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League of Legends Community Tier List (14.12)

What is a Community Tier List?

Below you will find a community tier list that you can help curate. Votes on the community tier list should be based on their ease of winning matches.

How does voting work?

Your vote on a champion represents your opinion of what tier (1-5) that champion belongs in. The champions are sorted based on an average of everyone's votes.

How to vote: Hover over a champion. Select the desired tier. Your vote is shown.
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LOL Community Tier List Discussion This is a crowd sourced tier list meant for discussion and fun. Everyone's opinion is different and not everyone will agree with the results. Use your own discretion.


Best Picks

These champions are the best of the best, and are almost always strong picks.


Strong Picks

Very strong champions that are good in most situations, but may have a counter pick.


Average Picks

These champions are of average strength, or can be strong but only in some situations.


Weak Picks

Champions in this category are on the weak side, but can be picked in niche situations.


Worst Picks

These are champions that do not fit in the current meta, and should rarely if ever be picked.

  • Aatrox in Tier 5
  • Ahri in Tier 5
  • Akali in Tier 5
  • Akshan in Tier 5
  • Alistar in Tier 5
  • Amumu in Tier 5
  • Anivia in Tier 5
  • Annie in Tier 5
  • Aphelios in Tier 5
  • Ashe in Tier 5
  • Aurelion Sol in Tier 5
  • Azir in Tier 5
  • Bard in Tier 5
  • Bel'Veth in Tier 5
  • Blitzcrank in Tier 5
  • Brand in Tier 5
  • Braum in Tier 5
  • Briar in Tier 5
  • Caitlyn in Tier 5
  • Camille in Tier 5
  • Cassiopeia in Tier 5
  • Cho'Gath in Tier 5
  • Corki in Tier 5
  • Darius in Tier 5
  • Diana in Tier 5
  • Dr. Mundo in Tier 5
  • Draven in Tier 5
  • Ekko in Tier 5
  • Elise in Tier 5
  • Evelynn in Tier 5
  • Ezreal in Tier 5
  • Fiddlesticks in Tier 5
  • Fiora in Tier 5
  • Fizz in Tier 5
  • Galio in Tier 5
  • Gangplank in Tier 5
  • Garen in Tier 5
  • Gnar in Tier 5
  • Gragas in Tier 5
  • Graves in Tier 5
  • Gwen in Tier 5
  • Hecarim in Tier 5
  • Heimerdinger in Tier 5
  • Hwei in Tier 5
  • Illaoi in Tier 5
  • Irelia in Tier 5
  • Ivern in Tier 5
  • Janna in Tier 5
  • Jarvan IV in Tier 5
  • Jax in Tier 5
  • Jayce in Tier 5
  • Jhin in Tier 5
  • Jinx in Tier 5
  • K'Sante in Tier 5
  • Kai'Sa in Tier 5
  • Kalista in Tier 5
  • Karma in Tier 5
  • Karthus in Tier 5
  • Kassadin in Tier 5
  • Katarina in Tier 5
  • Kayle in Tier 5
  • Kayn in Tier 5
  • Kennen in Tier 5
  • Kha'Zix in Tier 5
  • Kindred in Tier 5
  • Kled in Tier 5
  • Kog'Maw in Tier 5
  • LeBlanc in Tier 5
  • Lee Sin in Tier 5
  • Leona in Tier 5
  • Lillia in Tier 5
  • Lissandra in Tier 5
  • Lucian in Tier 5
  • Lulu in Tier 5
  • Lux in Tier 5
  • Malphite in Tier 5
  • Malzahar in Tier 5
  • Maokai in Tier 5
  • Master Yi in Tier 5
  • Milio in Tier 5
  • Miss Fortune in Tier 5
  • Mordekaiser in Tier 5
  • Morgana in Tier 5
  • Naafiri in Tier 5
  • Nami in Tier 5
  • Nasus in Tier 5
  • Nautilus in Tier 5
  • Neeko in Tier 5
  • Nidalee in Tier 5
  • Nilah in Tier 5
  • Nocturne in Tier 5
  • Nunu & Willump in Tier 5
  • Olaf in Tier 5
  • Orianna in Tier 5
  • Ornn in Tier 5
  • Pantheon in Tier 5
  • Poppy in Tier 5
  • Pyke in Tier 5
  • Qiyana in Tier 5
  • Quinn in Tier 5
  • Rakan in Tier 5
  • Rammus in Tier 5
  • Rek'Sai in Tier 5
  • Rell in Tier 5
  • Renata Glasc in Tier 5
  • Renekton in Tier 5
  • Rengar in Tier 5
  • Riven in Tier 5
  • Rumble in Tier 5
  • Ryze in Tier 5
  • Samira in Tier 5
  • Sejuani in Tier 5
  • Senna in Tier 5
  • Seraphine in Tier 5
  • Sett in Tier 5
  • Shaco in Tier 5
  • Shen in Tier 5
  • Shyvana in Tier 5
  • Singed in Tier 5
  • Sion in Tier 5
  • Sivir in Tier 5
  • Skarner in Tier 5
  • Smolder in Tier 5
  • Sona in Tier 5
  • Soraka in Tier 5
  • Swain in Tier 5
  • Sylas in Tier 5
  • Syndra in Tier 5
  • Tahm Kench in Tier 5
  • Taliyah in Tier 5
  • Talon in Tier 5
  • Taric in Tier 5
  • Teemo in Tier 5
  • Thresh in Tier 5
  • Tristana in Tier 5
  • Trundle in Tier 5
  • Tryndamere in Tier 5
  • Twisted Fate in Tier 5
  • Twitch in Tier 5
  • Udyr in Tier 5
  • Urgot in Tier 5
  • Varus in Tier 5
  • Vayne in Tier 5
  • Veigar in Tier 5
  • Vel'Koz in Tier 5
  • Vex in Tier 5
  • Vi in Tier 5
  • Viego in Tier 5
  • Viktor in Tier 5
  • Vladimir in Tier 5
  • Volibear in Tier 5
  • Warwick in Tier 5
  • Wukong in Tier 5
  • Xayah in Tier 5
  • Xerath in Tier 5
  • Xin Zhao in Tier 5
  • Yasuo in Tier 5
  • Yone in Tier 5
  • Yorick in Tier 5
  • Yuumi in Tier 5
  • Zac in Tier 5
  • Zed in Tier 5
  • Zeri in Tier 5
  • Ziggs in Tier 5
  • Zilean in Tier 5
  • Zoe in Tier 5
  • Zyra in Tier 5

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Molses (2) | April 6, 2023 10:13am
there should be an "only otps pick I have no idea"
icat | February 27, 2023 3:43pm
This is a nice tool but it needs to be redone. Instead of clicking on every champion and pressing whatever 1 - 5 mark (mostly for monthly raffle points), this should be reset to 0 and new voting option should be available. Entering this community tier list after reset should let you decide which champions are tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 etc. in sequence, eg. first you choose tier 1 champions from the list, then you press ok and select tier 2 champions etc... this would be easier to navigate
Hades4u (555) | February 28, 2023 12:35am
Hey @ icat!

Thank you for the feedback! Hopefully we'll get the chance to improve the community tier list in the future. I've made a note of your suggestion and we'll come back to it once we shift our focus to this feature!
Molses (2) | February 26, 2023 7:54am
I think there could be a community tier list to climbing soloq!
Lavi Sorrow (2) | September 8, 2022 3:47am
Does community tier list reset after each patch? If not, I think it should because some champions are drastically changed.
Well if it would change anything... because currently this list is total nonsense. I wish players cared more about it.
Maybe a possibility to vote should be limited to users who have provided themselves at Mobafire or something. Like level requirement, idk...
Hades4u (555) | September 8, 2022 5:44am
Hey @ Lavi Sorrow!

To be completely honest... it's a feature we haven't touched in a looong time. I know a while ago we looked into ways to improve it but we dropped it for other projects, but hopefully at some point we'll come back to it and update it properly.

Thank you for the suggestions, I'll make some notes for when we get started on updating this tool!
minervatheory (1) | May 23, 2022 1:48pm
So how does the tier list work? Do you rate everyone or just those that you think are good? It seems like most people just get their 50 votes in every month so I guess it's skewed anyway. I'd like to see Taric higher, for example, but I'm definitely biased.
SELORONIOS (118) | June 1, 2022 2:17am
I suppose you're meant to vote for everyone but the tier list is surely not accurate at all. Many people vote randomly and never update them after the changes so it's pretty much unreliable. And even if they did so, the general voting would still be inaccurate considering that people would vote based on their ranked lost matchups.
SELORONIOS (118) | March 25, 2022 8:40am
Community tier list is weird as usual :D
Luxgana | March 11, 2022 8:31am
Skarner should be in worst,and tier list isn't good at all
it should be updated.
Karinutsa (82) | December 9, 2021 1:52am
Why there are no champs in the last 2 cat.l (weak and worst picks)? Do really all people upvote every single champ out there? :(
Silverman43 (85) | December 9, 2021 3:05am
The community tier list is just a bit of a mess right now because of how it works. People don't keep their ratings updated, so the tier list ends up being far from reality. (And there used to be champions in the last 2 categories before.)
The community tier list's functionality will most likely get changed in the future to improve its quality.
KafueLechwe (1) | November 19, 2021 7:58am
For a community tier list this isn't that bad. There are a decent amount of champions that definitely aren't the best picks (like Pyke or Kai'sa) and some that are definitely not average (like Amummu or Teemo). But I fall in the category that most champions are Tier 2 and a solid number of Tier 3s. Will definitely change my votes every time the meta shifts or I'm procrastinating more than usual :)
woolly26 (2) | September 20, 2021 12:08pm
this tier list is meh
Metallichydra (20) | September 16, 2021 12:06am
This tierlist honestly does not seem very good.
Hades4u (555) | September 16, 2021 12:27am
Hey @ Metallichydra! This tier list is based on the community votes. Right now there aren't too many votes, but you can click on any champion to cast your own vote. :)

We will be changing this tier list in the future to hopefully gain more attention from members, making it more reliable since more votes means more reliability.
msvgn | June 1, 2021 9:43am
Aatrox, Mordekaiser and Volibear seemed pretty underrated to me. They are like, at least Tier-2 champions imo.
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