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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Q MAX
Doom 'n Gloom (PASSIVE)
Vex Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Regardless of trading mechanics or anything else, Annie will always remain an extreme match up for all champions purely due to the fact she has access to one shot off flash ultimate. Spacing does not matter into this champion, which means it's do or die. You do 100% her as well though, if you're struggling buy a NULL MANTLE. (Banshees is good into her!)
Anything with CC that can set up your ultimate is ideal since it's a very long cooldown. Anything with CC that can set up your fear is also poggers. Champs that do a lot of damage to reset ultimate is also POGGERS. Pick early game skirmish champs like Xin, Lee, etc
Anything with CC that can set up your ultimate is ideal since it's a very long cooldown. Anything with CC that can set up your fear is also poggers. Champs that do a lot of damage to reset ultimate is also POGGERS. Pick early game skirmish champs like Xin, Lee, etc
Champion Build Guide
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Hey there, I'm Zianni. I'm a challenger mid laner and ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Check out my livestream at https://www.twitch.tv/zianni so you can become a challenger ![]() |
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If you want to be the 1v9 carry that leads your team to victory then

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Maximize the value of your ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Items are always going to be situational and based on the game state.
Mythics all have a corresponding bonus stat system which rewards you for completing legendary items.
The two most valuable mythics to us in that regard are

Once you finish a Legendary item, the Mythic bonus will put you up to 29.
Most low elo players even up until masters will ego and refuse to buy early magic resist making double Magic Pen an extremely strong combination. (Due to the magic pen formula, flat pen can never bring MR below 0.)
If you're running

Once our core is completed, we're essentially purchasing items based on the situation. If the enemy is building MR you can instead opt to build % Magic pen in a

If you're playing into heavy AP nukes like

Nothing in history has been achieved without the necessary conditions, League of Legends is no different. To carry a game, you need to make an impact. There are many ways you can do this, but it all begins in the same spot. Everything in the game can be traced back to the beginning, every decision you make will change the course of the game. This can be described as the flow, the flow can be influenced by every player and controlling the flow is your objective.
Before you worry about things outside your sphere of influence, your primary focus should be setting yourself up for success. Before anything else, we must identify our match up, our composition, and finally our win condition. While the game starts with champion select, the reality is that you’re only capable of defining your own actions. There is no value in putting emphasis on variables we can’t control; therefore, we must also pursue a playstyle that enables any possibility.
There are a lot of factors that contribute to the match up, this can be broken down into three categories.
The Champion
Keystone + Runes
Summoner Spells
While the champion is self-explanatory, we must ask ourselves what contributes to the champion. It’s strengths and it’s weaknesses. The most common things we take notice of are the difference between ranged and melee. This is valuable information that will change the way you trade depending on your champion. A ranged champion will always have the advantage over melee in the early levels, often this will be your only window to create an advantage vs an assassin.
The next step is their keystone, players will typically enhance their champions strengths or make up for weaknesses with their keystone. This can drastically change a lane as there is a big difference between

A burst mage will often take

While keystones have less variety for mid than other roles like

The secondary tree is used to augment your strength or to cover your weaknesses. An example would be the difference between taking domination second to improve your damage potential or taking insight for extra lane sustain. While most champions are locked into some keystones, secondary trees are extremely flexible and should be changed depending on the match up. Identify where you struggle and take precautions to solve it.

Remember to check armor/mr to see if they're weaker than usual, not taking the right defensive stats can change a match up!
Summoner spells are often disregarded until they **** us over. I’m sure we’ve all had that moment where we tower dive someone and we didn’t realize they had barrier.
Mid lane has three dominant summoner spells.
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Consider the summoner spells of your enemy and consider where you have an advantage. Do you benefit from trading to look for a kill opportunity with

To properly identify the conditions of our victory, is to identify our win condition. While this term is often used on a larger scope (I.E Winning the game) we can apply this to both the laning phase and the macro phase.
Build your domain
If you want to control the game, you always start from the middle lane. Your sphere of influence will expand as you grow stronger and enable more opportunities around the map. To grow stronger, we must ensure our survival and that our gold generation is adequate.
The middle lane is your base of operations, your Fortress. You must properly defend your Fortress by setting up Ward Control to prevent enemy ganks and gain vision of your lands. Your wards will act as a spy network keeping you, The General, informed. This will allow you to keep your Fortress safe and use its strategic positioning to punish troops trespassing in your lands. Acting without vision puts you at the mercy of your enemies.
While dying is acceptable, each death comes at the cost of valuable resources. (Gold and experience) No matter the match up or circumstances, your primary objective is to be consistent. To be undying is to exert pressure on the entire map.
Gold Generation
To carry, you need resources. The most important building block of your game starts with last hitting, games are won by item advantages and the easiest way to build a lead without putting yourself at risk is by this basic mechanic. A gold lead translates to an item lead, and an item lead translates to presence on the map. This basic interaction is overlooked by many players but is the core of gameplay. For newer players, your goal is 7-8 cs per minute and for experienced players leaning towards 9 in solo Q.
Lane phase is a battle for resources.
Once you have secured your foundation in the middle lane, you can begin to extend your influence. Your wards that were originally defensive will begin to move into enemy lines and feed you information. Objective control and jungle skirmishes are yours to decide. While you can continue to stay mid lane and farm up safely, if you can’t translate your early game pressure into a lead it has no value.
I will be honest with you,

It is perfectly acceptable to just play for wave clear until 6 then win off of that.
Otherwise, I think

The easiest way to play is take

Start with

Auto with the gloom effect and it'll proc

Once you hit level two, this lane becomes even more unbearable because you can take any trade that you want without risk due to

If it's sketchy, I recommend just playing around E/Q combo + a singular auto to proc

As opposed to the original AUTO / E / Q / AUTO combo since this gives you a little bit more space to work with while steering clear of more risky champions.
It's important to understand how your passive affects lane because of the application of fear is what determines how safe you need to play while it is on cooldown in certain match up.
In most melee match ups, as long as you have wave control you can easily stand next to them with

Slowing down or speeding up your combo is always dependent on context.
If none of the above applies,
you are going to

At this point,

HOWEVER, that is obviously a coin flip because they will have access to summoner spells as well. So what you want to do is play towards

Realistically though, if you have

The last trick is if you're expecting a gank or need access to FEAR on your

It's really important to properly cycle gloom charges
Friendly remember
Q and W consume gloom
E applies gloom
Blinks/dashes apply gloom

The best way to play League is to properly allocate resources by farming all three waves, but going to a side lane means you can only get one kill whereas being mid gives you up to 5 kills...
But yes, side laning is important but it's also important to recognize that your IDENTITY as a champion is about skirmishing or team fighting. You should be AT EVERY SINGLE dragon fight, EVERY SINGLE rift herald fight and EVERY SINGLE baron.

However, I think the hardest part about

This is why my farm on

It's just coin flipping


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