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Teamfight Tactics Champions Cheat Sheet - Set 3.5, TFT Return to the Stars

Use this page as a handy in-game reference for every TFT Set 3.5 champion's classes and origins. If you want more details on a specific champion you can find their rarity, ability, and stat information in the champion list below!

Origins Classes

New champions from TFT Set 3.5 - Return to the Stars have been added and the cheat sheet is up to date! Which strategies will you discover? Plan out your team comps with our champion cheat sheet!

Teamfight Tactics is a fast-paced game, and that means you need to be able to quickly figure out which champions to pick in between rounds. Our cheat sheet makes it easy to see all TFT champions at once and quickly pick out what classes and origins they belong to.

If you're here for a list of all TFT champions and what they do, you can also find that below!

TeamFight Tactics Champion Details Swipe the table below to view more Champion Stats
Champion Spell Health Armor Magic Res Mana Atk Dmg Atk Spd Atk Range
TFT Origins
TFT Classes

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide