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Thresh Build Guide by Razing42

Support The Chain Warden of Botlane

Support The Chain Warden of Botlane

Updated on May 30, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Razing42 Build Guide By Razing42 54 3 174,914 Views 3 Comments
54 3 174,914 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Razing42 Thresh Build Guide By Razing42 Updated on May 30, 2024
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Runes: Guardian

1 2 3
Font of Life
Second Wind

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Chain Warden of Botlane

By Razing42
Recent Changes
This chapter will contain information about recent changes in patches that are relevant to Thresh.

14.11 changes:
Taking damage from Knight's Vow no longer wastes your Celestial Opposition.

14.10 changes:
Items: Anathema's Chains gone, Abyssal Mask cheaper but better? Zeke's Convergence now has MR making it a much better item. Knight's Vow still good if not better (Micropatch: -100hp, -5 haste. Still great item).

Boots: Mobility Boots replaced by Symbiotic Soles which need testing, but first impression is that they're not as good. Plated Steelcaps are stronger in general, but weaker against AA which is fine as they're 100G cheaper now.

Runes: Font of Life got a very large nerf, especially with the nerf on ranged champions, consider taking Demolish instead.
Why play Thresh?
+ Very strong early
+ Good engage and disengage tools
+ You will have a lot of agency
+ Very fun to play

Thresh has always been present in the support meta and the reason for this is that his kit is flexible and allows multiple different playstyles.
If you want to play a support champion that can save teammates, lock down single targets very effectively or control multiple enemies with a 5-man Flay then you should consider learning to play Thresh.
- Very skill dependant
- Will struggle with weak adc
- Has no sustain
- Gets outscaled by enchanters

Thresh has a very high skill ceiling. This means that you will need to spend a lot of time learning his kit to be able to pilot him effectively. You also have no sustain in lane so if you're playing against a long range lane it can be difficult to get any action going in the botlane especially if you can't access the bushes.
Keystone Cheatsheet

Great into most matchups.

Necessary against engage support.

Fine vs double ranged or dive.
Guardian is great against most matchups as you can fairly easily decide when to proc it as you're ranged and can more easily space with your Adc so it won't get wasted, you can also proc it with your Dark Passage from range.
Aftershock is necessary against engage matchups such as Leona or Nautilus as it will allow you to facetank their engage and create space for your Adc. It will also help in later fights to make sure you don't get oneshot as easily. If you're the only tank/frontline on your team you need it even more.
Glacial Augment helps in double ranged matchups as you make it harder for them to run away from you when you engage on them and also against dive comps as it will make it easier for your carries to kite them when they divers are slowed.
Runes: Resolve

Guardian is really effective as it will help you protect a single teammate more and you can easily use it with your Dark Passage from long range.
Aftershock makes you tankier after you immobilize an opponent, which will allow you to buy more space in front of your team or in lane vs another engage support.
Font of Life just got really nerfed and it's no longer a significant heal. It's still the best choice, but you can consider taking Demolish if you think you can get extra plates from it.
Bone Plating reduces damage taken in a quick trade, but against a botlane that can easily proc it on you without putting themselves in too much danger then Second Wind gives you more sustain against the poke matchups.
Unflinching is a good option if the enemy has a lot of CC uptime in the laning phase, Overgrowth gives you extra health in the late game if the enemy lacks CC.
Alternatively you can go Revitalize if you like going Guardian and Locket of the Iron Solari into Redemption.

Biscuit Delivery is going to give you some mana and health sustain which will help Thresh in the early game. Cosmic Insight gives you summoner spell and item haste which allows for more aggression. Hextech Flashtraption is also a good option for catching your enemies off guard.
Your rune shards are going to change depending on how you prefer to play. Personally I like going Ability Haste, Health Scaling and Flat Health. But if you like going Synchronized Souls and Trailblazer then you can consider taking Movement Speed.
Runes: Inspiration

Glacial Augment allows you to catch people even easier thanks to the slow and it also works really well defensively as it reduces damage to your teammates by 15% from those affected.
Hextech Flashtraption can catch your enemy off guard and lead to more picks.
Biscuit Delivery will keep you healthier and gives you a lot of mana in a pinch in the early game which is when Thresh wants to fight. Use the biscuits when you have low mana to get the most value from them.
Cosmic Insight will give your summoner spells more haste which will enable more aggression, but also gives item haste in case you're running Locket of the Iron Solari or Redemption.

First you have to choose either Second Wind or Bone Plating depending if you're up against poke or engage in lane, then you can choose between Overgrowth if you just want the bonus health or Unflinching if the enemy has a lot of CC in the laning phase.
Your rune shards are going to change depending on how you prefer to play. Personally I like going Ability Haste, Health Scaling and Flat Health. But if you like going Synchronized Souls and Trailblazer then you can consider taking Movement Speed.
Domination secondary

Going Domination secondary gives you a lot of extra vision control from Zombie Ward and some extra MS from Relentless Hunter. This can be really strong if the game is going to get really chaotic and you will need to be everywhere at once. Strongly consider going Movement Speed, Synchronized Souls and Trailblazer with these runes for as much MS synergy as possible.
Great defensive item
Locket of the Iron solari is still a fantastic item that helps you protect your teammates. This is just a fantastic item that should always be at the back of your mind.
Chivalry isn't dead
Knight's Vow is tailor-made for Thresh, it gives you great stats for the cost and helps you peel for your fed teammate and keep them alive (and get some healing for yourself as well).
Speedy roams
Trailblazer is a great item as it gives you and your teammates movespeed to cross the map faster. Even without the slow when fully charged it's still a great item.
Zeke's Convergence creates a slowing field around you which makes you sticker and harder to kite away from.
Big teamfight heal
Redemption is a great teamfight item, it helps in keeping your entire team alive during a fight. Don't be afraid of using it before a fight if you're about to take an objective.
Anti AD item
Armor, haste and even mana are all good stats on him and the added benefits of the passives make this a really compelling item when facing multple AD or AA based champions.
Anti AP item
Abyssal mask gives you a lot of magic resist and health for its cost. It also enables your ap carries to do more damage.
Anti hard CC item
Mikael's Blessing gives you more oppurtunities to peel your team if the enemy has some hard hitting CC spells e.g Enchanted Crystal Arrow or Sleepy Trouble Bubble.
Great objective vision control
Vigilant Wardstone should always be your final item if you get this far. It gives you more wards on the map, more control wards in your inventory and some nice bonus stats as well.
  • Passive: Damnation
    Full Ability Description

    Thresh doesn't gain any Armor per level, in return enemies dying near him periodically drop souls for him to pick up each giving him 1 AP and 1 Armor.

    General tips
    Each soul has a gold value of 40 gold so don't underestimate them.
    You can use your Dark Passage to pick up souls from a safe distance, beware of wasting the CD if you might get ganked though.
  • Q: Death Sentence
    Full Ability Description

    Thresh's most iconic spell, the hook. Used for making picks and peeling scary threats off of your carries. Lowers the cooldown whenever you hit an enemy.

    When you hit an enemy you tug them in twice before letting them go, but you can recast your Death Sentence to dash towards them.

    General tips
    If your enemy has Cleanse you should hold your Ignite until after they Cleanse your Death Sentence. This way they don't Cleanse two things at once.
    Try to pay attention to where the enemy wants to dodge and try to learn the dodging patterns of your enemies. If you notice that the enemy Adc doesn't dodge, but the Support dodges to the left keep that in mind for when you aim the skillshot.
  • W: Dark Passage
    Full Ability Description

    Probably Thresh's most powerful spell. Can be used to very easily reposition your teammates either for the purposes of peel or for followup on your engage. Also gives a shield that scales off of your souls from Damnation.

    General tips
    Place the Dark Passage in the direction your teammate is running. This makes it easier for them to click it and harder for the enemy to block it with a ward.
    You can use your Dark Passage to check bushes or over walls instead of facechecking.
    Your Guardian will be active on a teammate when you shield them with Dark Passage from range.
  • E: Flay
    Full Ability Description

    An incredible tool that will separate the good Thresh players and the great ones. Can be used as a simple knockback for peel or to lock people down for longer or you can utilize it further by cancelling dashes such as Rocket Jump or Elastic Slingshot.

    It also has a passive that makes your AAs deal more magic damage based on your souls and total AD.

    General tips
    If you're playing against a short range botlane you can put one or two more points into Flay and maybe take an extra Adaptive Force so your AA will do some more damage.
    Hold your Flay for just after your Death Sentence ends against certain champions like Kha'Zix, this way you are more likely to cancel their escape ability which they are most likely spamming while they're CCed.
  • R: The Box
    Full Ability Description

    Thresh summons a pentagon which damages and slows the first enemy hit. Subsequent enemies just gets slowed for half of the duration instead.

    Can be used to either help burst a squishy target during your CC or to dissuade the enemy from chasing you further.

    General tips
    After you hit a Death Sentence you can immediately cast The Box during the CC and then Flay the enemy into one of the walls for a massive slow and a decent chunk of damage on a squishy target.
Random tidbits
This chapter will have random information and tips regarding that didn't fit into the guide elsewhere.


Taking Revitalize may look odd on Thresh as he only has a weak shield on his Dark Passage, but it will also buff your Guardian, Font of Life, Second Wind, Locket of the Iron Solari and your Redemption. The small 5% heal and shield power (+10% strength on targets below 40%hp) may not look like a lot but it will add up over the course of a game.

Assuming you don't miss a single minion death then Overgrowth will give you the 3.5% bonus max health on the wave that arrives in lane at 10:30. At that point the other part of Overgrowth gives you 45 HP. At this point Damnation will have dropped around 42 souls giving you 42 armor and AP. Needless to say that in a real game you will be missing some minions either from roaming, recalling or being forced off the wave so realistically this rune will take longer to come online.

Health Scaling vs Flat Health in the bottom row of rune shards? Generally scaling shards are worse on supports as we get less XP than other roles and we need to fight early especially on Thresh. So I would recommend taking Flat Health, however sometimes you can be greedy and take the Health Scaling. Generally if you really need tenacity you're better off just buying Mercury's Treads instead of taking the Tenacity and Slow Resist rune shard.

Cosmic Insight lowers the cooldown of Flash by 56 seconds which will give you a large window where you will have it up and the enemy wont if you trade Flash. Going Ionian Boots of Lucidity with Cosmic Insight lowers the cooldown by 70 seconds instead.


The damage taken from Knight's Vow deactivates your Synchronized Souls and cancels your recall even if the damage is only from minions.

When in a fight without your Knight's Vow target (whether they're dead or just not in the fight) you should try to change your mark to another teammate. This way you're still getting value from the passive. Another thing to remember is that the target doesn't have to be your adc. If your adc is super behind while your midlaner is smurfing you should change priorities. Don't get stuck in the mindset of having to support only your adc!

Solstice Sleigh is not a heal it only gives bonus health, so it is not affected by grievous wounds or heal & shield power. Think of it as a mini Wild Growth.

If you finish your support quest and are starting to have regrets over your choice of item (whether you missclicked the wrong item or think another item will have more value) you can sell your Solstice Sleigh and buy Celestial Opposition from the shop. This does cost you 240 gold because you only get 160 gold from selling your item and it costs 400 to buy it again so it's not super ideal, but it is good to know for those awkward times when you accidentally click the wrong one or get into a really long game. Generally I'd say that Solstice Sleigh gets outscaled by Celestial Opposition.
Selling your support item does NOT remove the wards that you have placed on the map.


Generally starting with Flay is best as it gives you more power and allows for both proactive trades and defensive peel, however when playing against a double ranged botlane I like starting Death Sentence as it gives me the opportunity to catch the enemy off guard level 1.

When you hit a Death Sentence on someone don't immediately use Flay. Instead wait for your Death Sentence to tug them in twice and then Flay them right after your Death Sentence ends. This way you can CC them for longer and potentially cancel their dash/jump with your Flay. Most people will be spamming their escape button during your Death Sentence so this way you will be more likely to cancel their Rocket Jump for example. If you're struggling with the timing then spend a few minutes in Practice Tool and you can get it down pretty fast.

Thresh's Adaptive Force stat is automatically AD and will not change to AP no matter how many souls he gets from Damnation. The only way to change Adaptive Force to AP is by buying an item that has AP like for example Shurelya's Battlesong.
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