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I hope this helps you out.
With regards to the
There is squishy team build and tank build team, but it feels useless because what If enemy has 1 tank and all squishy so I build squishy build, but then the 1 tank will be fed and I will be doing no dmg to him ? How should I build when enemy has 1 tank and other squishy ?
Afterwards, itemize your remaining build toward dealing with the squishier targets.
I'll leave that with you to decide what pair of
In most cases, two tanks busting items are sufficient in this scenario (1 tank, the rest squishy), though judge accordingly per match.
I hope this answers your question, but if not, please reply and let me know.
I really like the art style of the guide but you are missing a lot of diversity in builds. i would add some more rune variations and remove the prowlers claw Build. In my opinion it is simply not viable on mf.
otherwise just keep going over and over the whole guide and see if you can explain some things better in a way.
Have a nice day!
There should be no reason to feel bad taking
I must also add no you were not trolling, don't ever think it's trolling.
Have a good day.