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Miss Fortune Build Guide by Demonsedge90

ADC 14.12 Miss Fortune Lethality & Critical Strike

ADC 14.12 Miss Fortune Lethality & Critical Strike

Updated on June 25, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Demonsedge90 Build Guide By Demonsedge90 1119 91 2,688,125 Views 38 Comments
1119 91 2,688,125 Views 38 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Demonsedge90 Miss Fortune Build Guide By Demonsedge90 Updated on June 25, 2024
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Tankmonx | June 1, 2024 9:47am
Lethality still viable with Collector lethality nerf compared to crit from pacth 14.11?
Demonsedge90 (4) | June 1, 2024 6:11pm
I am confident thatlethality builds in general are still viable even after the nerf to The Collector. With the changes to crit items, it now doesn't feel like, for her at least that one build is better than then other in terms of effectiveness, as they are both very strong options in the current meta right now. Since The Collector can be a part of both build paths it makes an appealing choice for her.

I hope this helps you out.
Tankmonx | June 25, 2024 6:42pm
What about IE Rush? Is it still worth it as a 1st item rush with its 40% crit damage boost instead of 50%? For the onhit build would Kraken, into Kraken/Crit item, into IE be more efficient for IE?
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Demonsedge90 (4) | February 7, 2024 3:58pm
Even with the changes to Youmuu's Ghostblade and The Collector in patch 14.3, I feel thatlethality builds as Miss Fortune will still be effective in team fights and skirmishes.
leevidavinci (1) | December 17, 2023 1:51am
Critical build start is a mess, A new player needs linear, simple instructions, not this kind of pile of starter and second items. You should make a clearer line of progression for what items to get to build into specific item sets. The lethality build however is a good one, experimented with it and found it well performing
Cerisee | November 1, 2023 8:29pm
Which build is better now? Lehality or critical?
Demonsedge90 (4) | November 2, 2023 3:13pm
Right now in the current state of the game I feel the lethality build is stronger on Miss Fortune as it's very consistent into all matchups, while also being a bit more flexible with item choices.
AbstrakT101 (1) | August 29, 2023 11:14pm
interesting guide. i will try her build and let you know how it went
Demonsedge90 (4) | August 30, 2023 10:34am
Sure thing.
Dao Fragment | July 6, 2023 3:35am
I have a very big problem with building

There is squishy team build and tank build team, but it feels useless because what If enemy has 1 tank and all squishy so I build squishy build, but then the 1 tank will be fed and I will be doing no dmg to him ? How should I build when enemy has 1 tank and other squishy ?
Demonsedge90 (4) | July 6, 2023 4:36pm
If the tank is going to cause you the most issue, then here are some options you can consider:
crit: Infinity Edge will be your mythic choice here as it provides excellent damage output. For Last Whisper options consider Lord Dominik's Regards against health heavy champions or Mortal Reminder should they have heavy healing effects or abilities.

lethality: Eclipse & Black Cleaver are very effective options when dealing with tanks. Your Last Whisper item can be either Serylda's Grudge (help slow them down for you) or Lord Dominik's Regards (dealing with tanks who stack health).

Afterwards, itemize your remaining build toward dealing with the squishier targets.
(ex:crit: Bloodthirster, Kraken Slayer, The Collector.
lethality: Axiom Arc, The Collector, Edge of Night,
I'll leave that with you to decide what pair of Boots to choose.

In most cases, two tanks busting items are sufficient in this scenario (1 tank, the rest squishy), though judge accordingly per match.

Blade of the Ruined King is an excellent alternate option for both builds when dealing with tanks and works well into Kog'Maw or Vayne should they have Overgrowth.

I hope this answers your question, but if not, please reply and let me know.
GodMulti (4) | November 7, 2022 5:42am
Hey, you requested for me to review your Guide :)

I really like the art style of the guide but you are missing a lot of diversity in builds. i would add some more rune variations and remove the prowlers claw Build. In my opinion it is simply not viable on mf.

otherwise just keep going over and over the whole guide and see if you can explain some things better in a way.

Have a nice day!
Demonsedge90 (4) | November 7, 2022 1:01pm
Thank you for the feedback.
Katasandra (101) | November 5, 2022 9:06am
Click for review
Demonsedge90 (4) | November 5, 2022 2:23pm
I appreciate the review and I will examine your feedback and act accordingly to see how I can improve it based on your feedback.
Rayfusion | October 18, 2022 2:20pm
How does this build do currently? I recently got pinged for crafting Eclipse against Nasus, New void jungler, Corki ,Ashe and Janna was i trolling? Went eclipse and collector hoping id snow ball to then build shred
Demonsedge90 (4) | October 18, 2022 4:08pm
This build has been very effective in my games as Miss Fortune, and my success rate has been very promising thus far.

There should be no reason to feel bad taking Eclipse + the other items you mentioned into that team setup. Since Nasus & Bel'Veth scale, you'll need sufficient attack damage & armor penetration to keep up with them in fights you take. If you were to take the Blade of the Ruined King in tandem with Eclipse, you effectively deal with him and Bel'Veth and still have enough pressure to deal with Corki, Ashe & Janna too.

I must also add no you were not trolling, don't ever think it's trolling.
Rayfusion | October 19, 2022 7:16am
Thanks a lot for the reply! Sometimes it feels so easy to follow a build that it slips my mind that every game is different where we also itemized differently. Again thanks a lot for the reassurance have a nice day!
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vlancx | October 10, 2022 4:38am
i lov this guide
Demonsedge90 (4) | October 10, 2022 6:24am
Thank you very much.
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