait untill ult is finished.
Hello my regular wind enjoyer. If you are here that means that you are either :
1 - Wind has led you to this temple in order to make your will stronger and blade sharper. 2 - You are just like me, who when facing tough matchup looking for eny usefful information he can find. 3 - You one of the godlike beings who became bored of using OP 0/10 powerspike, and want to have some challenge in this game.
Either way, I hope you will find what you are looking for.I want to share with you my thoughts about this champ. First thing you need to know, that Yasuo is very skill reliant. If you are new to the game, you can start to main him( I did that), but belive me, it will be a long way before you start really enjoy playing him, because in order to shine on him you need to spend A LOT of time, learning his mechanics, tricks and so on. No joking. Right now I have around 1.5 mil master points on him(RIP old mastery). But only from 1.2 mil I started to grasp how to play him good enough and good consistanly.
About this build
I always find it's fun to play yasou, but for me it was always hard to be impactful in the game after early phase of the game. During mid game it was still good, but in the late game I always had the feeling that the only way for me to do something it's just ult, use my w, and die, it's good if I can distract or kill someone...So with time I start to feel less joy about my windwalker. But then I saw GRIYAZ's "Late-Game PTA Glass Cannon Build [TOP/MID]". First I was little scared to try this build, because it was smth new to me. But after I gave it a try, damn it felt so good. My thought about this build is: Right now it's game where either you one shot or you get one shoted, and it doesn't matter how much defensive items you will build, so why should I be bothered about me defense if I can just kill anyone. And I want you to check his build in the first place, because what he is talking about, can work too, it's just, that I am not confident in my self enough to pull that off.
In order to utilise yasuo as much as posible you need to understand FUNDANMENTALS.
Before I start. All credits about this goes to the greates piggys of all. ALoisNL.
Okay. The thing is, lvls in the game scale much better then gold, so if you would be able to proper utilise you lvl up timers. You would be able to win even in hard mutch ups and agaisnt strong opponents.
1. Usually you alwasys get lvl 2 from first melee minion of the second way, so if time it perfectly, and bait enemies into last hiting at moment you get your lvl up you can kill your opponent, or make good chunk of his health, so that make your lane much easier. The same thing goes with all levels. SO if you time it so you fight him lvl 4 vs lvl 3, you most of the time will win( if you are much lower on health it might wont help you).
2. Macro. It's good to get kills but you always can get towers, camps and minions, it is safe and stable income, what could be better, realy?(unless you lose to a frog, then it's gg)))
So if your allys start 4 vs 5 fight and lose - farm. If you allys play agressive and get punished for that - farm. If your allys get caught in the jungle or in the river - farm. Because as I sad before, lvls spike you harder then gold. One champ with lvl 15-16 will beat champions below 11-13 lvl, and if you are fx lvl 18 to enemies 12-15, it's would mean you had a lot of gold and items, so it is a win - win scenario. Yes you probably get flaimed for that, but you always should focus at your own gameplay in order to improve. For better understanding go and check his videos and streams, because my fundamentals is not good as his, and his videos are also fun. I am just emerald now, my knowledge not even close as good or deep as his, I am just trying to explain you about main tools in the game, you can easily use to win, and they are not require some top level mechanics.
Yasuo mechanics
There are many yasuo mechanics which you can use. But I want you to know the crucial ones for m:
1. EQ+flesh, and his forms, beyblade, keyblade - they will save you a lot, go in practice and train, at least be sure to know how to use eq+flash.
2. Wall dashing. You don't need to know every one of them, I recomend you to learn the one with raptors and walls on mid, both at the top and at the bottom, they are not hard, but can save you.
Rank and normal
In order to shine on Yasuo you will need a lot of practice and a lot of knowledge, all of it takes a lot of time. If you are playing normal games, don't be afraid of limit testing, even if you are get stomp, but not recklessly( you shouldn't run at the enemy when you 2 lvls down, and the enemy have more then 1 item lead), it's just part of the process. But If you are playing ranked, it's imortant to learn how to stay calm, because you will find a lot of players who will run down your game just because... or for fun(more often). And if you lost your lane, it's good idea to allow you team to carry you. Usually if your opponent kills you 1-2 times it's most likely you never 1v1 him unless he make a big mistakes. In this case play save, farm where you can and if needed lose minions in order no to die, but try not to lose exp.
There is no much to tell here about.
Watch your own replays, especialy the one, where you get stomped( learn enemies cd, what he's doing, how he's spacing, when you lose opportunity and didn't punish him, and so on.)
Watch another player, and try to understand they thoughts process, they movements.
Thank you for your time, and I hope this build will help you even a little bit.
If you notice any mistakes please tell me.
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