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Orianna Build Guide by Aqua Dragon

Support [14.12] Diamond Support Orianna - Command: Support

Support [14.12] Diamond Support Orianna - Command: Support

Updated on June 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aqua Dragon Build Guide By Aqua Dragon 436 33 1,895,748 Views 118 Comments
436 33 1,895,748 Views 118 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Aqua Dragon Orianna Build Guide By Aqua Dragon Updated on June 19, 2024
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Champion Build Guide

[14.12] Diamond Support Orianna - Command: Support

By Aqua Dragon
The Author

Aquaired Skillset

Hi! I’m Aqua Dragon. I've been in Diamond for multiple seasons, and I play Support Orianna.

I also play:

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Pros and Cons


  • Best defensive shield in the game
  • Powerful anti-melee peel
  • Strong poke at early levels
  • Strong undeniable vision with the ball
  • Moves extremely fast; difficult to catch out while warding
  • Easily racks up assists; plentiful gold for items


  • Negligible teamfight damage
  • Weak waveclear
  • Weak lane presence after level 5
  • Excessively mana hungry mid-game
  • Only hard-CC is tough to aim and not guaranteed
What is Support Orianna? Why No AP Items?

Clockwork Protection

Orianna is most known for their powerful chunking ability at mid, but underlying that damage are some of the best utility buffs in the game. Unlike other supports that often rely on hard CC, Orianna's primary strength is manipulating the movement speed of the battlefield and providing allies strong, long-distance shields. Orianna Support's purpose is to be an Enchanter support, similar to Janna.

Sphere Heading Defense

Command: Protect is one of Orianna's strongest supportive tools. The ball grants 30 armor and magic resistance to whoever it is attached to. In more intuitive terms, the ball grants an ally about 1,100 gp of defensive stats while you're standing within 1100 - 1300 units of the ally.

Command: Dissonance offers another powerful narrative. It offers an solid 40% MS boost to all people in an AOE. The more notable aspect is its 40% slow, which is so strong that any melee champions going toward the balled target become crippingly slow. By mid-game, the spell goes down to a 3.5 second cooldown, and the field lasts on the ground for 3 seconds; huge uptime!

These two spells are the biggest spells for Orianna's role. Command: Attack and Command: Shockwave also have utility, but theirs is far more apparent: Attack provides undeniable vision, while Shockwave provides a clumping tool and a ranged ~1 second AOE stun against chases and during engages. Both of these simply add to Orianna's already-powerful toolkit.

Why so Little Damage?

After the laning phase, if you are casting your spells whenever possible to maximize their utility, you will quickly find that there is not even a few seconds of free time to use them offensively. Any damage dealt to opponents is incidental; Orianna cannot effectively be an aggressive support while also being a utility support.

In addition, Orianna has fairly lackluster or decent AP ratios. When building massive AP, these ratios are sufficient to chunk. But when relegated to a support status, where building massive AP is not always feasible, it is too cost-prohibitive to get anything more than incidental AP.

Perhaps most importantly though, I've tried many many times to make a more damage-oriented version of Orianna work, and it has failed every single time. These experiments, over multiple seasons, focused on trying different variations of cost-effective damage output, damage-oriented support items, or very aggressive laning. Consistently, the more support-oriented build path had considerably more success than these attempts, as they had damage that inevitably fell off a cliff too quickly to be viable.

This Rune Ori That Rune?


Guardian is why you're going Resolve. The best keystone for passive enchanter supports that don't need Aery's offensive capabilities.

Font of Life

Font of Life synergizes with Dissonance and Shockwave on the shielded target

Second Wind

Second Wind helps grant nice survivability against matchups Ori struggles with during laning phase.


Revitalize makes the shield better. Yeah.


Legend: Haste

The primary reason for going Precision secondary since there is sufficient mana in the build and this provides the most haste, though at the cost of a little ultimate haste.


Triumph is a reasonable choice because ***sists rack up super fast for Orianna support.


Ability Haste, Movement Speed, and Scaling Health

Haste for shields, and MS + scaling health since Orianna Support doesn't need to aggress early. However, more scaling HP and flat HP are wortwhile choices too.

Build Order

Shopping Ball

Create Item Set



Grab all the Enchanter items and slam 'em into one pile.
Those are all of Orianna Support's options.

Moonstone Renewer was consistently underwhelming, so it is excluded.
Stage of the Game

Ballerina's Stage


In the early game, your goals are to
  • Poke constantly with Q
  • Keep vision of the lane bush
  • Use Command: Protect when fighting or running
Harass Often with just Q: Support Orianna can dish out very respectable damage in the early ranks, and Ori won't run out of mana unless also trying to shield the ADC regularly or you use Command: Dissonance too much.

After level 5, Forget About Poke / Damage: Ori Support's damage is guaranteed to fall off rapidly, causing the lane poke to become critically weak. This happens around level 5, and is when Ori Support turns into a full-time shield bot for the carry.

When Harassing, Don't Always Recall the Ball: It's very handy to keep the ball near the enemies between Command: Attacks so that you can more reliably land the damage.

Stack Autos During Early Skirmishes: Orianna's Clockwork Windup passive can deal some very meaningful damage in early trades when the enemy has committed.

Use the Ball to Help Ward and Clear: Command: Attack allows you always check bushes before approaching them, which significantly increases how deeply you are able to ward and how aggressively you can contest control wards.


As the laning phase ends, your role will expand past being just a shieldbot
  • Group with the team
  • Conservatively use Dissonance to speed allies to locations
  • During teamfights, keep the shield rotating to the highest priority target
  • Peel off melees by using Command: Dissonance
  • Disrupt channels with Command: Shockwave
Completely Ignore Damage-Dealing: At this point, Ori's damage will merely tickle the enemies. Maximizing utility and shields is the way to go for the rest of the game instead of trying to risk suboptimal poke.

Command: Attack for Vision: Command: Attack is useful for getting rid of control wards since its vision cannot be denied. Similarly, you can use it to scout around dangerous corners before placing a ward down.

Stay on the Outskirts: The ball is the source of the utility, meaning as long as you're within 1,100 units of the fight, you're able to make an impact. Don't get close unnecessarily.

Use Dissonance on Minions and Herald: Command: Dissonance can speed up minions and uniquely is able to speed up Herald as well. Use this to your advantage when you're pushing with the team.

Use Dissonance to Trigger the Sleigh: Solstice Sleigh is a massive defensive boost. If you keep the ball on a carry that is about to be dived on, all you have to do trigger the Sleigh is activate Dissonance, providing a massive boost to their surivability.


Your roles from mid-game remain, but as your items and AH increase, so too does your impact
  • In fights, you should basically never stop casting your spells
  • Use Command: Dissonance constantly to speed toward locations
  • Use Dissonance to also clearly cover a huge area with the Oracle's Lens
  • Use Dissonance on minion waves to reach towers faster with them
Manipulate Movement Speed: Orianna Support's strongest power is marionetting the movement speed of the battlefield. Always think about how you're hitting both the speed of your enemies and allies,

Keep the Ball on Allies: You should keep balls on allies primarily for its passive stats rather than its shield. The shield is still strong, but the 30 extra defensive stats become especially meaningful extra defense.

Ward Aggressively: Orianna's ability to scout with the ball makes them one of the safest warders in the game. Use this to light up the map like a Christmas tree when an objective is within a minute of occuring.
This guide was a lot of fun to write, and I hope you all have learned everything you would have liked.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aqua Dragon
Aqua Dragon Orianna Guide
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[14.12] Diamond Support Orianna - Command: Support

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