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Champion's Strength according to lore. Patch 13.10

vuty2002's Tier List vuty2002's Tier List
Last updated on May 26, 2023
95806 40
18 Votes


This is my first tier list and it's about Champion's Power if we only look at the lore (if not, we can say Teemo and Gragas is the strongest lmao)

Feel free to comment and point out my mistakes (I use my memory when I make this) :D

The tier is updating...

Space Dragon

Aurelion Sol decided to go full monke.



They are god of this universe, they are untouchable and flawless.



Entities with ancient or catastrophic power, most of them are Darkin and Demon.Entities with ancient or catastrophic power, most of them are Darkin and Demon.



Demi-Gods, Ascended and Celestial Beings and finally, Powerful Shadow Isles entities.



Unnatural beings with immense power, weaker creatures fear these monsters.



They are undoubtly very powerful, some of them have unlimited potential to become even more stronger.


Above a+, Below S Tier

Their power are monsterous, but not a monster, yet.


A+ Tier

The most powerful humans and creatures, their skills and power are legendary in Runeterra.


A Tier

Mortals and creatures have incredible skills and/or unusual power.


B Tier

They are humans, creatures that are skilled in combat or has powerful arsenal, but not much of unusual power.


Peaceful Tier

Peaceful creatures/mortals that may not cause damage unless they are threatened.


Drunk Tier

Gragas need more wines.


Unknown tier

I don't know where to place them yet

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Purrrfect Kitty (78) | June 25, 2024 8:59am
I like your tier list! I have a question though, arent SSS and SS tier just as strong, but the first chose evil and the second chose good?
Jskodxn3 | February 26, 2024 11:35pm
I would move all aspect to SSS tier (why is Leona and Diana so low?) Including Kayle and morgana. I would also move Lissandra to at least SS tier, possibly SSS. Soraka should be SSS to god tier. Aphelios higher, like S tier. Ryze to S+ tier (possibly SSS with world runes). Yi and Shen 1 tier up. All yordles at least A+ tier. Kai'sa lower, to like above A+, below S. All higher demons (noc, eve etc.) one tier lower, they are weaker than Fiddle. Kayn and Varus one tier lower as well, they aren't on the level of Aatrox. Morde to SSS tier. Why is Brand in SSS when he is on a similar level to Ryze? Both should be S+. I would also move Nilah to somwhere between S+ and SS. Janna is weaker than ither spirit gods, should be S. There are some other mistakes but those are the ones that stood out the most for me.
AkaliMiAmor | May 26, 2023 9:05pm
Akali should be higher tbh Akali wrecks Kat
InkHeiko | March 20, 2022 5:13am
What bothers me is not exactly that some of it might look odd, but I just cant find Poppy ;( Despite she can make hearthquakes with her hammer her break a living mountain, she is nowhere
Siinful (1) | December 8, 2021 5:31pm
There are so many things wrong with this tier list lol
Maximus_Not_Live | December 6, 2021 11:28am
I think this is accurate, just make sure Zoe doesn't steal Ryze's scroll to delete runeterra.
TheImmortalEye (15) | November 22, 2021 12:26am
cant sona literally control peoples minds, or is that retconned now?
reidrigo | November 12, 2021 10:04pm
It's good in general, but some champions, specially the lower tiers looks a bit biased. First of all, almost all champions from A+ and A tier should be on the same tier. Katarina and Talon are no way weaker than Darius, Samira or Qiyana, and it's just a example.
Leblanc should be on at least on S tier, she is one of the strongest humans characters of the history. Vladimir should be at least on S+ tier too.
Rengar and Kha'Zix aren't that impressive, they should be on A+ tier. Diana and Leona should be on S tier. Malzahar and Kassadin at least on S tier. Sett should be lowered to A+ tier and Swain should be on S tier.
Purrrfect Kitty (78) | June 25, 2024 9:03am
Yeah i think Le Blanc has such insane influence on everything that happened in the world of Runeterra that she deserves to be higher tier!
DanielC0029 (1) | October 27, 2021 11:17am
Just to correct, Aatrox has rivalry with Pantheon the aspect, who he actually killed, and whose powers are now wielded by Atreus, the human who actually cutted down the Darkin's hand. By what is said on Pantheon(Atreus) story, he is a human with the power of the aspect of war, and he lits this power using his pure will.
Metallichydra (20) | October 12, 2021 4:55am
I honestly doubt nocturne, evelynn and tahm kench is as powerful as fiddlesticks.
By looking at Yone's quotes for them, we can see that he mocks Evelynn, Tahm Kench and Nocturne, yet he is scared of Fiddlesticks.
We also know he is a primordial demon, a very powerful and ancient demon. The other demons in league is not Pirmordial demons. They are just ... demons.
Also, Jhin does not seem to be very poweful. He uses magic bullets, yes. but he can't do magic himself - he is not a mage. In no way is he as poweful as the other champions in the tier he is in, such as lissandra (She is a very powerful mage), Shyvana (A literal dragon) or Ryze (Another extremely powerful mage)
vuty2002 | October 21, 2021 2:22am
Thanks for the feedback!
Previously, I kinda doubt about putting Jhin along with these champions, but since you guys gave me a explanation about his power, Jhin should not be at S Tier, so I put him in A+ Tier.
Additionally, about Evelynn and Nocturne, it's believed that these two demons born right after the Runes War ended (or during it):
- Nocturne inherits Shadow Magic, similar to Zed but he covered himself entirely in it and as we know that Shadow Magic is also an Ancient Power, Ionia did seal this Magic (it's unknown this is part of it or different kind of Shadow Magic) since it's considered dangerous to the Region.
- Evelynn as a Demon of Agony, also inherits Shadow Magic but not as much as Nocturne, she is a Predator seeks for human bodys (well, you can guess that based on her kind of Demon)
* Both of them wants the world turned into chaos.
Tahm Kench on the other hand, was also an Ancient Demon (not as ancient as Fiddlesticks after all) named Two-Coats - Demon of Despair. However, he decided to chilling around Bilgewater instead of scaring Runeterra like the other demons. I'm not so sure about this but Nautilus might feared him as well.
By that said, these demons should also considered as SSS Tier.
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