League of Legends Community Tier List (14.12)
What is a Community Tier List?
Below you will find a community tier list that you can help curate. Votes on the community tier list should be based on their ease of winning matches.
How does voting work?
Your vote on a champion represents your opinion of what tier (1-5) that champion belongs in. The champions are sorted based on an average of everyone's votes.

LOL Community Tier List
This is a crowd sourced tier list meant for discussion and fun. Everyone's opinion is different and not everyone will agree with the results. Use your own discretion.
Best Picks
These champions are the best of the best, and are almost always strong picks.
Strong Picks
Very strong champions that are good in most situations, but may have a counter pick.
Average Picks
These champions are of average strength, or can be strong but only in some situations.
Weak Picks
Champions in this category are on the weak side, but can be picked in niche situations.
Worst Picks
These are champions that do not fit in the current meta, and should rarely if ever be picked.
Thank you for the feedback! Hopefully we'll get the chance to improve the community tier list in the future. I've made a note of your suggestion and we'll come back to it once we shift our focus to this feature!
Well if it would change anything... because currently this list is total nonsense. I wish players cared more about it.
Maybe a possibility to vote should be limited to users who have provided themselves at Mobafire or something. Like level requirement, idk...
To be completely honest... it's a feature we haven't touched in a looong time. I know a while ago we looked into ways to improve it but we dropped it for other projects, but hopefully at some point we'll come back to it and update it properly.
Thank you for the suggestions, I'll make some notes for when we get started on updating this tool!
it should be updated.
The community tier list's functionality will most likely get changed in the future to improve its quality.
We will be changing this tier list in the future to hopefully gain more attention from members, making it more reliable since more votes means more reliability.