Mix like a DJ or blast your heads with the Pentakill/Disco tracks. Learn what it means along with beat combinations, mechanics, chibis, traits, and much more for Remix Rumble, the long-awaited Set 10 from TFT.
Runeterra Reforged is coming to an end along with the year. Although this set brought us many great moments and game-changing new mechanics with Legends and Portals, it was known that in the latest weeks of Set 9.5 - Horizonbound, things were rough with the Legends balancing.
But now let's not think about it, is time to prepare our chips for the TFT Vegas Open on December 8th which is going to be played in the brand new TFT set, Remix Rumble.
What is Remix Rumble?
Is the latest set of TFT, and the tenth in the series. The theme of this set is Music.
Remix Rumble is a huge festival where all the best Bands and Soloists for all genres join up in the Convergence biggest concert of all.
This of course means that the actual Music on Set 10 is going to be the centerpiece. Each band (Origin) is going to have a unique sound that resembles the genre on which it is based (Pentakill sounds like Metal).
Moreover, mixing origins will also create unique blends of sounds allowing the player to create their themes (And OP comps too!). You can find out more details about this in the Music section below.
When is Teamfight Tactics Set 10 expected to be released?
Remix Rumble is already on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) so if you have an account in the test server you can go and try it out.
In regards to the official release, Teamfight Tactics Set 10 – Remix Rumble is going to be live on Wednesday, November 21st for Patch 13.23.
As in every set, there have been a few TFT comps cooking up in the PBE server that will be the best ones to try out on day one, you can check them out here.
Moving over now to the featured mechanics of the set.
Headliners – Chosen are back! - TFT Set 10
Headliners is the new form of Chosen coming to Remix Rumble.
Source: Riot Games
When you buy a Headliner, it will give you +1 Trait and the unit is 2 Starred already (Will cost 3x the usual amount though).
In Remix Rumble, Headliners will give an extra effect to the specific units. There are a few ones like Yorick that give unique effects like summoning 2 extra Zombies (And extra damage for the bigger Zombie), but in most cases, the headliner effect will be increased stats (HP, AP, etc).
There’s a list with all of the Headliner effects with each unit. You can check it here.
Source: Mindful One (Great infographics)
Bag Size of champions is reduced to avoid the flood of 3-star units (Explained in the System changes section).
Headliners are easier to get. If you don't have one Headliner on your board, they appear in every shop. After getting your first one, in each four shops you will see a headliner appearing in your shop.
It is way more lenient compared to Chosen back in Set 4, where the odds of hitting your unit were way more determined by RNG, which caused a ton of frustration for players.
Lucian’s Headliner effect furthers the onslaught of shots by shredding armor on-hit.
Mix your beats like a DJ in Remix Rumble Set 10
Apart from each Origin having tracks unique to them, you can create a medley of beats and genres combining each band “trait”.
To make sense of this and not every sound mix random and create chaos, it has a system in place.
Source: LoLChess
Are you into Metal? Well… you can go and add Pentakill units to sound like it. Add Maestro with Jhin in the mix, and now have a violin solo played out along with Metal drums and riffs each round.
There’s an endless way of combining things up so you can have fun and create your own unique beats (And comps).
If you want a sneak peek of the music coming for Remix Rumble. You can check this video below with the intro music for each band.
Every Trait music intro
Talking about Origin and Classes, these are the traits coming in Remix Rumble.
New Traits for TFT Set 10
Artists playing at Remix Rumble
- 8-Bit – Gain AD, hit the hi-score mark and get extra AD for your units
- Maestro – Attack always at a fixed pace, convert bonus Attack Speed to Attack Damage
- Country – Summon a Dreadsteed that gets extra stats with units star level increases
- Mixmaster – Choose a mode that changes the ability of the Mix Master (Shields, Damage, Buffs)
- EDM – Choose a unit with the EDM Selector to make them Sample. Every EDM units will imitate the Sample ability every few seconds (With different effectiveness)
- Emo – Emo Champions abilities cost less and gain Mana every time an ally dies
- Disco – Place a Disco Ball that buffs your units with extra ASPD and Healing every 3 secs
- Hyperpop – Each time your Hyperpop champion uses an ability, grant Mana and ASPD to their closest 2 allies
- ILLBeats – Gain placeable Spirit Tentacles that gain Illaoi’s bonus Armor and Magic Resist (Gets better with Star levels too)
- Jazz – For each non-unique trait your entire team gains extra Health and deals bonus Damage (Great in late game)
- K/DA – Your team gains max Health, Ability Power, and Attack Damage. The bonus is doubled for K/DA champions standing in a Lighted Hex
- Pentakill – Get more damage with each takedown and get a bonus after getting a Pentakill
- Heartsteel – Accumulate Hearts by killing enemies, and after four turns, cash out (Gets better at the late game)
- Punk – Gain bonus Health and Attack Damage, this increases by 1% every time you spend gold on a Shop reroll
- True Damage – Deal bonus True Damage, if they are holding an item gain a unique Bling Bonus for their Ability (Qiyana one is insane)
- Wildcard – Kayn changes form each round depending if you win (Shadow Assassin), or lose (Rhaast). Gain different rewards every time he kills 2 enemy champions
Quick note: There’s a great video from LeDuck explaining how to play EDM, which is one of the harder comps in Remix Rumble. You can check his series on both ways to play EDM (Units to prioritize, Items) and ways to optimize (Positioning, Tricks) so you squeeze out this trait to the maximum.
Origins are not everything though, checking the different classes gives you a broader view of how you can combine everything up and create comps to play around.
- Big Shot
- Brawler
- Breakout
- Crowd Diver
- Dazzler
- Edgelord
- Executioner
- Guardian
- Mosher
- Rapidfire
- Sentinel
- Spellweaver
- Superfan
This is just a summary of the Traits, there are a lot more things that haven't been touched on in this article due to space. If you want a more in-depth look you can check this article.
In Remix Rumble there are many funky, depressive, Improv masters and much more units coming. (If you are loss or new to the game, you can check our TFT Set 10 guide).
1 Cost
Emo Annie
- Annie (Emo, Spellweaver)
- Corki (8-bit, Big Shot)
- Evelynn (K/DA, Crowd Diver)
- Jinx (Punk, Rapidfire)
- K’Sante (Heartsteel, Sentinel)
- Kennen (True Damage, Superfan, Guardian)
- Lillia (K/DA, Superfan, Sentinel)
- Nami (Disco, Dazzler)
- Olaf (Pentakill, Bruiser)
- Tahm Kench (Country, Bruiser)
- Taric (Disco, Guardian)
- Vi (Punk, Mosher)
- Yasuo (True Damage, Edgelord)
2 Cost
Jazz with Bard
- Aphelios (Heartsteel, Rapidfire)
- Bard (Jazz, Dazzler)
- Garen (8-bit, Sentinel)
- Gnar (Pentakill, Superfan, Mosher)
- Gragas (Disco, Spellweaver, Bruiser)
- Jax (EDM, Mosher)
- Kai’Sa (K/DA, Big Shot)
- Katarina (Country, Crowd Diver)
- Kayle (Pentakill, Edgelord) vPantheon (Punk, Guardian)
- Senna (True Damage, Rapidfire)
- Seraphine (K/DA, Spellweaver)
- Twitch (Punk, Executioner)
3 Cost
3-Star Amumu is a beast tanking
- Amumu (Emo, Guardian)
- Ekko (True Damage, Spellweaver, Sentinel)
- Lulu (Hyperpop, Spellweaver)
- Lux (EDM, Dazzler)
- Miss Fortune (Jazz, Big Shot)
- Mordekaiser (Pentakill, Sentinel)
- Neeko (K/DA, Superfan, Guardian)
- Riven (8-bit, Edgelord)
- Samira (Country, Executioner)
- Sett (Heartsteel, Bruiser, Mosher)
- Urgot (Country, Mosher)
- Vex (Emo, Executioner)
- Yone (Heartsteel, Edgelord, Crowd Diver)
4 Cost
Look out for TF, great 4-cost unit
- Ahri (K/DA, Spellweaver)
- Akali (True Damage, Executioner, Breakout)
- Akali (K/DA, Executioner, Breakout)
- Blitzcrank (Disco, Sentinel)
- Caitlyn (8-bit, Rapidfire)
- Ezreal (Heartsteel, Big Shot)
- Karthus (Pentakill, Executioner)
- Poppy (Emo, Mosher)
- Thresh (Country, Guardian)
- Twisted Fate (Disco, Dazzler)
- Viego (Pentakill, Edgelord)
- Zac (EDM, Bruiser)
- Zed (EDM, Crowd Diver)
5 Cost
Heartsteel Kayn
- Illaoi (ILLBEATS, Bruiser)
- Jhin (Maestro, Big Shot)
- Kayn (Heartsteel, Edgelord, Wildcard)
- Lucian (Jazz, Rapidfire)
- Qiyana (True Damage, Crowd Diver)
- Sona (Mixmaster, Spellweaver)
- Yorick (Pentakill, Mosher, Guardian)
- Ziggs (Hyperpop, Dazzler)
In PBE there are a few comps out there like Big Shot which are doing quite well, you can check our TFT comps when Set 10 info arrives in MOBAFire this Friday 17th.
System Changes coming for Remix Rumble – TFT Set 10
Each new set brings quality-of-life changes (Or deleting) in a way to move further in improving the game. Remix Rumble has a few sets of neat changes that you need to know before playing out but first…
No more Legends
Urf dominated the Runeterra Reforged Championship
Legends were indeed a strong point on Runeterra Reforged but the variance made it too hard to balance and this was noticeable in the World Championship, where most players end up playing Urf to get the Verticals traits and win off by it.
6 Slayers won the Check-mate mach for Title
To combat this, Legends are being flat out removed from the game in Set 10. Still, they are not ditched entirely and probably will make a return on future sets (In a different form hopefully…)
Item changes – Rapid Firecannon removed
Remix Rumble is going to bring changes to two items.
Runeterra Reforged had too much trouble with Rapid Firecannon (Recurve Bow, Recurve Bow), if you played against Nilah with 3 RFC you would understand the pain. Despite the clear strength in ideal units, the item itself was not as good in other units making it only useful in very niche situations.

Red Buff is back
Unlike RFC, Red Buff will not have extra range but instead, grant a 1% max health burn and 33% Wound (healing reduction). This is going to help out AD comps with no access to Sunfire Cape or Morellonomicon.
The second item getting removed is Night Harvester (Chain Vest, Brawler’s Glove). The item was great on Rogue units but lackluster in most frontline units. According to Riot Prism, Brawler’s Glove lacks a defensive item so the new Steadfast Heart will fill that gap.
Steadfast Heart is going to give 200 HP, 20 Armor, and 20% Crit Chance, but the real value comes from the survivability passive: Take 8% reduced damage. While above 50% Health, take 15% reduced damage instead.
There are a ton of changes to the numbers for the rest of the items that weren't explained here, including Artifacts and Radiants. Check our MOBAFire item section for all the details.
General System Changes – Leveling, Shop Odds, and Units’ Bag Size.
First, in Remix Rumble the maximum level rises to level 10 along with it the experience to level up has been reduced across the board to compensate for the new extra level.
The second change is that the Shop Odds formula has been changed to be more difficult to find larger cost units. Previously, at level 7 you would have a 15% to get a 4-cost unit, in Remix Rumble the odds are 10%.
Source: Mindful One (Great infographics)
This disincentivizes the frequent playstyle seen on Set 9.5 of rolling at 4-1 stage to look for 4-cost units to play around. However, these changes should bring new play styles to the table, expect players to rush for level 8 in earlier stages way more often to get the 4-cost Headliners in.
Third, Bag Size Changes. The Champion pool size is being reduced for all units, from 1 cost to 5 cost.
Lastly, in the PBE they are still experimenting with Stage Damage changes.
Quick note: Emerald tier is now added in Ranked along with adjustments to LP decay. If you want to learn all the details you can check TFT's Official Article on the matter here.
Cosmetics – Chibi, Maps, Mini Legends, and more
There are a lot of new cosmetics to celebrate Remix Rumble, you could even argue that is one of the best Sets in this aspect.
Not only we are getting tons of new Legends and Chibis throughout the four months of the Set. Not only that, for Treasure Realm we are getting returning Chibis from previous sets, if you are a fanatic of collectibles this is your set.
Also... let's not forget the K/DA Arena, which looks amazing.
Below you can check all of the Cosmetics on the Dev Blog reveal.
Oh! Forgot to mention that Portals are staying for Remix Rumble but in a much more tamed version, still you can go for Scuttle Puddle and get that juicy extra loot.
Portals | Description |
Gold Tier | The first augment offered will be gold tier. |
Prismatic Tier | The first augment offered will be prismatic tier. |
All Gold | All augments offered will be gold tier. |
All Prismatic | All augments offered will be prismatic tier. |
All Silver | All augments will be silver tier. |
Gold Tier Last | The last augment offered will be gold tier. |
Prismatic Tier Last | The last augment offered will be prismatic tier. |
Silver Gold Prismatic | You will always be offered a Silver, Gold, and Prismatic augment, in that order. |
3-Cost Start | Start with a random 3-cost champion. |
Champion Duplicator | Start the game with a Champion Duplicator. |
Free Champions | Twice per stage, gain a high cost champion. The value goes up with game time. |
Triple Champion Start | Start with 3 random 1-cost champions. |
Upgraded Champion | Start with a 2-star 1-cost champion. |
Kill Counter | All units show their kill count. |
Training Dummy | Start with a Training Dummy. |
Unit Accelerator | Your team gains 10% Attack Speed and bonus movement speed. |
Gold per Augment | Every time you select an augment, gain 3 gold per augment you have. |
Gold per Item | Every time you build a completed item, gain 2 gold. |
Max Interest | Maximum interest is increased to 7 gold. |
Pot of Gold | At stage 6-1, all living players split a pot of 120 gold. |
Entourage | Headliners grant 150 Health and 15% Attack Speed to adjacent allies at the start of combat. |
Multi-Talented | Headliners grant +1 to another one of their traits. |
Showtime | Headliners appear in your Shop as if you were 1 level higher. |
Artifact Anvil | Start with 1 Artifact anvil. Artifacts are powerful items that offer unique effects. |
Completed Item Anvil | Start with 1 completed item anvil. |
Component Anvils | Start with 2 component anvils. |
Radiant Item | On stage 3-7, gain a Magnetic Remover and select 1 of 5 Radiant items (very powerful versions of completed items). |
Spatula | Start with a Spatula. |
Support Anvil | Gain 1 Support anvil at the start of the game. Support items provide auras that strengthen your team. |
Tome of Traits | Gain 1 Tome of Traits at the start of the game that lets you pick 1 of 4 Emblems. |
Scuttle Puddle | Monsters are replaced by crabs that drop bonus loot. |
Double Component Carousel | Each champion on a component carousel has 2 components on them instead of 1. |
Player Health Decrease | Start with 85 player health. |
Player Health Increase | Start with 115 player health. |
With all of the brand new mechanics coming to Remix Rumble you know already that Augments are going to be spicy ones.
Besides new ones, there is a huge overhaul for the augments of previous sets.
Check below a few of the new Augments to give you a hint of what's coming.
- Cybernetic Uplink - Your champions holding an item gain 80 Health and restore 2 Mana per second. (A caster version for the Cybernetic augments)
- DO IT FOR THE FANS - Your Headliner's damage heals your Superfans for 22% of the damage dealt. Gain a Gnar TALENT
- SEARCH - All of your champions gain their unique Headliner effect. In Addition, your Headliner gains 100 Health and 10% Attack Speed
In regards to removed content, Hero Augments won’t come back in Set 10. The new mechanic Headliners with things like Rift Walk (Kassadin Set 9) or the Boss (Sett) on top of Headliners would be too much and frankly, a nightmare to balance.
The good thing is that there are new augments that will empower your Headliners so it ends up being overall better.
Before going over the list of Augments, there are over 100 new augments, allowing for more possibilities and game directions. Each augment has its own reroll and different versions (Silver, Gold, and Prismatic).
Augment | Description |
A Cut Above | Gain a Deathblade. Champions holding this item have a 20% chance to drop 1 gold on kill. |
AFK | You cannot perform actions for the next 3 rounds. Afterwards, gain 18 gold. |
Ascension | After 15 seconds of combat, your units deal 50% more damage. |
Balanced Budget | At the start of the next 4 rounds, gain 7 gold. |
Best Friends I | Units isolated in pairs gain 10% Attack Speed and 10 Armor at the start of combat. |
Best Friends II | Units isolated in pairs gain 15% Attack Speed and 20 Armor at the start of combat. |
Big Gains | Your team gains 80 bonus Health, and permanently gains 10 Health every 2 takedowns. |
Big Grab Bag | Gain 3 random components, 2 gold, and 1 Reforger. |
Bigger Shot | Every 3 attacks, Big Shots also fire a bomb that deals 65% Attack Damage to enemies within 1 hex of the target. Gain a Kaisa. |
Binary Airdrop | Combat start: champions holding 2 items gain a random 3rd completed item. |
Birthday Present | Gain a 2-star champion every time you level up. The champion's cost tier is your level minus 4 (min: 1-cost). |
Blank Slate | Immediately sell your team (including bench) for 200% of their value. Your next 8 Shop rerolls are free. |
Blinding Speed | Gain a Red Buff, Guinsoo's Rageblade, a Recurve Bow and a Magnetic Remover. |
Blinged Out | Your True Damage champions gain 100 Health and 8% Attack Speed for each item they are holding. Gain a Yasuo and a Senna. |
Blistering Strikes | Your team's attacks burn their targets for 5% of their max Health over 5 seconds. Attacks also reduce their targets' healing received by 33%. |
Blood Money | Gain 3 gold per 10 Health your Tactician loses. |
Bounty Hunters | Country champions have a 20% chance to drop 1 gold on kill. Your Dreadsteed's chances are doubled. Gain a Samira. |
Buried Treasures I | Gain a random item component at the start of the next 2 rounds (including this round). |
Buried Treasures II | Gain a random item component at the start of the next 3 rounds (including this round). |
BURIED TREASURES III | Gain a random item component at the start of the next 6 rounds (including this round). |
CAPRICIOUS FORGE | Gain a Blacksmith's Gloves, which equips two random Artifacts each round. |
CARETAKER'S ALLY | Gain a random 2-cost champion now. Gain the same one again every time you level up. |
CARETAKER'S CHOSEN | As you level, gain more powerful items. |
CARETAKER'S FAVOR | Gain a component anvil when you reach level 5, 6, 7, and 8. |
CLEAR MIND | If there are no champions on your bench at the end of player combat, gain 3 XP. |
CLUTTERED MIND | Gain 4 random 1-cost champions now. If your bench is full at the end of player combat, gain 3 XP. |
COLD STEEL | Enemies your Edgelords dash through become Mana-Reaved, Chilled, and Wounded for 4 seconds. Gain a Yasuo and a Kayle. |
COMBAT CASTER | Your team gains 90-170 Shield for 6 seconds after casting their Ability. The Shield amount scales with round of the game. |
COMPONENT BUFFET | Whenever you would get a component, gain a component anvil instead. Gain a random component. |
CONSISTENCY | Gain double win and loss streak gold. |
CONTAGION | Combat start: The highest Health enemy takes 18% more damage. Every 5 seconds, this effect spreads to 2 nearby enemies. |
CRASH TEST DUMMIES | Gain 2 Target Dummies. Combat start: Your Target Dummies launch themselves towards the largest clump of enemies and Stun them for 2 seconds. |
CROWN GUARDED | Gain a Crownguard. Your Crownguards' start of combat effect is 75% stronger. |
CRUEL PACT | Buying XP costs 6 player health instead of 4 gold. Heal 3 player health before each player combat. |
CURSED CROWN | Gain +2 max team size, but take 100% more player damage when you lose a player combat. |
CUTTING CORNERS | Leveling up costs 4 XP less. |
CYBERNETIC BULK I | Your champions holding an item gain 222 Health. |
CYBERNETIC BULK II | Your champions holding an item gain 333 health. |
CYBERNETIC BULK III | Your champions holding an item gain 555 health. |
CYBERNETIC UPLINK I | Your champions holding an item gain 80 Health and restore 2 Mana per second. |
CYBERNETIC UPLINK II | Your champions holding an item gain 120 Health and restore 2.5 Mana per second. |
CYBERNETIC UPLINK III | Your champions holding an item gain 200 Health and restore 3.5 Mana per second. |
DETERMINED INVESTORS | The first time you have 40 gold at the end of combat, gain Diamond Hands and 2 random component(s). |
DO IT FOR THE FANS | Your Headliner's damage heals your Superfans for 22% of the damage dealt. Gain a Gnar. |
DOUBLE THE FUNK | Your Disco Balls affect allies up to 2 hexes away and pulse every 2.5 seconds. Gain a Nami and a Gragas. |
EMOTIONAL CONNECTION | Allies of your Emo champions gain 60% of the Emo Mana bonus when any ally dies. Gain an Annie and a Vex. |
ENCORE! | The first time your Headliner dies, they become invincible and heal 60% of their max Health over 1.5 seconds instead. |
ENDLESS HORDES | Gain +3 maximum team size, but your units can only hold 1 item and their total health is reduced by 15%. Gain 4 gold. |
ESCORT QUEST | Gain a Training Dummy. You gain 3 gold every time it survives player combat. |
EXPOSE WEAKNESS | Damage from Executioners' attacks and spells Shred and Sunder enemies by 40% for 3 seconds. Gain a Twitch. |
EXTENDED PLAY | Gain bonuses for starring Punk champions. |
FINAL ASCENSION | Your team deals 15% more damage. After 15 seconds, they deal 45% more damage. |
FINAL RESERVES | The first time you would be eliminated, you instead remain alive. After this happens, gain 70 XP and set your gold to 50. Excess gold is converted to XP. |
FREQUENT FLIER | After you reroll your Shop 8 times, rerolls only cost 1 gold. |
FULLY ADAPTED | Gain an Adaptive Helm. Champions holding this item gain both effects, regardless of position. |
GARGANTUAN RESOLVE | Gain a Titan's Resolve. Your Titan's Resolves can continue stacking to 40 instead of 25. |
GIFTS FROM THE FALLEN | Your team gains 3% Attack Damage, 3 Ability Power, 3 Armor, and 3 Magic Resist. |
GIVE ME YOUR ENERGY! | Crowd Divers gain 3 Armor, 3 Magic Resist, 3 Ability Power, 3% Attack Power, and 3% Attack Speed for each adjacent enemy. Gain an Evelynn and a Katarina. |
GOING LONG | You no longer gain interest. Round start: gain 4 XP. |
GOLDEN TICKET | Each time your Shop is rerolled, you have a 30% chance to gain a free reroll. |
GOOD FOR SOMETHING I | Champions that aren't holding items have a 30% chance to drop 1 gold on death. |
GOOD FOR SOMETHING II | Champions that aren't holding items have a 50% chance to drop 1 gold on death. |
HARMACIST I | Your team has 10% Omnivamp and converts 20% of excess healing to true damage on their next attack. |
HARMACIST II | Your team has 15% Omnivamp and converts 25% of excess healing to true damage on their next attack. |
HARMACIST III | Your team has 25% Omnivamp and converts 30% of excess healing to true damage on their next attack. |
HEALING ORBS I | When an enemy dies, the nearest ally is healed for 225. |
HEALING ORBS II | When an enemy dies, the nearest ally is healed for 450. |
HEARTTHROBS | Keep 20% of the Heartsteel hearts you convert into rewards. Your Heartsteel champions gain 200 Health. Gain a K'Sante and an Aphelios. |
HEAVY HITTERS | Your units with at least 1500 max Health gain Attack Damage and Ability Power equal to 1% of their max Health. |
HEDGE FUND | Gain 20 gold. Your max interest is increased to 10. |
HEDGE FUND+ | Gain 30 gold. Your max interest is increased to 10. |
HEDGE FUND++ | Gain 40 gold. Your max interest is increased to 10. |
HELP IS ON THE WAY | After 6 player combats, choose 1 of 4 Support items. |
HEROIC GRAB BAG | Gain 2 Lesser Champion Duplicators and 2 gold. |
HEROIC PRESENCE | Enemies that attack a Guardian's shield take magic damage equal to 7% of the shielded unit's max Health (up to once per second). Gain a Pantheon. |
HOLOGRAM | Create a clone of your Headliner champion with 100% -130% of its base health (based on stage level). You cannot equip items on the clone. |
IDEALISM | Gain a Hand of Justice. Champions holding this item deal 12% increased damage. |
IMPENETRABLE BULWARK | Gain a Bramble Vest, a Dragon's Claw, a Giant's Belt, and a Magnetic Remover. |
INDOMITABLE WILL | When your team scores a takedown, they shed all negative effects and become immune to crowd control for 10 seconds. |
INFERNAL CONTRACT | Your max level is 7. Gain 75 gold. |
INFUSION | Your team restores 20 Mana every 5 seconds. |
INSERT COIN | Your 8-Bit champions execute targets below 10% Health. Executions have a 10% chance to drop 1 gold, increased by 2% for each high score achieved. Gain a Corki and a Garen. |
INSPIRING EPITAPH | When a unit dies, the nearest ally gains a 30% max Health Shield and 10% stacking Attack Speed. |
IRON ASSETS | Gain a component anvil and 4 gold. |
ITEM GRAB BAG I | Gain 1 random completed item. |
JEWELED LOTUS II | Your team gains 15% Critical Strike chance, and their Abilities can critically strike. |
JEWELED LOTUS III | Your team gains 40% Critical Strike chance, and their Abilities can critically strike. |
KEEPERS I | Combat start: grant units with adjacent allies a 150 Health Shield for 8 seconds. This Shield stacks. |
KEEPERS II | Combat start: grant units with adjacent allies a 220 Health Shield for 8 seconds. This Shield stacks. |
KNOW YOUR ENEMY | Your team deals 10% more damage. |
LAST STAND | The first time you would be eliminated, you escape death and your team permanently gains 180 Health, 18 Armor and Magic Resist, and 18% Omnivamp. |
LATEGAME SPECIALIST | When you reach Level 9, gain 30 gold. |
LATENT FORGE | After 8 player combats, gain an Artifact anvil. |
LEARNING TO SPELL | Your team gains 10 bonus Ability Power, and permanently gains 1 Ability Power every 2 takedowns. |
LEVEL UP! | When you buy XP, gain an additional 2. Gain 8 immediately. |
LITTLE BUDDIES | Your 4-cost and 5-cost champions gain 150 Health and 10% Attack Speed for every 1-cost and 2-cost champion on your board. |
LIVE FOR DANGER | Edgelords attacks deal 300% of their damage to enemies within 1 hexes of their target. Gain a Yasuo and a Kayle. |
LIVING FORGE | Gain an Artifact anvil now and after every 10 player combats. |
LONG DISTANCE PALS | Combat start: Your 2 units furthest from each other form a bond, sharing 20% of their Armor, Magic Resist, Attack Damage, and Ability Power with each other. |
LOW INTEREST RATES | Your max interest is capped at 2 gold but you gain 2 gold at the start of every player combat. |
LUCKY GLOVES | Thief's Gloves will always give your champions ideal items. Gain 2 Sparring Gloves. |
LUCKY GLOVES | Thief's Gloves will always give your champions ideal items. Gain 3 Sparring Gloves. |
LUCKY STREAK | Gain a Gambler's Blade and a Magnetic Remover. |
MAGIC WAND | Gain a Needlessly Large Rod. Your units gain 18 Ability Power. |
MARCH OF PROGRESS | Gain 3 XP now, and bonus XP equal to your level at the start of every player combat round. You can no longer use gold to level up. |
MARTYR | Whenever one of your allies die, your team heals for 9% of their max Health. |
MESMERIZING PERFORMANCE | @Delay@ seconds into combat, all enemies and non-KDA units are stunned and forced to dance for @StunDuration@ seconds. Your KDA champions gain @BonusAP@ Ability Power. Gain a Lillia and a Kai'Sa. |
METABOLIC ACCELERATOR | Gain 2 player health after every player combat. Your Tactician also moves faster. |
METALHEADS | Your Pentakill champions are immune to crowd control for the first 12 seconds of combat. They heal 4% of their max Health on takedown. Gain a Kayle and a Gnar. |
MISSED CONNECTIONS | Gain a copy of each 1-cost champion. |
NEW RECRUIT | Gain +1 max team size and a Champion Duplicator. |
NOT TODAY | Gain an Edge of Night. Champions holding this item gain 35% Attack Speed. |
ON A ROLL | Whenever you star up a champion, gain up to 2 free Shop rerolls per round. Gain 2 gold. |
ONE, TWO, FIVE! | Gain 1 random component, 2 gold, and 1 random 5-cost champion. |
ONES TWOS THREE | Gain 3 1-cost champions, 2 2-cost champions, and 1 3-cost champion. |
OVERWHELMING FORCE | Gain a Deathblade, an Infinity Edge, a BF Sword, and a Magnetic Remover. |
PANDORA'S ITEMS | Round start: items on your bench are randomized (except Tactician's Crown and Spatula). |
PANDORA'S ITEMS II | Round start: items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician's Crown and Spatula). |
PANDORA'S ITEMS III | Round start: items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician's Crown and Spatula). |
PARTIAL ASCENSION | After 15 seconds of combat, your units deal 30% more damage. |
PARTING GIFTS | When a champion dies, the nearest ally with open slots receives a temporary copy of an item they were holding and a 10% max Health Shield. |
PARTY STARTERS | Crowd Divers gain 10% Attack Speed and leap at 50% Health instead of on death. Gain 2 Crowd Divers. |
PATIENT STUDY | After player combat, gain 2 XP if you won or 3 XP if you lost. |
PHREAKY FRIDAY | Gain an Infinity Force. After 5 player combats, gain another. |
PHREAKY FRIDAY + | Gain an Infinity Force. After 3 player combats, gain another. |
PORTABLE FORGE | Choose 1 of 2 Artifacts. |
PORTABLE FORGE+ | Choose 1 of 3 Artifacts. |
PORTABLE FORGE++ | Choose 1 of 4 Artifacts. |
PRISMATIC TICKET | Each time your Shop is rerolled, you have a 45% chance to gain a free reroll. |
PUMPING UP I | Your team gains 8% Attack Speed now. Each round after, they gain 0.5% more. |
PUMPING UP II | Your team gains 8% Attack Speed now. Each round after, they gain 1% more. |
PUMPING UP III | Your team gains 12% Attack Speed now. Each round after, they gain 2% more. |
RADIANT RELICS | Choose 1 of 5 Radiant items. Gain a Magnetic Remover. |
RAISE THE TEMPO | When your Spellweavers cast their 2nd Ability each combat, they instantly cast it again at 50% effectiveness. Gain a Gragas and a Seraphine. |
RAMPING RHYTHM | Rapidfire champions can gain Attack Speed from their trait up to 30 stacks. Gain a Jinx and a Senna. |
REACH THE SUMMIT | When you reach Level 9, gain 50 XP. |
RECOMBOBULATOR | Champions on your board permanently transform into random champions 1 cost tier higher. Gain 2 Magnetic Removers. |
REMEMBER YOUR ROOTS | Allies sharing a trait with your Headliner gain 200 Health and 10% Attack Speed. |
RETURN ON INVESTMENT | When you reroll your Shop 18 times, gain a Tactician's Crown. |
RICH GET RICHER | Gain 12 gold. Your max interest is increased to 7. |
Rolling For Days I | Gain 8 free Shop rerolls that never expire. |
Salvage Bin | Gain 1 random completed item now, and 1 component after 7 player combats. Selling champions breaks completed items into components (excluding Tactician's Crown). |
Salvage Bin+ | Gain 1 random completed item now, and 1 component after 4 player combats. Selling champions breaks completed items into components (excluding Tactician's Crown). |
Sample Synthesis | EDM's sampled champion gains 5 Mana every 2 seconds. When they cast, they gain 20% Attack Damage and 20 Ability Power for the rest of combat. Gain a Jax and a Lux. |
Scapegoat | Gain a Training Dummy and 2 gold. If it is the first to die each player combat, gain 1 gold. |
Scrappy Inventions | Combat start: Up to 5 equipped components turn into completed items for the rest of combat. Gain a component at the start of the next 2 stages. |
Share the Spotlight | Your units that start combat in a lighted hex gain a 30% max Health shield for 10 seconds. Gain a Kaisa and Lillia. |
Shock Treatment | Gain a Statikk Shiv. Your Statikk Shivs' chain lightning effects deal 40-125% more damage (based on stage level). |
Shopping Spree | Gain 1 gold per round. When you level up, gain a number of free shop refreshes equal to your level, which carry over between rounds. |
Silver Spoon | Gain 10 XP. |
Silver Ticket | Gain a free Shop reroll after every 4 rerolls. |
Silver Veil | Your team gains 5% Attack Speed and is immune to the first crowd control effect in combat. |
Sleight of Hand | Gain a Thief's Gloves. Champions holding this item gain 200 Health and 20% Attack Speed. |
Spoils of War I | Enemies have a 25% chance to drop loot when killed. |
Spoils of War II | Enemies have a 30% chance to drop loot when killed. |
Spoils of War III | Enemies have a 40% chance to drop loot when killed. |
Stars are Born | The first 1-cost and 2-cost champions you buy are instantly upgraded to 2-star. Gain 1 gold. |
Starter Kit | Gain a 4-cost champion and a 2-star 1-cost champion that shares a trait with them. |
Sticks And Stones | Champions that aren't holding items Shred and Sunder enemies for 3 seconds. Physical damage Sunders for 30%, and magic damage Shreds for 30%. |
Stimpack | Gain 4 components after you lose 50 player health. |
Submit to the Pit | For each adjacent enemy, Moshers gain 3 Armor, 3 Magic Resist, 3% Attack Damage, 3 Ability Power, and 3% Attack Speed. Gain a Jax and a Gnar. |
Support Cache | Choose 1 of 4 Support items. |
SWITCHING GEARS | Gain 2 gold whenever you break your win or loss streak. |
TALENT SEARCH | All of your champions gain their unique Headliner effect. In Addition, your Headliner gains 100 Health and 10% Attack Speed. |
TEAM BUILDING | Gain a Lesser Champion Duplicator. Gain another after 7 player combats. |
TEAMING UP I | Gain 1 random component and 2 random Tier 3 champions. |
TEAMING UP II | Gain 1 random Support item and 2 random 4-cost champions. |
THAT'S JAZZ, BABY! | Gain a Bard. Combat start: Jazz champions gain permanent bonuses based on the number of active traits. |
THE DROP | After their first sampled cast, EDM champions will sample 30% more frequently. Gain a Lux. |
THE GOLDEN EGG | Gain a golden egg that hatches in 11 turns for a huge amount of loot. Winning player combat speeds up the hatch timer by an extra turn. |
THE OL' RAZZLE DAZZLE | The damage over time effect from your Dazzlers lasts 2 seconds longer and deals 100% more damage. Gain a Nami and a Bard. |
THREE'S COMPANY | Gain 4 random 3-cost champions. |
THREE'S A CROWD | Your team gains 100 Health for each unique 3-cost champion on your board. |
TINIEST TITAN | Gain 2 player health and 1 gold after every player combat. Your Tactician also moves faster. |
TINIEST TITAN+ | Gain 2 player health and 1 gold after every player combat. Your Tactician also moves faster. |
TINY TITANS | Increase your current and maximum player health by 30. |
TONS OF STATS! | Your team gains 44 Health, 4% Attack Damage, 4 Ability Power, 4 Armor, 4 Magic Resist, 4% Attack Speed, and 4 Mana. |
TOO BIG TO FAIL | On death, Bruisers deal 30% of their max Health to enemies within 1 hex. After 20 seconds, expand the range to 2 hexes. Gain an Olaf and a Gragas. |
TRADE SECTOR | Gain a free Shop reroll every round. Gain 2 gold. |
TWIN TERROR I | When you field exactly 2 copies of a champion, they both gain 2500 Health, 25% Attack Speed, and 25% Critical Strike Chance. Anytime you 3-star, gain a 2-star copy. |
TWIN TERROR II | When you field exactly 2 copies of a champion, they both gain 3500 Health, 35% Attack Speed, and 35% Critical Strike Chance. Anytime you 3-star, gain a 2-star copy. |
TWO HEALTHY | Your team gains 110 Health for each unique 2-cost champion on your board. |
Unified Resistance I | If you have 3 or more champions in the same row at the start of combat, they all gain 15 Armor and Magic Resist. |
Unified Resistance II | If you have 3 or more champions in the same row at the start of combat, they all gain 25 Armor and Magic Resist. |
Unleashed Arcana | Gain a Jeweled Gauntlet, a Rabadon's Deathcap, a Needlessly Large Rod, and a Magnetic Remover. |
Vampirism I | Your team gains 20 Health. Gain another 4 Health and 1% Omnivamp per 5 missing player health. |
Vampirism II | Your team gains 50 Health. Gain another 6 Health and 1% Omnivamp per 5 missing player health. |
Wellness Trust | Round start: Gain 3 gold. If you have at least 40 gold, heal 2 player health. |
What Doesn't Kill You | Gain 2 gold after losing a player combat. Gain a random component after every 4 losses. |
What The Forge | Completed items you own (except Tactician's Crown and Emblems) are transformed into random Artifacts. Champions gain 110 Health per equipped Artifact. |
You Have My Bow | Gain a Recurve Bow. Your units gain 12% Attack Speed. |
You Have My Sword | Gain a B.F. Sword. Your units gain 15% Attack Damage. |
Young and Wild and Free | You can always move freely on Carousel rounds. Gain 3 gold. |