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League of Legends (LoL) Question: YouTube Featured Video error not working on one guide.

Posted in General 2,486

  • ShoDesu

    YouTube Featured Video error not working on one guide.

    Hi im getting the error "An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: m54L0dB4odxkwjMJ)
    Learn More." on my featured video box. I have prime and it works for my other guide. Any fixes? Guide is here . This is the link I have for the video
  • Answers (1)

    Fruxo (326) | July 21, 2022 8:43am
    Hey there @ ShoDesu!

    I checked over your guide and the problem was that the url in your guide for the video was incorrect. If an issue like this arise in the future, make sure you go from your channel to the video in question and then copy the url from there, the full url that leads to the video itself only that is (meaning this: The url that was there originally was which meant it won't lead to the correct page, even tho it still leads to the video (cuz it replaces the url to the one I mentioned before), if that makes sense! Basically make sure your url doesn't have additional stuff it doesn't need (such as urls that e.g. have seconds displayed for at what point in the video it should start).

    Video seems to look fine now though! Let us know if you have any other questions. :)
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