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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Flash + Green Smite
Mosstomper Smite
Threats & Synergies
Ungankable, because he has W. So you can't properly gank your botlane...
Any melee carry is the best for you, since you can easily camp him. Therefore, add any toplane bruiser here.
Any melee carry is the best for you, since you can easily camp him. Therefore, add any toplane bruiser here.
Champion Build Guide

Good with melee champs (
Permafrost) +
Perfect engage and disengage +
Strong in teamfights +
Great gank potential +
Can burst squishy +
Deals AP damage +
Has a lot of CC +
Tank +

Perfect engage and disengage +
Strong in teamfights +
Great gank potential +
Can burst squishy +
Deals AP damage +
Has a lot of CC +

We have a lot of CC, so
Font of Life is perfect for us here. Our allies will constantly heal, attacking our target.

Since we have a lot of bonus resists with
Aftershock and
Fury of the North,
Conditioning will perfectly complement these things by increasing them as a percentage!

Now we are implementing our big resists through health, increasing their effectiveness through mathematics.

FLASH: is the most important spell in the game. It helps you from escaping nasty situations and also for chasing and killing enemies whenever you can't reach them.
MOSSTOMPER SMITE: is the best smite for us since it gives us a shield, increases our resists and resistance to control, in general, everything that the
tank needs!

Items with the same task are to increase your jungle clearing speed. The only difference is
Sunfire Aegis against AD,
Hollow Radiance against AP, so just look at the enemy champions and adapt to them.

Mercury's Treads against a team with a lot of AP or
CC. Buy boots (any, just writing it here) between the first and second items.

Plated Steelcaps against a team with a lot of AD or Auto Attacks. Also, the boots allows you to move around the map faster, thereby you lose fewer
minions on the lane and have time for objects.


And now I'll show you the skills of
Sejuani and some interesting interactions!

- You can use other abilities during
Arctic Assault.
- You can walk through almost any wall.
- You can interrupt enemies' abilities.

- You hit W even with your back.
- W procs E or R stun with Passive.

Passive: Nearby melee allied champions' attacks apply a stack to champions and jungle monsters.
Sejuani deals 55 / 105 / 155 / 205 / 255 (+60% of ability power) magic damage to target enemy with 4 stacks and stuns them for 1 second.

- R procs E with Passive.
Combos on
Sejuani are very diverse, most importantly, use E+R to maximize damage. I'm just going to show you some examples.
Q + W + AA + AA + E + R + AA
AA + AA + W + Q + E + R + AA
AA + AA + W + E + R + Q + AA
As you can see, you can use Q at any time, depending on the situation. That you need to interrupt enemy dash, then you need to initiate, and so on.
Invading is when you as a whole team go to the enemy
jungle at the first level to get some advantage (killing, vision, stealing camps).

When to Invade?
• It is necessary to have a champ with control(

• If you want to know exactly where the enemy will start clearing

• You have strong champs at the first level
• Your

When not to Invade?
• Someone from your team didn't go with you• The enemy is stronger than you at the first level
• The enemy is preparing a counter invade (this should be assumed)
• Your team does not have control at the first level
• You have weak champs at the first level

•Blue side

•Red side

Blue and red lines indicate the color of the side you are playing for.
Sand circles and arrows indicate the places from which your hooker can use the hook (

Counter invading is a way to counter invading of an enemy team. Now I will tell you when it is worth/not worth doing counter invade, and then I will explain how to do it in general.

When to counter invade?
• It is desirable that you have a champ with mass control (

• You have strong champs at the first level
• The enemy will not be waiting for you (for low elo)
• You want to take a risk and gain an advantage
When not to counter invade?
• Someone from your team didn't go with you• If the enemy decided to invade the other side, don't go there, just give it away. Your

• The enemy is stronger than you at the first level
• You have weak champs at the first level
• Your team does not understand how to counter invade (more precisely, it does not know how to warding, more about it later)
Well, now I'll tell you how to PROPERLY counter invade!
1. As soon as you are released from the base, go and put totems at the points I indicated below (choose which buff you will defend, and put 2
Stealth Wards as I showed in form of yellow circles):

2. Stand with the whole team in any place that I specified in the form of blue or red (Depending on which team you are on) circles. A small note: place the
Stealth Wards on the side you are on, do not go to the enemy, you will not have time to hide.
3. Wait for the enemies, and if they come, kill them! If you did everything right, then you will go into the plus.
1. As soon as you are released from the base, go and put totems at the points I indicated below (choose which buff you will defend, and put 2

2. Stand with the whole team in any place that I specified in the form of blue or red (Depending on which team you are on) circles. A small note: place the

3. Wait for the enemies, and if they come, kill them! If you did everything right, then you will go into the plus.

• Ganking Junglers: strong in early game, gank early. Be mindful of their early skirmishes and ganks.
• Powerfarming Junglers: hyperscalers, can only gank effectively past certain powerspikes (levels, items).
• Control Junglers: fast clear + mobility, counter-jungle and ward. Keep your jungle warded and help your
jungler when they get invaded.
• See whether the enemy bot or top leashed to determine the enemy
jungler's starting point (Blue or Red).
• The first gank after 3 camps occurs approximately at the 2:30-2-50 time stamp.
• 1 camp = 4 cs.
Scuttler spawn (potential fight) = 3:30 mins. Possible gank (before camp respawn) 4:30-5:00 mins. 1st buff respawn approximately 7:00 mins.
• Powerfarming Junglers: hyperscalers, can only gank effectively past certain powerspikes (levels, items).
• Control Junglers: fast clear + mobility, counter-jungle and ward. Keep your jungle warded and help your

• See whether the enemy bot or top leashed to determine the enemy

• The first gank after 3 camps occurs approximately at the 2:30-2-50 time stamp.
• 1 camp = 4 cs.

• Ganking junglers
It is important to know which

The game plan of these

• Powerfarming junglers
These champions like

• Control junglers
These champions like

• Red/Blue start
In most cases, you should be able to determine where the enemy

• Jungle clear
You can determine what clear a

• What is counter jungling?
Counter jungling is when you enter an enemy

• When to counter jungling?
Before counter jungling, make sure the enemy is on the other side of the map. Or you are strong and want to kill the enemy, then on the contrary, make sure that you have it.• When NOT to counter jungling?
If there is a risk of dying, then you'd better not go into the enemy
• Counter jungling for killing
You can also go into the enemy

This is a great strategy to gain an advantage, and also by your actions you protect your allies from the

• Vertical jungling is when your enemy takes one of the sides of the jungle (completely top or completely bot), and you do the same on the opposite side.
• vertical jungle if you see the enemy
jungler on the other side.
• vertical jungle if you see the enemy

• What is vertical jungling?
Counter jungling when your enemy takes one of the sides of the jungle (completely top or completely bot), and you do the same on the opposite side.• When to vertical jungling?
If you know that the enemy is taking a side completely, then take the other side completely. This strategy allows you not to lose experience and gold due to enemy counter jungling.

• Check enemy's dashes, shields, etc before ganking. Don't gank mobile enemy if he has his mobile ability.
• Don't gank loosers.
• Counter gank enemy
jungler when it possible.
• Don't use Q immediately, use it when you're near the enemy.
• Don't gank loosers.
• Counter gank enemy

• Don't use Q immediately, use it when you're near the enemy.

• What is ganking?
Ganking is when you come to the lane for the sake of creating some kind of advantage (killing, controlling the wave, preparing for the object, etc).• When to gank?
If possible, then do it!• When not to gank?
If the enemy is mobile and can use the mobile ability to escape. Or if the enemy is stronger than you 1v2 or 2v3.• Counter ganking
If you know that the
• Repeated gank
If the enemy has a

• Pushing after gank
Help your ally push the lane after the gank so that he does not lose the advantage in

• What is diving?
Diving is when you kill your enemy under his own tower. This is a very useful strategy, because the enemy loses the entire wave of
• When to dive?
You need to dive when you are absolutely sure that you will kill the enemy (yes, you can even die, although this is undesirable, if only the enemy would lose all the
• When NOT to dive?
Well, if you're not sure about the murder, then don't try. Also,

Use the button "Target champions only", by default it is on the ~ key. So you will definitely hit the enemy with your targeted skills and auto attacks, no wards or towers will prevent you from clicking on the enemy. I advise you to make it toggle in the settings so that you don't have to clamp it for the entire dive.

Yeah, you don't have many variations of actions. Farm and kill with your team, that's all you can do...

When to Teamfight
• You have a better teamfighting comp• Your team has a numbers advantage
• Your team has a resources advantange
• Your team has hit Item/level powerspikes
• You have a massive lead over your opponent
• The enemy's carry has no way of joining the fight
When NOT to Teamfight
• You're missing your main carry• There are no objectives to fight for
• Your team is not in a good position
• Your team didn't spend the gold
• You don't have a good teamfighting comp
• You don't have vision of every single enemy

• If you are strong, you can stand in a
brush near an important object and trap an enemy who will go to check.
• If you need a teamfight, start killing epic monster.
• If you are weak, then while the enemy takes the object, you can take the opposite one.
• On rare occasions when enemies are on Baron Nashor, you can quickly destroy the lane or even end the game.

• If you need a teamfight, start killing epic monster.
• If you are weak, then while the enemy takes the object, you can take the opposite one.
• On rare occasions when enemies are on Baron Nashor, you can quickly destroy the lane or even end the game.
Imagine, you can use Epic Monsters not only by killing them, but even without killing them. So I'm going to tell you about a few strategies that you can use.
P.S. I will consider everything from the point of view of

• Trap
First, you need to completely deprive the enemy of the view on

• Teamfight imposition
Well, everything is simple here. If you are strong and the enemy is afraid to teamfight with you, you can start hitting
• Exchange of Epic Monsters
If you are weak, then while the enemy is killing

You can also try to quickly kill

• Fast destroying a lane or the Nexus
While the enemies are trying to kill some object, you can push through some lane with the whole team or even finish the game. Although this is a very rare strategy, but you can still use it sometimes.• 1 3 1
I explain it to make it clearer. 1 3 1 means that 1 player goes to the top, 3 players go to the mid and 1 player goes to the bot (there may be another arrangement, for example 3 to the top, 1 to the mid and 1 to the bot). On the bot and the top, you need to send strong champions who can 1 vs 2 (well, or at least so that one of them can 1vs2). Thanks to this arrangement, all lanes will be reinforced with

• 1 4
This is another strategy for using

In this section I will tell you about the light/advanced mechanics of the League. I am sure that most of you already know almost all of them, but I will tell you about everything so that the minority also gets better.

Even the auto-attacks have a cooldown (to reduce the "cooldown auto-attack" we increase our attack speed). While it's recharging, you can move and use skills. Therefore, you MUST move and use your skills after the auto-attack to use this time usefully. This is especially useful in the early game, as our attack speed is very low there.

All auto attacks have 2 phases: before dealing damage and after dealing damage. Each champion has different times of these phases, for example,
Karthus has a very long swing (phase before dealing damage), and
Sejuani has a very long phase after dealing damage (well, or the phase after firing the shot, if you play for the ranged champion). But we're talking about
Sejuani. Therefore, I will move on to the most important thing: the phase after dealing damage is absolutely not needed, so it needs to be interrupted with movement or skill.
How will this improve our game, you ask? Thanks to the interruption of the second phase of the auto-attack, we can either apply any skill faster, or just take a micro step in the direction we need. Combining this with the advice above, you will be able to inflict 3-4 auto attacks more than some noob who does not use these tricks.

How will this improve our game, you ask? Thanks to the interruption of the second phase of the auto-attack, we can either apply any skill faster, or just take a micro step in the direction we need. Combining this with the advice above, you will be able to inflict 3-4 auto attacks more than some noob who does not use these tricks.
With interrupting the second phase
Without interrupting the second phase

If you could not immediately kill a weak mobile champ, for example, 0 10

Imagine, on both bases there is a place invisible to enemy towers in which you can hide when escaping. Use

The northernmost

It's a very simple rule, but my God, how many players don't follow it! Remember, if you take an object and your

Many people play with a fixed camera, but this significantly reduces the effectiveness of the game! Urgently retrain if you play like this. Without a fixed camera, you will be able to better control the map, get more information, and also get skills easier.

I'll tell you right away, this is not an advertisement Porofessor! You can use any other program if it has the same functionality, namely:
1. Tracking the enemy's summoner spells (it helps very well to understand when it is all in and when it is not).
2. Information about the cooldown of each enemy skill (allows you to trade better when the enemy uses ability).
3. Accurate timers of
jungle camps (it is more convenient to go to counter jungle with them).
1. Tracking the enemy's summoner spells (it helps very well to understand when it is all in and when it is not).
2. Information about the cooldown of each enemy skill (allows you to trade better when the enemy uses ability).
3. Accurate timers of

To begin with, I want to say that everything depends on your mentality: how will you play, how fast and effectively will you learn, will you achieve your goals in the game, etc. Therefore, I will tell you 10 ways to save your mentality.

Be honest with yourself in this regard. When starting the game, ask yourself, do I feel good? Am I ready to play 100%? It doesn't matter if you have a lose streak or a win streak, the first game of the day or the sixth one already, if you feel tired, or are negatively focused on the game in advance, then you shouldn't start.

Everyone can make a mistake, including you. So there is no need to be tilted and angry from every unsuccessful moment in the game, you can win even when, it would seem, there is no chance anymore. Do not blame yourself or other players, try to focus on this situation taking into account what happened. Yes, it may seem difficult to do, but if in previous games you could keep your composure, and in the current one you are torn with anger at the slightest mistake, it's worth taking a break.

The path to them can stretch for a long period of time and every time you begin to evaluate your way to the goal, you will receive negative emotions. Set specific and achievable goals for yourself. Even the longest journey can be divided into short intervals, rewarding yourself for every achievement, and looking back at the way you have done, you can make sure that you have done a lot of work on yourself.

However, you should not make achieving the goal your top priority, at least in games. Achieving a goal makes a person happy only for a while, since people tend to devalue their own successes over time. For example, if you have always dreamed of Platinum and took it, soon it will become familiar to you and you will already consider Diamond a higher rank, being disappointed in yourself. It's best to enjoy the process, not the goal.

It's great to look up to someone you consider a role model, but only in terms of how exactly he plays, not what he has achieved. Study how he plays, learn, try, but do not pay attention to the fact that he took the Challenger rank for 110 games.

If the game is caused by an attempt to regain the rating, habit or other impulses, then you need to take a break. Remember that this is just a game, and they are created for fun.

If you only do what you play in the League, then the negative from any failures in it will be 10 times more, because you will think that if you are unsuccessful even in the business to which you have devoted all your time, then what are you good for at all? You should have another hobby, so that if anything, take a break from the League and go into it with your head.

Remember that playing the League takes a lot of time and effort. Keep track of your sleep, nutrition, and fitness. It is scientifically proven that alternating physical and mental activities makes you more effective in both.

It may well turn out that the game is the trigger of your anxiety and anxiety, as well as the negativity in the game can change your behavior in the real world. Sometimes, in order to develop in the game, you need to look at your whole life as a whole, it is quite possible that the reason why you are worried about the results in the game lies beyond it. Also, your toxicity towards teammates is just a way to relieve the tension that has accumulated due to study/work.

• Find a balance between the complexity and ease of your gameplay.
• Focus on the game.
• Remove all external stimuli.
• Get rid of stress.
• Eat, drink, relax, go to the toilet.
• Focus on the game.
• Remove all external stimuli.
• Get rid of stress.
• Eat, drink, relax, go to the toilet.

Flow is a mental state when a person is fully involved in what he is doing, which is characterized by an active focus, full involvement in the process of activity, as well as a distorted perception of time. This technique frees up some of your mental resources involved in mechanical skills, and you can direct these resources to something else.

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