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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order 99,99%
Unseen Predator (PASSIVE)
Rengar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Rengar is a very "stat-check" character, but guess what beats this ? A better "stat-check" character x) It should be your main ban even tho you can always outplay him because darius players always play the same
Champion Build Guide
1. Introduction
Hello everyone, and welcome to my AP Rengar guide for patch 14.11!
My name is Enzo, but you might know me better by my online alias, Azzin.
I've been a top elo player in multiple games such as World of Warcraft (enhance main) or battlerite (reached top 40 in duo with a friend). I'm a Rengar main since Season 6. Initially, I focused on playing AD/Jungle Rengar. However, since Season 9, I've transitioned to playing Rengar in the top lane, embracing the challenges and opportunities this role presents.
I now have the goal to reach League top elo using only AP rengar.
But why do i play AP rengar ?
P1Tony clip showcasing the strength of AP Rengar :
Recently, I discovered that AP Rengar is viable and can be incredibly potent, thanks to the innovative strategies shared by players like P1Tony and mArlon547.
Their insights inspired me to take on a new challenge: to climb to Master tier with AP Rengar. This journey is just beggining, if you want to see me go through it, you can check out my stream here : Azzinth
2. Pros / Cons
+AOE Damage
+Insane splitpush
+Strong laning phase
+Great snowball
+Really rewarding to play
Rengar has such a unique design, you can build almost whatever you want on this champ, it has some of the biggest skill ceiling of all game too.
-Not as usefull when behind
-Some matchups are very tricky
-Feels weaker than ad into certain comps
-Hard to learn.
Just like any other assassin, rengar AP will be pretty bad if you fall alot behind.
3. Runes
You can run this 99% of your games and it will never be bad. Give ton of sustain in lane + really helpfull to kite. Also lower CD than
Phase Rush and can proc very often due to rengar's passiv.

As AP rengar your main goal is to kill enemy ADC or fed carry, so
Absolute Focus should be your main pick here.

Here you can pick either
Gathering Storm or
Scorch, depending on if you want more lane pressure or more scaling, i'll often looks at both team comps and choose depending on both teams scaling (if we scale bad, then take
Scorch and aim to close fast, in the other case just pick
Gathering Storm.

You should pick this when facing squishy laner without sustain and without big kill threat on you (for example : teemo, quinn, jayce etc ...), it allows you to poke them out of lane really easily.

This is the one of the most reliable rune page for AP Rengar, if you aim to learn the pick and look for consistency this will probably be the best choice for you, as it's easier to learn than full damage pages.

I like to pick
Transcendence with this build as it's not really meant to "one shot" people, you often aim to use 2 rotation of spells

You'll be going
Scorch more often than not because you'll lack the damage of electrocute, so you kinda need it in lane.

I personnaly like to take

I might pick

If i feel like i need to stay high HP i'll pick either

I'll mostly pick

4. Items

Even after the nerfs
Stormsurge should be your main followup item, as it also gives everything rengar needs. Magic pen, burst and more important : it gives you MS after doing your combo to get out of fights. As rengar you are kind of like a
Diana, you have really good engage but nothing to get out. So the extra MS is super usefull, especially coupled with
Phase Rush.

Build paths (follow-up items) :

If the game is going even or bad you should opt for this build path, as the extra AP won't change much your situation, but the stasis given by


If the game is going really good and enemy don't have a fed carry that can threaten you (like a fed

5. Summoners spells
6. Combo's
AP Rengar Combos
0 Stack Combo
Q before leap > E mid air > W-W
This is a basic combo to use when you have no ferocity stacks. Start with Q before leaping, then use E mid-air, and follow up with W-W on landing to maximize damage and healing.
Q before leap > E mid air > W-W
This is a basic combo to use when you have no ferocity stacks. Start with Q before leaping, then use E mid-air, and follow up with W-W on landing to maximize damage and healing.
4 Stack Combo
Q before leap > E mid air > Q + W on landing > Emp W
With 4 ferocity stacks, this combo maximizes your burst. Start with Q before leaping, use E mid-air, and follow up with Q and W on landing, finishing with Empowered W for a massive burst of damage and healing.
Q before leap > E mid air > Q + W on landing > Emp W
With 4 ferocity stacks, this combo maximizes your burst. Start with Q before leaping, use E mid-air, and follow up with Q and W on landing, finishing with Empowered W for a massive burst of damage and healing.
Empowered Q All-In Combo (early levels (1-5))
Emp Q in bush > leap > E > Q + W > AA > Q
For an all-in, start with Empowered Q in a bush, then leap onto your target. Use E, follow up with Q and W, auto-attack, and finish with another Q for maximum damage output. This is your highest damage combo for the first levels in lane.
Emp Q in bush > leap > E > Q + W > AA > Q
For an all-in, start with Empowered Q in a bush, then leap onto your target. Use E, follow up with Q and W, auto-attack, and finish with another Q for maximum damage output. This is your highest damage combo for the first levels in lane.
General Tips
Before level 7 and when you don't have a lot of AP, it's better to use Empowered Q if you're aiming for an all-in. For smaller trades, use the basic 0 stack combo mentioned above. Adjust your combos based on your ferocity stacks and the situation to maximize your effectiveness in fights.
Before level 7 and when you don't have a lot of AP, it's better to use Empowered Q if you're aiming for an all-in. For smaller trades, use the basic 0 stack combo mentioned above. Adjust your combos based on your ferocity stacks and the situation to maximize your effectiveness in fights.
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