League of Legends (LoL) Question: zed vs adc mid ... what can be done to make zed win ?!
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zed vs adc mid ... what can be done to make zed win ?!
i can't take it .... it's just unfair ! every time they got zed on mid ( my team ) we face an adc who just wins easily ... what can we do as a solution for this move ... and sometimes we just don't get the enough time to make zed stands on his feet again !
Remember that assassin counters adc in the mid- and lategame, so your main objective is to survive long enough that you outscale your enemy laner. Unless you're feeding and/or not farming at all you should be eventually outscaling any adc as
Different assassins have different powerspikes, and when you start winning depends on the enemy adc, but it often boils down to winning by the level 3/4 powerspike (when you get all 3 of your spells), by level 6 (your ult) or by level 9 (max rank on main damage spell).
As a rule of thumb, learn to play safe until level 6, when you should be able to all-in if you're not too behind. I'm guessing
AFAIK you should win literally every adc matchup if you play properly unless you get camped by the jungler. If you're having doubts as what you could improve in particular you can always record a game, upload it to youtube and post it in the forums for a better analysis (just the laning phase should be enough, I think the first 10 minutes should cover your concerns).