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Miss Fortune Build Guide by Demonsedge90

ADC 14.12 Miss Fortune Lethality & Critical Strike

ADC 14.12 Miss Fortune Lethality & Critical Strike

Updated on June 25, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Demonsedge90 Build Guide By Demonsedge90 1119 91 2,688,066 Views 38 Comments
1119 91 2,688,066 Views 38 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Demonsedge90 Miss Fortune Build Guide By Demonsedge90 Updated on June 25, 2024
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune
  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune
    Critical Strike

Runes: Dark Harvest

1 2 3 4
Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Greetings! I am known as Demonsedge.

I specialize in the bot lane, and the marksman champion I prefer to use is Miss Fortune. As you read this guide, you'll discover team compositions that work well with her abilities and get recommendations for suitable items.

With my guidance, you can improve your skills when playing as Miss Fortune.

So, let's get started with my guide on Miss Fortune - The Bounty Hunter!

Miss Fortune - The Bounty Hunter
Marksman, Bottom Lane
Specialties: Burst Damage, Ranged
Why choose Miss Fortune?:
- This champion is relatively easy to understand and learn.
- She deals excellent damage against targets during trades, has strong farming potential, and is effective at securing objectives such as turrets/ dragons or baron nashor.
- Has the potential to carry the game, make big plays, and is a great team fight asset.

I always enjoy playing Miss Fortune, and I hope you will too.

Pros & Cons
+ Great poke
+ Good team fight ultimate
+ Strong burst damage
+ Flexible item path
+ Good objective securing
+ Lane bully
- Squishy
- Immobile (no dash)
- Interruptible ult
- Mana intensive
- Low base damage
- Limited crowd control utility

Ability Rundown

Love Tap

Love Tap helps with last-hitting and harassment (scaling with levels, and attack damage). To maximize damage while farming or trading, hit new targets ( minions, champions, turrets or neutral objectives) often and switch between them.

Love Tap will also triggeron-hit effects such as life steal on each target hit.

Double Up
| Cost: 43 / 46 / 49 / 52 / 55 Mana | Cooldown: 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 | Cast Time: Matches Basic Attack Timer | Target Range: Miss Fortune's Attack Range | Effect Radius: 500 | Angle: 160° | Speed: 1,400 |

Double Up allows you to bounce a cannonball from one target to another, applying Love Tap, on-attack andon-hit effects ( Blade of the Ruined King, Muramana and Essence Reaver). It helps secure minions or bounce off near-dead minions for critical strikes on the secondary target hit (if any). Avoid spamming it often, as you will quickly run out of mana.

Pairing it with Infinity Edge amplifies the bonus critical damage dealt.

| Cost: 45 Mana | Cooldown: 12 | Cast Time: None |

Strut improves Miss Fortune's mobility, which is advantageous both in and out of combat as long as she doesn't take any damage. By activating Strut, her passive movement speed is immediately increased to its full potential. Additionally, the attack speed buff can help her push lanes, trade more effectively, and secure objectives. When applying Love Tap to different targets you'll reduce the cooldown of Strut.

Proper positioning is crucial to ensure that Strut's passive is not removed.

When Miss Fortune respawns, she will receive movement speed equal to the current rank of Strut, allowing her to return to combat faster.

Make it Rain
| Cost: 80 Mana | Cooldown: 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 | Cast Time: 0.25 | Range: 1,000 | Effect Radius: 200 |

Make it Rain is great for starting fights, slowing down enemies, potentially secure kills (if aimed correctly) or aid in your escape during combat. It's great for collecting Dark Harvest stacks from a safe distance, while also providing access to the enemy in the backline, even if tanks or other frontline champions are protecting them.

Bullet Time
| Cost: 100 Mana | Cooldown: 120 / 110 / 100 | Effect Radius: 1,450 | Width: 40 | Angle: 30° | Speed: 2,000 |

Bullet Time is a potent ability during team fights and skirmishes. Very beneficial when used in tandem with Make it Rain or your teammates' abilities ( Malphite's Unstoppable Force, Leona's Shield of Daybreak, Solar Flare or the third cast of Yasuo's Steel Tempest plus Last Breath) to ensure maximum damage.

With Bullet Time, you can create opportunities for your team, such as:
- When looking to secure objectives ( Dragons, rift herald or Baron Nashor) .
- Tipping the scale in a team fight or skirmish.

Purchasing Infinity Edge, grants increased critical strike damage to each wave.


I will share simple and practical combinations while playing Miss Fortune in Summoners Rift games, whether in draft or ranked modes. These combos will be easy to understand and implement.

Auto - - Auto

- - Auto - - Auto

Tips & Tricks:

Playing As Miss Fortune:
- You can use the ability Double Up to hit targets hiding in nearby bushes by bouncing off minions.
- To maintain the your Strut's passive, get shielding effects from items ( Bloodthirster), or the mountain dragon soul.
- Make it Rain can also be used when scouting for the enemy within a fog of war zone (walls, bushes, or areas where you do not have vision).
- To deal the most damage to the enemy with Bullet Time, position it in choke points, ensuring that each wave of bullets hits the enemy.

Playing Against Miss Fortune:
- Avoid being near minions when farming against her to avoid damage from her second Double Up bounce.
- When damaged Miss Fortune will lose the bonus movement speed from Strut, making it easier to chase her down.
- Stay mobile to avoid the damage from her Make it Rain- Bullet Time combo, especially when paired with potent initiators.
- Use your crowd control/impairment abilities when Miss Fortune activates Bullet Time, cancelling the channel.

Game Plan as Miss Fortune

As a Miss Fortune player, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of the primary objectives for each game stage. Keeping this in mind can make all the difference in your performance.

- Early game: In the game's early stages, your primary goal should be to gather as many minions as possible to earn both gold and experience. It will enable you to buy your essential items, giving you an edge over your opponent.

Another tactic is to deny your opponent access to gold and experience by setting up a freeze or trading with them.

Additionally, it's essential to keep an eye on the enemy jungle and ward off the area to prevent any unexpected attacks.

- Mid-game: During the mid-game, it's time to group up with your team and focus on team fighting and securing objectives like Baron Nashor, Rift Herald, or Dragons. Exercise caution when collecting waves or jungle camps, and always be mindful of your opponent's location to avoid falling into an ambush and getting eliminated.

- Late game: You must make strategic decisions to secure victory in the late game. It may involve pushing lanes, focusing on objectives, or team fighting to take down the enemy nexus. Staying focused and making intelligent moves is essential, as a single mistake can be costly at this stage.

Things to consider:

Before prioritizing objectives like dragons or rift herald, one must consider the potential dangers of wandering around the map:
- How much could I gain/lose when roaming compared to staying in my lane?
- What are the risks to me?
- Will I get ahead from roaming, or will I need to catch up?

Assessing whether your involvement in team fights will impact the outcome or objective is critical. If it won't, it may be more beneficial to maintain pressure on the map from your current location.

To maximize your chances of victory as Miss Fortune, only engage with Double Up, Make it Rain, or Bullet Time once your enemies are in a favourable position to apply the most significant damage output.

Summoner Spells

An essential spell for Miss Fortune that you should pick for your games 100% of the time. Since you don't have access to any form of self-peel, Flash assists when caught out or stuck in rough situations, allowing you to escape safely, dodging any crucial abilities.

Another must-have spell for Miss Fortune, providing healing and a small movement speed bonus. An excellent choice for Miss Fortune that can give you that little boost needed to escape skill shots or get you and a teammate out of a jam. The downside is that subsequent Heal spells applied to you within a short window are less effective, so refrain from taking it should your support grab it instead. If both of you have it, coordinate them appropriately for the best results.

Effective for Miss Fortune when looking to slow down and reduce the damage you could take from a threatening foe ( Draven, Katarina, Master Yi, Zed or LeBlanc) in combat. It is also handy when fleeing combat or reducing damage over time spells cast upon you.

Note that you can't negate the true damage with Exhaust from abilities such as Darius's Noxian Guillotine, Garen's Demacian Justice or Camille's Precision Protocol recast.

Your goto spell for dodgingcrowd control effects applied to you ( Lux's Light Binding, Morgana's Dark Binding/ Soul Shackles, Leona's Shield of Daybreak/ Zenith Blade/ Solar Flare, or Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow), along with gaining protection from future disabling effects and increased tenacity for a few seconds. Removes Ignite, Exhaust, Smite & grounded effects while being ineffective againstcrowd control effects such as suppression, nearsightedness, stasis or airborne. These can include: Poppy's Keeper's Verdict, Bard's Tempered Fate and Nocturne's Paranoia.

If affected by damage over time, attack speed reduction, armor shredding or grievous wound effects, Cleanse will not remove them.

Note that activating Cleanse before being hit by animmobilizing effect won't save you.

Barrier is helpful for Miss Fortune to shield yourself from highly damaging spells/auto attacks or damage dealt by foes who use stealth as their form of engagement, where Exhaust would be unable to hit them before damage is applied. Champions that it would be useful against are Shaco, Akali, Xerath, Kha'Zix, Twitch or Lux.

Note that Pyke's Death from Below and Urgot's Fear Beyond Death excute won't be blocked when activating Barrier in combat with them.

Trinkets & Consumables

Always consider buying Control Wards to remove enemy vision from the map. Control Wards function similarly to the Oracle Lens trinket, dealing with stealth & camouflaged based champions ( Twitch, Rengar, Evelynn and Kha'Zix) that approach them. When returning to the fountain, do your best to acquire one or two if you have spare gold.

Farsight Alteration (available at level 9) is picked in 99.5% of games as Miss Fortune and helps when looking to split push or getting vision on objectives or other regions of the rift from a safe distance to prevent you from having to walk up to bushes and spot enemy flanks. Similar to Stealth Wards, it helps create vision in critical areas, but unlike Stealth Wards, it's visible to the enemy and fragile, meaning they will die the instant they are spotted.

It's great to have Oracle Lens when dealing with stealth champions who plant traps, such as Teemo, Shaco, & Nidalee. It's also good against champions who use stealth abilities to engage/disengage, such as Twitch, Pyke, Wukong or Shaco.

Stealth Ward is your main trinket in all games as Miss Fortune, revealing units within a target location. With the ability to place a max of three Stealth Wards on the map at any given time, you can create sightlines on essential regions of the map. It is helpful when setting up vision while split pushing or when establishing deep vision in enemy territory or objectives ( Baron Nashor & dragons).

Stats To Consider
- Attack Damage: Miss Fortune's low base damage numbers make it essential for her to acquire attack damage in each game. Increasing the potency of her auto attacks, abilities, and the damage of each Love Tap trigger. Every extra stat increase is helpful for her; therefore, you should always prioritize it when possible.

- Attack Speed: Effective when looking to reset your auto-attack animations or cast Double Up faster. While it's not needed to thrive in combat, it's also helpful during fights with champions who have a higher base attack speed rating ( Jinx, Ashe, Xayah or Caitlyn) compared to Miss Fortune.

- Life Steal: The most efficient healing stat to build when playing Miss Fortune. It can be triggered when applied through auto attacks/on-hit item effects and your Love Tap & Double Up abilities.

- Omni Vamp: Another healing option applies while using abilities and auto attacks as Miss Fortune, though it is less effective than life steal for her in comparison. Due to recent changes, the only option currently available ( Riftmaker) is not what I'd consider, so avoiding this defensive stat would be wise until better options surface.

- Health: It is excellent to consider in most matchups, especially against assassins who typically build lethality items when playing as Miss Fortune. We wouldn't normally consider this as we aren't a tank, but having health can be the difference between dying quickly or living longer. Consider it after purchasing your core or necessary item options.

- Ability Haste: Useful stat in theory on Miss Fortune, but not as prioritized in the grand scheme. Best when looking to build around your abilities ( Double Up & Bullet Time) as your primary damage source.

- Armor/Magic Resistance: Suitable for Miss Fortune when against assassins or champions that threaten your survival. Very efficient when paired with health items/runes, as you will be much harder to kill in combat. However, similar to prioritizing health, tanks will gravitate to armor and magic resistance more than marksman; therefore, we'll prioritize other stats more often than not.

- Movement Speed: Helpful to improve kiting and escaping fights while also useful for dodging skill shots and other abilities. Not as prioritized on Miss Fortune, but efficient compared to the other available options.

Which Boots & Why?
Berserker's Greaves > Attack Speed
Berserker's Greaves are the default selection in most games when playing Miss Fortune. They provide valuable attack speed needed to trade efficiently in each matchup and grant consistent damage against objectives such as turrets/ baron nashor or dragons.
Zephyr > Attack Speed ( Berserker's Greaves upgrade)
Zephyr provides increased attack Speed and extraon-hit mobility that helps to improve your kiting potential in combat.

Boots of Swiftness > Slow Reduction
Excellent on Miss Fortune when dealing with slowing effects applied to you in combat. They can vary from sources such as Ashe's Frost Shot/ Volley/ Serylda's Grudge/ Rylai's Crystal Scepter, or other movement impairing effects/abilities that would leave you vulnerable and make it hard for you to escape combat.

Mercury's Treads > Magic Resistance & Tenacity
Consider Mercury's Treads against manycrowd control effects that could impair your survivability should you not be able to bring Cleanse. I recommend these Boots for their tenacity & magic resistance should the need arise. Great into teams with heavy magic damage threats.

Plated Steelcaps > Basic Attack Damage Reduction
When facing champions that rely on dealing damage through auto attacks, it's advisable to choose Plated Steelcaps for Miss Fortune. An excellent option when looking to reduce damage taken from auto attacks during combat or when against teams who heavily stack physical damage.

While Mercury's Treads and Plated Steelcaps aren't selected often on Miss Fortune compared to Berserker's Greaves & Boots of Swiftness, that doesn't mean they can't provide valuable resistances during fights or skirmishes. Consider your opponent(s) before making your selection.

Going the "no Boots" build path (using Zeal or other % movement speed item replacements) along with your Strut passive to move about the map is viable, but my opinion is that when you are low and trying to escape, it will be a lot harder without Boots then compared to having them. So, if you take the "no Boots" route, ensure sound positioning for the best results.

Starter Items
If you are dealing with poke champions or need extra sustain in longer early fights, I suggest starting with Doran's Blade. It can make all the difference between surviving difficult matchups or restoring health from jungle ambushes.
Long Sword gives you an early advantage in matchups with snowball potential, making it easier to buy your first item sooner. Comparatively, to Doran's Blade, you won't have the added life steal early on (which can be vital in most cases), though you can acquire three Health Potion to complement this purchase.

-Lethality: Improves your overall damage against targets with your abilities, while also shredding the armor of squishier targets and tanks.

-Critical Strike: Geared towards a heavy auto attack/on-hit playstyle with improved critical strike damage on Double Up and Bullet Time. It scales nicely into the late game.

Lethality Build:

Core Items
Select Edge of Night when looking to dodge crowd control as Miss Fortune. Its spell shield ignores the first ability you get hit by (which can be life-saving). It can also make or break a team fight if used correctly. Avoid combat to refresh the shields cooldown.

Note that Nocturne's Paranoia will consume the spell shield, so be careful when entering into a team fight.
With the execution from The Collector, you'll gain increased gold income, which in turn allows you to reach your item power spikes sooner, thus enabling you to snowball your games relatively quickly. An excellent buy on Miss Fortune for improved duelling potential.
Very efficient when needing some out-of-combat movement speed, and the ability to walk through minions should you get caught in a sticky situation or don't have your Flash and need to make a quick getaway. Also helpful in situations where you are trying to chase down a low health target you want to finish off.

Situational Items
Axiom Arc is a great choice for Miss Fortune as it allows her to use Bullet Time more frequently during team fights. Axiom Arc reduces the cooldown of Bullet Time by a percentage, (that scales with your total lethality), whenever you eliminate recently damaged targets.
An excellent option for Miss Fortune, providing armor shred when damaging the enemy while also granting additional mobility in combat. In addition, it synergizes well with Bullet Time, applying the armor reduction with each successive wave.

While it may not provide the same level of armor penetration as other options ( Lord Dominik's Regards, Mortal Reminder, and Serylda's Grudge), it's an efficient choice, particularly in the right matchup. Great into champions who possess high armor ratings, such as Rammus, or Malphite.
Taking Chempunk Chainsword as your grievous wounds item is essential when facing champions such as Kayn ( The Darkin Scythe: Rhaast), Samira, Nami, Soraka, or Sona that have healing abilities or items.
Hubris is a solid rush option for Miss Fortune, when you can snowball your lane matchup. It scales with each takedown you acquire, making it an excellent way to improve your overall damage in combat.
An excellent option for Miss Fortune, providing additional lethality for improved combat efficiency and mobility upon securing a takedown on the enemy. A very good replacement to acquire when contemplating to sell your Boots in the late game.
Serpent's Fang is great into champions who possess shielding in their kits ( Sett, Karma, Janna, Yone, Yasuo & Lulu) or champions who acquire shield enhancing items such as Immortal Shieldbow & Sterak's Gage.

Will not affect champions who possess magic damage shields from sources such as Kaenic Rookern, Maw of Malmortius or Galio's Shield of Durand.
A strong % armor penetration option for Miss Fortune. Compared to its counterpart Lord Dominik's Regards, Serylda's Grudge helps by slowing down your targets in combat, ensuring your opponents take the most damage possible from all your abilities.
Great against champions such as Teemo, Nidalee, or Shaco, who love to place traps in choke points, bushes, or neutral objectives. Helpful with vision denial around objective markers and lane bushes that may contain any wards.
Miss Fortune can benefit from Voltaic Cyclosword increasing her chase potential and burst damage in combat. It's worth noting that the slow value is quite different when compared to melee champions. However, we can still make it work effectively by pairing it with Serylda's Grudge for even more sticking power during team fights.

Critical Strike Build:

Core Items
Using Bloodthirster can significantly improve your ability to survive during battles and group fights. It's particularly advantageous for Miss Fortune since your Double Up and Love Tap abilities can activate the life steal effects, keeping you healthy during trades and skirmishes.
Infinity Edge is your bread-and-butter item for Miss Fortune since it scales with Double Up & Bullet Time, dealing massive damage with their bonus critical strike effects. Once acquired, it's an insane power spike and helpful when playing with crit as Miss Fortune.
With the execution from The Collector, you'll gain increased gold income, which in turn allows you to reach your item power spikes sooner, thus enabling you to snowball your games relatively quickly. An excellent buy on Miss Fortune for improved duelling potential.

Situational Items
Essence Reaver on Miss Fortune is an excellent rush option to consider in most games. It's also very effective when solving mana issues you might have in fights. Since you can trigger its effect with Miss Fortune's Double Up, it will shine when playing anon-hit build for more damage and pressure.
Kraken Slayer is a powerful burst damage option for Miss Fortune granting additional physical damage, increasing in effectiveness upon striking the same target. When paired with Strut's attack speed bonuses and Double Up (applies a stack with each bounce), you'll trigger this effect very efficiently.

Works incredibly well when stacking otheron-hit effects against your targets.
Immortal Shieldbow is a solid defensive option to consider on Miss Fortune when facing dangerous adversaries like assassins or high-burst mage champions, such as Warwick, Fizz, Zed], [[Akali, or Talon.
Mortal Reminder is a solid % armor penetration item and an efficient grievous wounds option for Miss Fortune. Best selected when fighting against champions, such as Samira, Kayn ( The Darkin Scythe: Rhaast), Sona, Nami, and Dr. Mundo, who have healing items or effects within their kits.
Miss Fortune can benefit greatly from using Phantom Dancer. It provides a ghosting effect that helps you maintain your distance or chase down opponents you want to eliminate. Effective when paired with other items withon-hit effects ( Blade of the Ruined King, Wit's End).
Rapid Firecannon enhances Miss Fortune's auto attack and Double Up's range and addson-hit magic damage during battles. When casting Double Up, if you quickly attack the target (during Double Up's animation) it will result in added single-target damage.

Helpful when facing champions such as Caitlyn, Ashe, Xayah, or Draven.
Wit's End is a solid defensive option to consider when you're against magic damage champions such as LeBlanc, Karthus, Akali or Ekko. Its also effective when duelling as Miss Fortune since it provideson-hit magic damage against your target.

Also strong when paired with otheron-hit/on-attack item effects.
Yun Tal Wildarrows is an excellenton-hit burst option for Miss Fortune, dealing increased damage with each critical strike applied to your target. Since Double Up applies this bonus, it increases your trading potential with opponents in fights or skirmishes.

Situational Items ForLethality and Crit
Consider building Blade of the Ruined King when you are up against tanks or bruisers in the game. It is a strongon-hit option that synergizes nicely with Miss Fortune's Double Up ability. It's also ideal for sticking close to targets and kiting melee or other squishy champions.
Guardian Angel offers a necessary revive to live longer and carry the game. Consider purchasing it when ahead and need the added resurrection for future fights. However, be careful since dying in a large crowd means you could die again after the passive effect triggers.
Lord Dominik's Regards is an excellent % armor penetration option to consider for Miss Fortune when against champions who build armor items, or are heavily armored targets such as Rammus or Malphite.
Very efficient durability and sustain option when duelling heavy magic damage threats such as Brand, Morgana, and Teemo, who cause damage gradually. Also great into champions like Syndra, Vex, and Katarina, who have powerful damage output that can defeat you quickly.
With Mercurial Scimitar you'll have an excellent tool that deals with most crowd control/spell effects (except airborne, Smite, Ignite or Exhaust) along with being great against the following champion abilities: Warwick's Infinite Duress, Skarner's Impale, Urgot's Fear Beyond Death, Malzahar's Nether Grasp, Tahm Kench's Devour, or Sett's The Show Stopper. Breaking free from these effects will allow you to escape fights or dangerous situations more efficiently.

However, due to its long active cooldown, careful ability blocking is paramount.
Muramana is a strongon-hit option that grants increased ability usage (increased mana sustain). It also improves the effectiveness of your auto attacks and abilities by using your overall mana pool (gained from Manaflow Band or other items/runes) as an added damage source. It is very effective when paired with otheron-hit items or when looking to deal with more single-target burst damage in fights.

The following keystone and rune choices are great for Miss Fortune and will complement her in combat. Always pay attention to the enemy team comp, plus your item builds when selecting your runes to get the most value in each game.

Keystone Runes:

- Dark Harvest is an excellent keystone option for Miss Fortune that deals additional damage to low-health targets, when hit by any of your attacks/abilities, increasing in effectiveness based on the number of souls acquired. As you gain more stacks, your execution threshold increases (further increased with The Collector). It's also a great option when playing lethality on Miss Fortune.

- First Strike is an excellent keystone option for Miss Fortune, providing extra gold upon damaging an enemy champion. Additional gold can be obtained (equal to the amount of damage you deal with abilities and auto attacks) once you trigger First Strike on the enemy. A helpful keystone that pairs nicely with Cash Back when looking to ramp into your much-needed core items.

With the initial 15 gold, hitting a single Double Up or even Make it Rain (if you have a lot of mana) can be huge early.

- Press the Attack is the most efficient keystone for Miss Fortune since it works well into most matchups and triggers after auto-attacking three times or performing an auto- Double Up-auto combo. Upon triggering the effect, your target will take more damage from all your spells and auto attacks. Excellent when paired with crowd control supports such as Leona, Thresh, Rell, Nautilus, Amumu, or Morgana.

- Conqueror grants extra damage for Miss Fortune (per auto or ability used) in combat, gaining an extra boost during trades and duels with the enemy. So while we may not trigger the keystone's healing effect, it's still a viable option to consider.

- Arcane Comet is a strong keystone choice for Miss Fortune when looking to poke down the enemy at a distance. Very good into poke champions such as ( Ezreal, Lux, Zyra & Xerath), and also effective when dealing with other pesky matchups. Another solid option when playing lethality with Miss Fortune.

Domination Runes:

- Selecting Cheap Shot for Miss Fortune is excellent in fights, dealing additional true damage on a target recently affected by crowd control effects (not including suppression or airborne). While the true damage values aren't stellar, you can still make the most of the rune. A great choice alongside champions such as Leona, Morgana, Lux, Nautilus & Amumu.

- Taste of Blood provides a small amount of healing to Miss Fortune upon damaging a target with either auto attacks or abilities in combat. While the scaling is low, it does help out Miss Fortune recover health during trades or upon dealing poke damage to the enemy.

- Pick up Zombie Ward for more vision on the map. When combined with Umbral Glaive, you'll create a Zombie Ward with each destroyed enemy ward on the rift. These wards will help by giving you more access to enemy movement and additional objective control.

- When looking for more potency in fights, consider Eyeball Collection. It is helpful when looking for increased damage potential with your autos and abilities, thus giving you more threat presence in team fights and skirmishes. It's an excellent rune choice for any matchup when you run the Domination tree.

- Treasure Hunter on Miss Fortune is an excellent way to gain extra gold per unique takedown and accelerates your build to acquire your core items faster. It is best in games where you can quickly snowball your opponent.

- Ultimate Hunter grants Miss Fortune ability haste towards Bullet Time's cooldown, giving you more chances to dominate in team fights. Very strong when combined with items or runes that offer additional ability haste.

Inspiration Runes:

- Magical Footwear allows Miss Fortune to delay buying Boots to focus on getting your legendary and core items sooner. Once added, you gain extra movement speed in your current pair of Boots purchased. Takedowns will speed up the acquisition process by a small margin.

- Cash Back is an excellent ramping rune for Miss Fortune, allowing her to reach her core items spikes ( The Collector, Infinity Edge, Youmuu's Ghostblade or Bloodthirster) much sooner.

- Biscuit Delivery is helpful when you need additional sustain after trades and skirmishes while giving you more maximum mana per biscuit (max 3)—a staple Inspiration rune taken by Miss Fortune in most of her tough matchups.

- Cosmic Insight provides more access to summoner spells ( Flash, Heal) and item/ward trinket usage in combat. Excellent when paired with items like Youmuu's Ghostblade or other active item effects. It is also beneficial for increasing your vision score.

Precision Runes:

- Triumph provides Miss Fortune with additional sustain and income generation when eliminating enemies after duels and skirmishes. It's an excellent option for more uptime in combat and the ability to snowball your lane due to your increased gold advantage.

- Presence of Mind helps Miss Fortune by increasing mana regeneration as you hit enemies with auto attacks or abilities, ensuring a healthy mana pool before team fighting with the enemy.

- With Legend: Alacrity on Miss Fortune, you'll have more trading power, thus increasing the damage you deal in fights. You'll also have better success farming minions or taking objectives faster.

- Legend: Bloodline can help Miss Fortune when up against opponents who rely on poke spells such as Ezreal, Lux, and Soraka. Although the life steal from this rune may have a lower value when compared to other options, it is still a reliable source of healing.

- An excellent rune option for Miss Fortune improving our damage against low health targets, making it easier to eliminate them in combat. A strong rune choice in both lethality or crit builds for team fights & duels.

Resolve Runes:

- Conditioning helps Miss Fortune by providing some added durability in combat. Excellent into Assassin matchups ( Akali, Kha'Zix, Rengar, Master Yi) or other champions that make it hard for you to survive during fights and duels.

- Bone Plating is a solid defensive option for Miss Fortune, providing damage reduction from incoming attacks & abilities. It can be massive during team fights, such as Miss Fortune, potentially saving you from certain death and leaving the fight alive. Consider Bone Plating into matchups that consist of Assassin or other heavy burst comps.

- Overgrowth is a safe option for Miss Fortune when selecting Resolve as our secondary. It provides an additional layer of durability and gains extra max health from monster/ minion deaths. While the health gained is small, it builds up nicely throughout the game and is a viable option in duels and skirmishes.

I wouldn't recommend this rune when fighting champions who have % health damaging abilities ( Shyvana Flame Breath, Fiora Duelist's Dance, Ornn Bellows Breath, Amumu Despair, Kog'Maw Bio-Arcane Barrage) or build items such as Blade of the Ruined King and Liandry's Torment.

As Miss Fortune, choosing Revitalize is a strong option because it works well with shields and healing from sources such as Legend: Bloodline, Doran's Blade, Bloodthirster, and Blade of the Ruined King, increasing their effectiveness in combat.

Additionally, you will receive increased shielding from the Mountain Dragon soul.

Sorcery Runes:

- Excellent choice for Miss Fortune when you need extra mana (combines nicely with Manamune/ Muramana) plus increased mana regeneration. It has immense value for Miss Fortune and can be a staple pick in any matchup.

- Transcendence provides Miss Fortune with more ability haste during fights, thus increasing your damage per second to enemies and objectives. This is excellent for poke matchups ( Lux/ Ezreal or Sivir/ Zyra) in which you can attack from a safe distance with your abilities.

- Absolute Focus increases Miss Fortune's all-around pressure in fights and duels, so long as you have sustained healing from Bloodthirster, Blade of the Ruined King or other healing sources to maintain the required threshold for the bonus damage—scales nicely with Love Tap providing more burst with each auto attack and Double Up bounce.

- Gathering Storm enhances our damage output from autos and abilities against targets and continues to increase indefinitely. When paired alongside Dark Harvest, it provides additional burst damage against targets.

Rune Shards

When choosing between offensive or defensive rune shards for Miss Fortune, you need to keep in mind certain factors to make the right decision.

Offensive Shards

• Do you require extra attack speed? It is helpful for improved trading and duelling.

• Do you need additional attack damage? Always take at least one adaptive damage shard for Miss Fortune, and maybe two if needed.

• Do you require ability haste? Avoiding this shard is best, as it's less valued than other shard options.

Defensive Shards

• Do you need more movement speed? While Miss Fortune has excellent movement from her Strut, grabbing additional mobility can help in combat.

• Do you need tenacity & slow resist? It is excellent when dealing with comps that load up onimmobilizing effects that inhibit your ability to fight or escape from harm's way.

• Do you need health? With two health options at your disposal as Miss Fortune, knowing which one to take is crucial to your survivability. For longer games, the scaling health shard is a good choice. On the other hand, if you are looking for a more early or mid game option, the flat health shard is more suitable.

Both options are valuable for Miss Fortune, helping her survive and deal with mixed-damage enemy teams.

Always pay attention to the team compositions you are fighting when mixing and matching the rune shards listed above with your Boots and items. It's a sure way to improve your overall survivability in games.

Understanding how to build Miss Fortune can be made easier with this guide, highlighting the best abilities, items, and runes to use with her kit.

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If you have any questions or thoughts to share, please do not hesitate to contact me in the discussion section. I am always happy to discuss things with you and do my best to provide the answers you need.

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