Trinity Force is in my opinion, the best well-rounded mythic for
Gnar. It gives AD, Attck Speed, HP, and Ability Haste, meaning that the stats go very well with both Mini and Mega form. The movement speed passive is very nice for kiting away from enemies and the item is just very well rounded simply put. When against enemy comps that are slightly tankier try and pair
Trinity Force with
Black Cleaver or
Wit's End.
Trinity Force also works well in conjunction with
Sterak's Gage since it increases base AD to work well with the passive on Sterak's.
Divine Sunderer is a good option into teams that are a bit tankier. The passive does %hp damage, so it is also really good into enemy comps with a lot of AP since most AP items also build HP. Sunderer also gives a lot of sustain from the passive, making it great for dueling tanks like
Sion or
Dr. Mundo in the sidelane. The only major downside to Sunderer is that it doesn't give any attack speed, so it pairs really well with
Wit's End as seocnd item.
Black Cleaver is one of the best legendary items for
Gnar. It gives HP and Haste which are extremely useful for
Mega Gnar. The passive gives additional movespeed for kiting power, and armor reduction, which is great into tanks. This is another very well rounded item that should be prioritized being built. There is rarely ever a scenario where
Black Cleaver is a bad item.
Wit's End is another fantastic, well rounded item for
Gnar. This item is a lot better for Mini form than it is for Mega, but it makes Mini REALLY strong. It does magic damage on hit which is great if your team drafted all AD champs, something that is fairly common in soloque. It does a ton of hybrid damage when paired with
Mini Gnar's
Hyper since the attack speed allows you to proc it more often. The Magic Resist that the item gives is also great for still staying tanky with such an agressive item.
Thornmail is another fantastic item for
Gnar that is just very well rounded. It gives a decent bit of tankiness and just has really solid base stats. The
Grevious Wounds passive is really nice for cutting the healing down from champs like
Yone or
Bramble Vest can be rushed as a component in laning phase and sat on for a long time. Really great well rounded item.
Randuin's Omen is another great Armor option that gives a ton of bang for it's buck. The active slow is also great for peeling a fed carry off your carries in teamfights. I would reccomend building it every single game when the enemy team has atleast 4 AD champs. Great item.
Maw of Malmortius is a bit more of a situational item than
Wit's End but is still really solid. The shield it gives is great into teams with bursty magic damage dealers such as
LeBlanc and
Ahri. The stats the item gives are also very gold efficent making it a solid buy. The major downside to Maw is that the shield only blocks Magic damage, so it's not worth building into teams with only 1 or 2 Magic damage dealers usually.
Death's Dance is another solid Armor option. The passive stals the damage you take over time so it pairs really well with tank items. The best time to build
Death's Dance is into AD heavy teams when your own team comp dosn't have many carrys and is more tanky. This way you stack armor while still dealing damage. I wouldn't reccomend it over
Thornmail or
Randuin's Omen usually, it serves better as a late game item on
Force of Nature is a really solid Magic Resist option into AP heavy teams. The passive is extremely broken and not balanced and makes you neraly unkillable. The only reason I don't reccomend it over an AD MR item like
Wit's End is because since it doesn't give any damage it makes it tougher to pickup snowball kils in the mid game, and will usually result in you getting outscaled by enemy mages. It serves best as 3rd/4th/5th item into AP teams.
Sterak's Gage is a decent HP option on
Gnar. I wouldn't reccomend prioritizing it over
Black Cleaver, unless you are into a high damage enemy comp with no tanks or juggernauts. The passive on
Sterak's Gage will only give you more AD in Mini form upon completing the componets past level 16. Keep in mind that you also can't build
Sterak's Gage and
Maw of Malmortius in the same game. It can definately be a solid item late game into teams with a lot of assassins and marksmen.
Ravenous Hydra is a very situational item on
Gnar but can be great for snowballing. It has the highest base AD from a singular item in the game (excluding
Infinity Edge) and does insane damage. The best time to buy Ravenous is during the mid game into enemy comps that lack damage or are underleveled. It's crucial to make sure to not give shutdown bounties when playing agressive with this item.
Warmog's Armor is a very situational HP item but can be a great counter into
Hullbreaker builders. The passive HP regen allows you to catch a wave and tank all of the damage from the minions and then heal to full before the next wave gets there. It also has use in games that are "fiestas" where you're constantly running around the map fighting. The passive allows you to sustain between constant fights without having to recall.
Gargoyle Stoneplate is a decent situational item that makes you very tanky. The main downside to Gargoyle is that it doesn't give any flat HP. The best time to build Gargoyle is when the enemy team has both an overly fed AD carry and AP carry. It is also fantastic into hybrid damage dealers like
Blade of the Ruined King is another situational anti-tank item. The item itself is very solid, however it gets outshined by
Black Cleaver and
Wit's End most of the time since they just offer more versatility. The lifesteal is really nice and it can be built as an additional anti-tank item if needed.
Spirit Visage is a solid MR item that gives a ton of HP with a really nice passive. I personally don't think it's better than
Force of Nature typically and I would only ever reccomend building it if you have an enchanter on your team. It pairs really nicely with
Sterak's Gage.
Runaan's Hurricane is a situational attack speed item that is a lot of fun to build. It gets outshined by
Wit's End most of the time. I would only reccomend building it over Wit's late game into enemy comps that lack a lot of AP. It's a great cheap item to pick up when you're missing inhibitors to quickly clear out minion waves. The AOE passive is also really nice for quickly stacking your passive in teamfights, not to mention that the passive can proc
Hyper as well.
Hullbreaker is a solid situational item for splitpushing and is definately a lot better in soloque than competitive or clash. The only time I would ever reccomend building it on
Gnar is if you're against an enemy laner that is also building the item. As
Gnar you want to group with your team around the mid game and use
GNAR! to get picks or win fights for objectives. Contrary,
Hullbreaker forces you to sit in sidelane and spectate your team, which is why I'm personally not the biggest fan of the item.
Titanic Hydra can be a decent item if you prefer a tanker build with something like
Iceborn Gauntlet as your mythic. It is a great way to gain some damage with a ton of HP in tank builds. However, it is a bit useless compared to something like
Black Cleaver or
Sterak's Gage if you're pairing it with a bruiser mythic.
Anathema's Chains is a solid item for negating damage from a super fed carry on the enemy team. A great way to use the item is into 4-1 damage comps. If the enemy team has only 1 AP damage dealer, put the chains on them and stack Armor to become super tanky. The item gives a ton of HP and Haste for such a low cost.
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