Guide Builder
You are free to create and save a build but will not be able to edit it after. Guest builds are not listed and can only be found by direct link.
1. Build / Guide Title *
(Don't worry, you can edit this later)
2. Category *

3. Role

4. Champion(s)

5. Guide Skin(s)

6. Additional Options

Build Guide Help
Save, Publish, Preview, Archive
Feature allows members to save their build privately to come back and work on it another day. Saving a new guide creates a draft which is viewable only to the author. You can find your drafts on your profile page for easy access to finish later. Drafts remain private until they're published, so no one can see it, rate it or comment on it.Publish
How you publish your build for public viewing. Your build should be ready for public scrutiny when you save and publish as it goes to the live lists right away. It's common for incomplete builds to receive negative votes in the early stages of development, but those viewers don't return later to re-evaluate the build, so make sure it's solid before you publish. Later edits and additions to your guide can be accomplished by Saving and Publishing your guide again.Archive
Feature is meant to remove old, outdated, or unsupported builds without removing the historical data from the system. Comments, votes and the build remain intact while new comments or votes cannot be added anymore. If you wish to save a build publicly but without rating or comments enabled, this can be used for that purpose as well. You can archive your guide by viewing the published version of the guide and clicking the 'Archive' button at the top of the page.Guest Builds
Meant to be "Trial" builds or "Demo" builds and are created when users are not logged in. For this reason they are omitted from browse results unless users specifically include them in their searches. If you want to create a build that has comments turned on but will get mostly ignored (example: for discussion with your friends) this is a good way to accomplish that.How to Qualify as a Full Guide
Full Guides are highlighted separately from mere builds as they offer more in-depth and complete content. In order for your guide to qualify as a Full Guide rather than just a build, you’ll need to fulfill the following requirements:
- Runes must be fully allocated.
- 2 Summoner Spells must be selected.
- Ability points must be fully distributed for all 18 levels.
- Guide body text must reach a minimum of 3,000 typed characters (includes BBCode).
Basic Tooltips and Icons
Items, runes, summoner spells, champions and abilities can all be easily hyperlinked to their appropriate pages in the database (as well as adding the appropriate icon) by adding [[double square brackets]] around the term. Letter case is ignored, so you don’t have to worry about capitalizing words. Readers will also be able to mouseover the link to read the tooltip.
Example: [[lee sin]] or [[Lee Sin]] becomes

You can also create the icon for any item in the database and adjust the size as needed. Icons are useful as visual indicators as to what you’re discussing in a particular section of your guide. For example, you could use the icon of

To create an icon, start with [icon=___] and then fill in the blank with your desired entry. The name of the icon must match the name of the ability/rune/etc. in the database. You can adjust the icons size using the size parameter.
Example: [icon=Void Rush size=30] becomes

Basic Images and Embeds
You can also embed custom images into your guide rather than just using icons from the database. To do this, you’ll need to upload your image to an image hosting site like or find your desired image online and copy the image URL. Make sure to always copy the direct image URL, which isn’t always the URL at the top of the page. You can do this by right-clicking the image and selecting "Copy Image URL."
Just like with icons, you can change the size of your image as needed. One small difference is that you’ll need to specify the width or height of the image (or both) rather than using the “size” parameter. Adjusting only one of these parameters will preserve the image’s native aspect-ratio, so you won’t see any stretching or warping. In most cases, simply adjusting the image’s width works well enough. The default measurement for width and height is pixels, but you can also use percentages to adjust the image’s size relative to its full size (e.g. "width=60%").
[img= width=400]

Icon & Text Using Columns or Tables
One useful BBCode technique is using columns or tables to place an icon next to a section of text. This can also be achieved using the “float” parameter (e.g. [icon=Ashe size=40 float=left]), but this can result in the text “spilling” past the icon and going underneath it, which isn’t always desirable. In order to cleanly place an icon next to a section of text, you’ll need to use either columns or tables. We’ll show you how to do both. If you’d like to know more about the full use of columns and tables, check out our official BBCode Guide.
Tables Example:
Tables Example:
Image & Text Using Columns or Tables
You can use a very similar technique to place a larger image next to a section of text. Larger images can be useful for breaking up walls of text and providing useful visual aids for readers. The full width of the guide area is 690 pixels, so keep that number in mind when deciding how to divide up the width of your guide between image and text. Again, we'll give you examples using columns and tables so you can decide which method you prefer.
Columns Example:
![]() |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. |
Tables Example:
![]() | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. |
You should try to make your guide accessible to new players but also have beneficial information for more experienced players. Remember you don’t have to follow this outline exactly. You could combine some topics into 1 section, split them up, or rearrange their order. If you write a guide by yourself you might cover a lot of these topics, but this outline should provide you with common questions players want answered when reading a guide. Try to cover most of the topics, even if you don’t cover all of them.
1. Introduction
- Who are you?
- What are your credentials (high rank, experience with the champion, etc.)
- Why do you like this champion?
2. Pros / Cons
- Pros – What are the benefits of playing this champion?
- Cons – What are the drawbacks of playing this champion?
3. Team Composition (Synergies / Counters)
- What team compositions does this champion fit well in?
- What team compositions should you avoid with this champion?
- Any really good synergies with other champions?
- Are there any enemy team compositions / champions to avoid with this champ?
4. Runes
- Which runes do you usually take? (cheatsheet build)
- Why do you take these runes?
- Are there other options?
- In what situations would you use the other options?
5. Summoner Spells
- What are your main choices of summoner spells? (cheatsheet build)
- Why are these generally the most useful?
- Are there any other options?
- In what situations would you use the other options?
6. Items
- Which items should you start with?
- Which items should you focus on acquiring early in the game?
- Which items are core and should be bought every game?
- Which items are situational? When should you buy those items?
7. Ability Explanation
- What are this champ’s abilities? (copy / paste ability text OR explain in your own words)
- Do you have any tips or tricks for these abilities?
- Any common mistakes you see made with these abilities?
8. Lane Phase / Early Game
- What lane does this champion go in?
- Are there any items / consumables important to this phase of the game?
- If it’s bot, which lane partners are good / bad to go with?
- If it’s jungle, which laners are good / bad for your ganks?
- What is your strategy for this phase of the game?
- Do you stay safe and farm? Are you aggressive? Etc.
- What should you pay attention to on the map?
- What CS should you aim for?
9. Matchups
- What are some common enemies you will lane against?
- Are there any champions to avoid laning against?
- Are there any champions that your champion counters?
- What strategies should you employ against each enemy?
- Do you change how your skilling or build order when playing against certain enemies?
10. Mid Game / Team Fighting
- When should you leave your lane / group?
- Are there any items / consumables important to this phase of the game?
- When do you start team fighting?
- How should you position for team fights? (Be in the back line, front line)
- What is your strategy for team fights?
- Hit whatever you can, go for a certain target, protect a target, etc.
- What objectives should you secure? (Dragons, turrets, etc)
- What things should you pay attention to on the map?
11. Late Game
- Where should you be? (Don’t be out of position!)
- Are there any items / consumables important to this phase of the game?
- What is your strategy for team fights? (Is it different?)
- What objectives should you secure? (Baron, inhibitors, etc)
- What things should you pay attention to on the map?
12. Conclusion
- Extra resources (Videos, streams, etc)
- Anybody you'd like to thank?
- Thanks for reading!
Aspects of a Good Guide
Improving Your Guide
Characteristics of Bad Guides:
For more advanced BBCoding techniques, check out these great resources below!
- Official BBCode Guide
- BBCode Guide (RU) by @ Shark of Void
- Making a Guide by @ jhoijhoi
- How to Use Columns by @ IceCreamy
- Column Guide by @ astrolia
- Guide to Anchors and Custom ToC by @ astrolia
- A Table Coding Guide by @ Katasandra
- Responsive Columns Guide by @ Katasandra
Useful Subforums
Build & Guide Discussion: Useful if you’re having trouble creating a guide or have something to ask/discuss relating to guides on the site.
Artist’s Corner: A great subforum for sharing art, graphics and signatures, as well as seeking help creating visual aids for your guide. You can also commission artists to create banners or other images for use in your guide (usually for free!), but make sure to credit the artist appropriately in your final work.
Site Support: Encountered a nasty bug or other issue relating to the site? Have a suggestion for site improvement? Need to ask a question only the admins can answer? This is the place to get help with everything MOBAFire. Admins will check this subforum regularly, so if you need their help, this is a quick way to get it!
General Rules & Guidelines
Members are permitted to open one account only. Members found to be operating more than one account may have any or all accounts removed at the discretion of MOBAFire. If you are having trouble accessing your account, reset your password or contact our support before creating a new account.
Plagiarism is strictly forbidden on guides and other content. If you are using a picture or video that is not your own please link back to the source. Copying others' content without permission is considered plagiarism and is not tolerated. Build content, such as items, runes and skill orders, are not protected by plagiarism rules (but the text explaining them is).
Spamming to make your guide longer is against the rules. It's not allowed to add off-topic or irrelevant information in order to make your guide considered a "Full Guide" or "In-Depth". Please keep the content of your guide on-topic and relevant.
Reusing content of your previous guides when creating a new guide is allowed only for generally applicable information (e.g. warding spots, jungle routes) and only in reasonable amounts. The acceptable amount of reused information is 20% of the guide's total content. Authors that are found to reuse too much content from their previous guides will be contacted by site administrators, and they will be given a time frame to update their guide(s) with enough unique information, else they risk having their guides archived and locked until changes are made.
Republishing your guides too early before they have been updated to the latest patch is not allowed. The content of your guides must be updated to reflect the most recent patch before republishing. Authors that are found to abuse the republish function in order to bring their guides to the top without updating their content will be contacted by site administrators, and they will be given a time frame to update their guide(s) to the latest patch, else they risk having their guides archived and locked until changes are made. All guides must be fully updated and in their best form before being republished and marked with the latest patch version.
Here are some helpful questions to ask yourself before republishing a guide:
- Does my guide properly reflect the build displayed at the top? Have I made any changes to the build that should be reflected in the guide?
- Are there any item or skill descriptions that have been changed in the latest patch that I haven't updated yet?
- Are there any chapters that contradict each other because of a recent update?
- Is there any general information that was influenced indirectly by the latest patch? (e.g. laning, jungling, split pushing, tips and tricks)
- Have there been any changes to the champions I've added as threats and synergies in a guide? Do I need to update them and their descriptions?
We understand that experimenting with new patches and updating your guides is time consuming, but we want to make sure that our visitors find reliable guides that improve their League of Legends experience and help them become better players. You can choose to update small parts of your guide as soon as a patch is out, such as the main build at the top of your guide, but make sure to also update the content of your guide in a timely fashion to reflect the build changes. We need to enforce these rules to make sure that there is no confusion or sense of unreliability when players (especially newcomers) browse MOBAFire guides. We all want to see our community and the game we love grow!
Repurposing a published guide to an entirely different Champion is also prohibited. This is considered cheating the guide scoring system, since your score would no longer reflect the public's opinion of your guide.
Each member is expected to vote in good faith and without bias, according to their opinion of the content. Working around site fail safes, bribing, falsifying or otherwise "fixing" voting on any build, comment, or other content is strictly forbidden. You get 1 vote and 1 vote only, use it wisely.
Downvoting competing guides in order to boost your own guide's ranking is prohibited. If you must downvote competing guides, please leave a comment explaining your thoughts. Authors who habitually downvote competition may have their voting privileges revoked. This also goes for users who manipulate votes on an author's behalf.
For more detailed information on our voting rules, see this thread.
MOBAFire has a system called "+Rep" to reward its users for being helpful. You are not allowed to ask for +Rep in any way. It is also against the rules to bribe, trade or blackmail other users for +Rep.
Advertising: Unauthorized advertising on MOBAFire is not allowed anywhere. Related banners and links may be used in signatures and posts at the discretion of MOBAFire. Should any material be deemed unacceptable it must be removed immediately. New users who engage in commercial spam will be banned on sight. In special cases advertising is permitted with the prior approval of an administrator.
Spam Comments: Comments such as "lol", ":)" and "…" that are completely unconstructive are considered spam. Copying and pasting comments is also considered spam. Please keep your comments constructive and unique from each other.
Bumps: Replying to a thread simply to "bump" it to the top of the forum is considered spam. Please ensure all of your replies contribute to the discussion. For threads with successive posts (such as ranked journeys), please limit yourself to one post per day.
Spamming for Raffle Tickets: Spamming text, pointless comments, and copy-pasted comments used to increase a user's raffle tickets is considered spam. Those who try to cheat the monthly raffle may be banned from future raffles or have their account suspended entirely.
Forum Threads
Topic Rules: Post threads in the most appropriate subforum, and keep discussions on topic. If you have a new topic to discuss, create your own thread. This site is a place for fans of League of Legends to share builds, talk strategy and discuss all things League of Legends. There is an off topic forum for anything that isn't related to League of Legends. Keep all the off topic stuff there.
Necro Posts: Please refrain from posting in threads that have been abandoned (e.g. no posts for several months). Instead, post a new thread with that topic. Exceptions can be made for Signature shops, stickies and other long-term threads.
While MOBAFire prides ourselves in letting you be you, there is always a line you can't cross. Excessive aggression, constant harassment, personal attacks, stalking or any other type of bullying behavior is not allowed. Be respectful to your fellow community members and keep discussions civil, even when you disagree with someone.
We will carefully review each situation individually, but if we determine that the sum of your behavior is having a negative impact within the community, you may quickly find yourself on the outside of it, at MOBAFire's discretion.
Adult/Illegal Material
No adult or illegal material of any kind, including, but not limited to, video, pictures, links, discussion, or access information will be allowed anywhere on the site. Content that breaks League of Legends's Terms of Service (such as boosting or selling accounts) is also forbidden.
We don't like rule dodgers and as such reserve the right to ban anyone for any reason. Bans may be permanent or temporary depending on the infraction and your history in the community or any of the MOBAFire Network communities.
LAST UPDATED ON August 7, 2020.